Saturday, April 02, 2011

Globaalin eliitin NWO -prosessia tukevia viherfasismiagendoja: Earth Hour, WWF, Greenpeace ja monet muut rakenteet - ryhmittymät esimerkkeinä

Viime lauantaina oli viime vuosina paljon jalansijaa saanut Earth Hour -tapahtuma (Hesarin juttu), jonka puitteissa ympäristön suojelun, ilmastonmuutoksen torjunnan ja energian säästämisen nimissä symbolisesti piti sammuttaa valot tunniksi ympäri maapalloa tiettyyn aikaan. Kuulostaa äkkiseltään pinnalta katsottuna melko ideaalilta ystävällisyydeltä ympäristöä kohtaan. Varmasti se osaltaan sitä onkin, kun mietimme länsimaiden tuhlaavaa elämäntapaa, jollaista sen ei pitäisi niin paljon ollakaan (Tuhlaavuus on osaseurausta pähkähullusta monetarismista).

Ympäristön hyväksi voi toki toimia hyvässä balanssissa ihmiskunnan tarpeiden kanssa sovitettuna ja sommiteltuna, minkä maisema-arkkitehtuuria opiskelleena tiedän ja ymmärrän hyvin. Earth Hour -tapahtuma pitää kuitenkin siihen nähden oikeastaan päinvastaista ja pahuudellisesti vääristävää orientaatiota sisällään ja piilottaa taustalleen siten äärimmäisen kammottavia juonia ja agendoja globaalin eliitin vyöryttäminä ja suunnittelemina!

On siten kammottavaa huomata, kuinka esim. maisema-arkkitehtuurin parissa ammattisisältöä on valumassa juuri tähän suuntaan; on mm. menty yhä enemmän puuhastelemaan globalistien juonimien viher- ja ympäristöagendojen mukaan. Osoitan tässä näin ollen sen, että viher- ja ympäristöagendoissakin voidaan mennä erittäin överisti (Ja ovelasti!) haitalliseen ja jopa tappavaan suuntaan pahuuden voimien hyväksi pelaten ja niiden hyvyyteen kohtalokkaasti harhaluullen! Tässä kooste- ja lainaussarjakirjoituksessani tuon hyvin seikkaperäisesti ja perinpohjaisesti esille näitä pahuudellisia seikkoja, joita mm. Earth Hour -tapahtuma ja sitä promotoiva WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature) ovat pohjimmiltaan toteuttamassa osana laajaa viherfasismin globalistiagendaa NWO -prosessissa.

Tämä koostejuttuni on erittäin pitkä, joten teille lukijoille pieni ohjeistus; kannattaa jakaa lukeminen muutamaan osaan eri päiville. Kooste on muodostettu runsaasta määrästä lainauksia eri lähteistä ja itse lähteiden koko tekstit ovat vielä paljon pidempiä ja pikkutarkempiakin sisällöltään eli niissä riittää läpikäymistä ja sulattelemista varmaan useiksi viikoiksi.

Lisäksi: Bloggerin tekstieditorin toiminnassa tämän postaukseni kirjoituksen aikana ilmenneiden kappalevälien mahdottomien luontiongelmien vuoksi olen jättänyt lainatuissa teksteissä tekemättä kappalevälit uudestaan niiden kadottua useita kertoja; joudutte siten sietämään paikoin pitkiä tekstipötköjä. Itse luomissani kappaleväleissä käytän myös tätä katkoviivamanipulaatiota, joka ei mene koskaan tasan tekstieditorin ja oikean sivunäkymän erojen takia. Tällaista editoriongelmaa ei pitäisi ollenkaan olla ja sietää, mutta se on jatkunut jo n. viikon. Bloggerin ongelmienilmoitusfoorumilla hyvin moni muukin on valittanut tästä samasta ja kunnon vastausta ei ole tullut (Muka liittyy "vain" Internet Explorerin käyttöön); epäilys tahalliseen sabotaasiin on noussut mieleen! Käytän siksi mielenosoituksellisesti tätä katkoviivavippaskonstia tästä lähtien niin kauan kuin tämä editoriongelma jatkuu.

Tämänkertaiseen aiheeseen vielä perehtymättömille on syytä muutoinkin lausua varoituksen sana: Tavanomainen käsitys ympäristönsuojelusta, ns. viherenergiasta, viheraktivismista jne. kyseenalaistuu ja murenee dramaattisesti tämän selvitykseni myötä ja voi aiheuttaa suurta hämmennystä ja vastareaktiomaista pahoinvointihuimausta ennen kuin voi saavuttaa asioiden kunnollista ymmärrystä...

Aloittakaamme nyt tämänkertaisen aiheen tarkastelu viime lauantaina Earth Hour -kampanjaan liittyneessä Facebook -tilapäivityksessä esille tuomillani lainauksilla, mitkä asettavat pelin luonteen pöytään heti hyvin rajusti:

Infowarsin jutusta (Earth Hour: A Despicable Hoax): "Please investigate for yourself, WWF’s corporate sponsors and see how many of them end up on this list, "Naming Names," which exposes the corporations and special interests that ...keep us at perpetual war and on the edge of financial ruin. Do we honestly think that these corporations care about the responsible stewardship of the planet? Do they care about people? Do they care about the environment? Are they not at the center of the most horrific scandals, atrocities, and wars of our age? If you care about your environment, do yourself a favor, keep your lights on during the next "Earth Hour", and do some reading on how you can empower yourself, your community, and become independent from the petroleum hungry, world ravaging corporations that are promoting their version of "environmentalism" through hijacked organizations like the WWF. They have created in their own image a human-hating Malthusian religion of servile obedience to a world government that "promises" to fix the problems they themselves have created.".

Executive Intelligence Review -jutusta (LaRouche: NAWAPA and Glass-Steagall Are Life-and-Death Issues): " "All these issues which are 'green' issues of this type, the Malthusian issues, are criminal, from the standpoint of the British royal family's support of the WWF, in their attempt to perpetrate those policies on a broader scale. This is mass murder, this is worse than Adolph Hitler. And people who promote this should be put in the class of Adolph Hitler, and probably we may have to get to the same end result." The British Monarchy are a bunch of criminals by virtue of the WWF policy. That WWF policy defines the British royal family as a bunch of criminals, as an institution. There may be individual exceptions in the family, but the point is that, overall, the family's role, its official role, with this WWF, is a crime against humanity. And those who are complicit in the WWF are complicit in a crime against humanity.".

Jatkan seuraavaksi poimimalla runsaasti lainauksia eri lähteistä, mitkä olen valinnut huolellisesti osoittamaan tärkeitä avainkohtia. Alkuperäisistä teksteistä kannattaa silti mennä lukemaan poisjättämäni kohdat, sillä on niissäkin paljon oleellista tietoa tarjolla. Annan näidenkin tekstien puhua enemmän omalla painollaan ja osoitan omia kommenttejani punaisella:

Prince Philip’s WWF, The New Hitler ---> Tämä teksti osoittaa WWF:n olemusta osana globaalin NWO -eliitin työkaluja muodostaa rakenteita ja toimintoja maapallon ihmisväestön radikaaliksi vähentämiseksi, kontrolloimiseksi ja eugeniikka-agendojen vyöryttämiseksi osana ko. eliitin tahtomaa uusfeodaalista diktatuurityranniaa vailla oikeita ja hyväksyttäviä perusteluita. Ihmisvihainen ja satanistimielinen sairaus ja rikollisuus syvällisen universaalilla tavalla käy siis näin heti aluksi ilmi:

"If you want to save the human race from genocide worse than Hitler’s, join Lyndon LaRouche and his movement in destroying the World Wide Fund for Nature, better known as the WWF. Don’t confuse the WWF with your ordinary environmentalists. The WWF is an extension of the international financial oligarchy, including many of its royal families, which hates everything human: people, lifesaving technology, science, and Classical art. It’s a direct extension of the Eugenics movement which the European oligarchy spawned in the 19th Century, with the same bestial ideology that characterized the legendary tyrants of ancient Rome."

"If you think these oligarchs—who, like Britain’s Prince Philip, brag that they would like to solve the "overpopulation" problem by being reincarnated as a deadly virus—can be ignored, think again. For not only has the WWF ideology virtually taken over culture in the industrialized world over the last 45 years, but WWF agents have been imbedded into leading positions within governments and international institutions, where they are able to enforce their prescriptions for genocide."

"Take the question of water, the natural resource on which life itself depends. The WWF wants to take your water away! It has established a "Global Freshwater Programme" dedicated to "protecting" water from any human intervention. The program’s self-proclaimed mission is to prevent construction of any new water management programs globally—and reverse those already built; to stop desalination, the crucial technology for solving the depletion of fossil water; to shift irrigation strategies to "conserving" water; and to discourage water use by turning control over water to the "markets"— so that water costs too much for optimal human consumption. They are even proposing establishing a market for using or trading "water allocation rights." "

"These fellows are insane. For example, their "Dam Project" whines that "for reasons of hydropower, river navigation, irrigation, and flood protection, rivers have been dammed, straightened, deepened, and cut off from the natural floodplains. The water from an entire river basin is sometimes diverted to a neighbouring river basin. . . . Such massive engineering schemes cause irreparable ecological damage, by disrupting the natural flooding cycles, reducing flows, draining wetlands, and inundating riparian habitats, and resulting in the destruction of species, the intensification of floods, and a threat to livelihoods in the long term." What about the fact that such water control measures are essential for saving lives, and putting food and clean water in the mouths of the billions who now lack it? The WWF could care less."

"If that sounds "reasonable" to you, the WWF thinking has contaminated your mind. Human beings have been endowed by their Creator with the ability to create resources on this Earth, sufficient resources to provide for current and future generations, to develop the Earth and its people. Any approach which denies man the right to use that creativity, and instead insists on fighting for scarce resources, is a denial of man’s true nature—and will lead to genocide.".

The Illuminati, wildlife conservation and great culling of the population ---> Tämä teksti käy edellistä vähän laajemmin ja yksityiskohtaisemmin läpi tätä globaalin eliitin viherfasismiagendaa. Havainnollistamisen osansa saavat siinä WWF:n lisäksi mm. Georgiassa olevat "Ohjeistuskivet", ruokaan, juomaan ja terveydenhuoltoon piilotetut "(bio)aseet" ko. tarkoitusta varten sekä tunnetut luontodokumentaristit (Kuten Jacques Cousteau ja Sir David Attenborough), joita on käytetty hyväksi luomalla luontoaktivismille miellyttävä ja kaunis ulkokuori viherfasismin alleen piilottamiseksi. Eliitin kaksinaamaisuutta selitetään myös hyvin; viher- ja ekoaktiivit ovat esim. prinssi Philipin tapaan pinnalta muka niin luontoystävää että, mutta ovat alta malthusilaisia satanistipaholaisia:

"It does not come as any surprise to my mind to find that the elite who run the world or the Illuminati, as they are also known, actually care about wildlife and the natural environment, however, their love of nature does not extend to their love for humanity, in fact, they want to cull the human herd. Many of their members have spoken out more or less openly saying so. For example, Prince Philip, who is a founder of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) said in the forward to If I Were an Animal: "I just wonder what it would be like to be reincarnated in an animal whose species had been so reduced in numbers than it was in danger of extinction. What would be its feelings toward the human species whose population explosion had denied it somewhere to exist.... I must confess that I am tempted to ask for reincarnation as a particularly deadly virus." "

"And underseas explorer Jacques Cousteau, famous for his TV series about marine life, once said: "World population must be stabilized and to do that we must eliminate 350,000 people per day. This is so horrible to contemplate that we shouldn't even say it. But the general situation in which we are involved is lamentable." "

"As I write, Sir David Attenborough is in the news because he has become a patron of the Optimum Population Trust. No, this does not surprise me at all, because I have no doubts that there are members of the global elite who love nature as much as I do, although some of them, like Prince Philip, also enjoy hunting wildlife which I despise."

"The first of ten commandments the Georgia Guidestones makes is this: "Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature." And inscribed on the same monument as the tenth rule is: "Be not a cancer on the earth - Leave room for nature - Leave room for nature." For those that are aware of this it spells it out clearly - they want to protect nature but they want to get rid of most of us who are a "cancer on the Earth." "

"Conspiracy theorists are well aware of the depopulation programme and the Global 2000 plans for culling the human herds of the world. These people in the elite really believe this is necessary and the logic behind it is that Mother Nature herself has ways of keeping animal and plant species within certain limits to maintain a balanced ecosystem, coupled with the fact that humans are using up the planet's resources and consuming more and more whilst polluting and destroying more and more of the environment. The elite see themselves as having the divine right as the caretakers of the world as well as its rulers and so they feel it is right for them to have put into execution plans to eliminate a large proportion of the world's populations"

"Amongst the methods being used to cull the population are poisons like aspartame and carcinogens in our food and drink, the HIV/AIDS virus and other bioweapons, a medical system that often kills and weakens with its chemotherapy, exposure to radiation and drugs treatments, and a deliberate attack on foods both by making them not as nutritious as they once were whilst also engineering food shortages."

"Control of the media allows for a constant barrage of depressing and scary news to make people afraid and so sad that many don't want to live and the daily diet of gloom and doom weakens people's immune systems. Besides these methods war gets rid of large numbers of people and the bulk of money that could be spent on improving life instead goes to the military and the war machine."

"Fluoride is in our water and pushed by the dental industry because as well as making people more docile and easy to control it is a poison that cuts down fertility and leads to people not being able to have children. This is what they want. Advising people to use contraception and have small families failed."

"The myth is that our world rulers and the governments care about the people and are doing what they can to improve life for citizens of the many different countries. They do not and they are not! The elite are are looking after themselves and their families and taking steps, gradually and not so gradually, to eliminate most of us. But it's nothing personal, and I am sure they view it that way.".

Jutussa olevat linkit väestönkontrollin ja väestömäärän vähentämisen agendoihin:

The Convention on Biological Diversity: Cornerstone of the New World Order ---> Tämä pitkä tutkielma on vuodelta 1994, mikä osoittaa kirjoittajan (Henry Lamb) olleen hyvin perillä näistä asioista jo kauan sitten tarjoten hyvin seikkaperäisesti ja perinpohjin tarkasteltua materiaalia globaalin eliitin osallisuudesta viherfasismin muodostamiseen, kehittämiseen ja sen tomintaan panemiseen osana NWO -prosessia.

Tekstissä käydään läpi suuri määrä henkilöitä ja heidän parissa kehittelemiään järjestöjä, organisaatioita, agendoja ja suunnitelmia, mitkä ovat muodostaneet pinnalta katsottuna muka niin edistyksellisen ja muka niin tarpeellisen ympäristöohjelmakokonaisuuden, mutta joka on koko ajan täysin tarkoituksella piilottanut alleen pahuudelliset NWO -agendat mm. maailman väestön vähentämiseksi ja kontrolloimiseksi. Näin kohtuu- ja sydänjärkikäytössä sinänsä hyvänä ilmeneviä ympäristöystävällisyyksiä on saatu manipuloitua kauhistuttaviksi kansanmurha-aseiksi; kuin täytekakuksi, jonka sisällä onkin pommi!

Harhautus globaalia eliittiä tukeviin menetelmiin tapahtuu siinä mm. määrittelemällä ovelasti ns. "kestävän kehityksen" mukaiset infrastruktuurin, energiapolitiikan ja yhteiskuntarakentamisen toimet ja niitä vastoin ne, mitkä eivät muka olisi "kestävää kehitystä" ja edelleen siinä sellaisten syrjäyttäminen ja kieltäminen --> NWO -agendan osien toteutuminen!

Suurina viherfasismin paholaisina analyysissä tunnistetaan mm. Maurice Strong, James Lovelock ja toki tässäkin analyysissä ovat esillä prinssit Philip ja Bernhard. Henkilöiden yhteydet toisiinsa sisäpiirimuotoisesti osana globaalia eliittiä mm. Rockefellerin dynastian pääsylttytehtaalle saakka selvitetään varsin tarkkaan nekin. Organisaatioista ja ryhmittymistä tämän satanistisisäpiirin ympyröissä esiintyvät mm.: World Economic Forum, Club of Rome Aspen Institute, World Future Society, Lindisfarne Association, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), The World Resources Institute (WRI), UNESCO, Trilateral Commission, YK (UN), Green Advocacy Groups (GAGs) ja tietenkin WWF sekä monet monet muut.

Todella kauhistuttavaa tässä tekstissä on havaita juuri se, kuinka kauan nämä globaalin eliitin kätyrit ovat onnistuneet punomaan agendojaan ja rakenteitaan osana moista NWO -prosessia kaikessa hiljaisuudessa (Jopa vuosikymmeniä ja osin vuosisatojakin), mitä vasta nyt viimeksi kuluneen 5 vuoden aikana ollaan alettu laajemmin havaitsemaan ja ymmärtämään; sitäkin silti kunnolla vasta eniten maailman tilanteeseen perehtyneiden keskuudessa, jotka ovat vielä selkeä vähemmistö kansoista:

"The Convention on Biological Diversity is presented by its proponents as a benign document designed to help protect the global environment. The treaty is masterfully written in "soft law" expressly to avoid debate, before ratification, on the hard, binding commitments that must be confronted. Instead, it creates a mechanism called the Conference of the Parties (COP) which is empowered by the treaty to translate soft law into binding protocols - long after the public spotlight has moved to new issues. The Convention on Biological Diversity is not a benign document. Nor is it just another treaty to help protect the global environment. It is the culmination of 15 years of strategic planning and the result of untold billions of dollars invested in a vision of how the world ought to be. The world, as envisioned by the treaty strategists, ought to be dramatically different from the world most Americans strive to achieve. It is a world vision in which American values are seen as the enemy to be subdued. It is a world vision that every American should see before allowing America to become a party to the Convention."

"To get a clearer picture of the world as envisioned by the treaty strategists, it is helpful to know who they are and what qualifies them to propose this watershed document. Maurice Strong is perhaps the single most influential person in the international environmental arena. Strong was born in Alberta, Canada in 1929. At age 19, he worked as an investment analyst, and at age 31 (1960), he became President of Powers Corporation of Canada, a leading investment firm. Shortly thereafter, Prime Minister Lester Pearson, called on him to represent Canada in International Affairs. In 1972, Strong was designated Secretary-general for the UN Conference on the Human Environment, the first "Earth Summit," held in Stockholm. A year later, Strong organized and founded the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), and served two years as its Executive Director. At the same time (1971 - 1978) he served as a Trustee to the Rockefeller Foundation."

"Aside from these rather remarkable accomplishments, Strong also found time to be President of the World Federation of United Nations Associations; Co-chair, World Economic Forum; member of the Club of Rome, Trustee, Aspen Institute, Director, World Future Society, Director of Finance for the Lindisfarne Association, founder of Planetary Citizens, convener of the Fourth World Wilderness Congress, founder of the World Economic Forum, and involved with the Business Council for Sustainable Development, Petro-Canada, Dome Petroleum, and Hydro-Canada. Strong is obviously well-positioned in the international community, and highly influential. Take a closer look. In 1991, the Trilateral Commission published Beyond Interdependence: The Meshing of the World's Economy and the Earth's Ecology, by Jim MacNeill. David Rockefeller wrote the foreword, and Maurice Strong wrote the introduction. Strong said: "This the new reality of the century, with profound implications for the shape of our institutions of governance, national and international. By the year 2012, these changes must be fully integrated into our economic and political life...."(2) He told the Swedish Royal Academy that: "sustainable development" is not just "idealistic notions, but survival imperatives...." And that " it will require the development of an effective and enforceable international legal regime."(3) He also told the Academy that: "The 50th anniversary of the UN next year provides a unique opportunity to restructure and revitalize the prepare for the vastly increased role it must have as the primary multi-lateral framework of a new world order." "

" "New world order" is a popular term that has no universally accepted meaning. What Strong means, however, is increasingly clear. His motivation comes from a deep appreciation, perhaps reverence, of nature. The Lindisfarne Association can be described as a "New Age metaphysical ecological" group, founded by William Thompson. Among the books published by Lindisfarne, is G-A-I-A, A Way of Knowing - Political Implications of the New Biology. (James Lovelock, originator of the gaia theory, is also a member of Lindisfarne). Strong's Colorado ranch, Baca Grande, is home for a Babylonian Sun God Temple, built by Lindisfarne. The association advances the theosopohical idea of one universal religion that realizes that the kingdom of God is in reality, the kingdom of nature.(4)"

"This realization, or "knowing" is the new-age enlightenment that drives the biodiversity-sustainable-use paradigm. This enlightenment apparently comes as a deeply religious experience similar to those described by tent-revival converts. Throughout the deep ecology literature, the common denominator is this experience of "knowing" that defies explanation or refutation." "Scientific evidence is less important to treaty strategists than "knowing" derived from enlightenment. Maurice Strong "knows" what the world needs. He told the gathering in Rio in 1992 that industrialized countries have: "developed and benefited from the unsustainable patterns of production and consumption which have produced our present dilemma. It is clear that current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class - involving high meat intake, consumption of large amounts of frozen and convenience foods, use of fossil fuels, appliances, home and work-place air-conditioning, and suburban housing - are not sustainable. A shift is necessary toward lifestyles less geared to environmental damaging consumption patterns."(6)"

"The Convention on Biological Diversity establishes the international legal framework to require all participating nations to "reinvent" the world in the image envisioned by the treaty strategists. Maurice Strong, in particular, UNEP, and the IUCN are among the primary strategists pushing the treaty, but there are others. The World Resources Institute (WRI), and the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF, formerly the World Wildlife Fund), the Worldwatch Institute (WWI), along with the IUCN, constitute the "supreme command" for the Biodiversity-sustainable-use army. UNEP is the UN Administrative unit that holds the official authority to carry out the orders of the supreme command. This "supreme command" did not assemble by accident. It evolved over five decades through the deliberate design of dedicated people."

"The Fauna and Flora Preservation Society was formed in 1903 to expand the British national park system throughout its colonial empire, which, at the time, covered about one-fourth of the globe. The United Nations was created in 1945, and in 1946, Sir Julian Huxley created UNESCO, the United Nations Education, Scientific, and Cultural Organization. Two years later, Huxley formed the IUCN, the International Union for the Conservation of Nature. The IUCN is closely aligned with the UN, but operates outside the UN's official control or oversight. The IUCN is organized around a group of commissions and committees, many of which are chaired by Directors of the British Fauna and Flora Preservation Society, and include the elite of the nation. Two of the more important IUCN commissions are on National Parks and Protected Areas, and the Survival Service Commission, both of which were chaired for two decades by Sir Peter Scott, Chairman of the Fauna Society. The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) was created in 1961, originally to fund the IUCN. Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, has headed the WWF since its inception. The WWF was launched with a picture of a black rhino in the Daily Mirror on October 6, 1961. Readers contributed 45,000 pounds sterling - to save the black rhino. The Panda has become the logo of the WWF, and both animals are worse off today than they were in 1961 - despite billions of dollars collected by the WWF to save them. In 1971, the "1001" Club was formed by Prince Bernhard of The Netherlands, to fund the WWF. Initial membership fee in the club is $10,000. Bernhard resigned his position with the club and dropped out of the WWF-International after being caught taking a $1 million bribe from the Lockheed Corporation in 1976. Today, the 1001 Club occupies an office building in Gland, Switzerland which also houses the international headquarters of the WWF and the IUCN.(7)"

"Many of the Directors of these organizations are also Directors of other Green Advocacy Groups (GAGs) and foundations. Russell Train, President of WWF-USA (and a Director of both Rockefeller's American Conservation Association and the Rockefeller Brothers Fund) founded the WRI in 1982, and appointed James Gustave Speth as its President. After serving 11 years, Speth was named head of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP). Martin Holdgate is a Director of the WRI, and until January, 1994, was also the Director General (CEO) of the IUCN. Jay Hair, head of the National Wildlife Federation, is also President of the IUCN General Assembly. Michael McCloskey, head of the Sierra Club, and top officials at The Nature Conservancy are also affiliated with the IUCN. Many of these individuals also serve as officials of various government agencies. The connectivity at the Director level of the international and national GAGs is the ingenious mechanism through which the vision of a new world order has been advanced around the planet. The effectiveness of their connectivity was greatly enhanced in the mid-1980s by the emergence of what is now called the Internet, or as Al Gore refers to it, the information super-highway. The Institute of Global Communications (IGC) was founded in 1986. IGC quickly linked PeaceNet and EcoNet and funded ConflictNet, HomeoNet, PaganNet, and others. It is through these computer networks that the GAGs communicate around the world. IGC is now affiliated with the Association for Progressive Communications (APC) which links more than 17,000 activists in 94 countries.(8)"

"The vision of the New World Order is not illuminated by the Convention on Biological Diversity. It is, instead, obscured. The language is deliberately vague, and full of warm and fuzzy buzzwords. Who could take exception to the objective of "conserving biodiversity and the sustainable use of its components?" Who would not be calmed by language that says explicitly "States have...the sovereign right to exploit their own resources pursuant to their own environmental policies?" Who would not be lulled into complacency by such statements as "as far as possible and as appropriate?" This comforting language in the treaty obscures the vision developed in the literature and documents behind the treaty."

"The IUCN and the WWF have been developing "protected areas" around the world for several years, particularly in Africa, China, Australia, and South America. Some insight into what is meant by "protected area" may be gained by examining some of those protected areas already established by the treaty strategists. One such protected area is the Virunga Mountain Park on the Rwanda-Zaire border. The park is administered by the WWF. Local residents were removed from the area, as were the elephants, supposedly to encourage expansion of the gorilla population."

"The new proposed protected area, like almost all other established protected areas, will require that local people find new places to live, all construction and development must stop, including an extension of the TransSiberian Railway, and a major irrigation project. The WWF says that the people "...will have to go to work for ecotourism, making handicrafts or other cottage items to sell to tourists. People will not be allowed to continue to use the habitat forests for fuel or other uses."(11)"

"One of the keys to the successful transformation of the world is the acceptance of the principle of "sustainable use" of biodiversity. The other side of that coin is "sustainable development." Like the term "biodiversity," there is no universally understood and accepted definition of "sustainable use." Sustainable use will be defined by the Conference of the Parties. Sustainable use, however, can be inferred from activity that is said to be "not sustainable." Maurice Strong speaks profusely about activities that are not sustainable."

"Chief among the "unsustainable" activities, are: continued use of fossil fuel, use of commercial chemically produced fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides, use of so-called ozone depleting substances such as freon and other chlorine-based chemicals, and in general, overconsumption. Great care has been taken in the literature to avoid detailed delineation of what "sustainable" activities may be. Chapter 3 of Section 10 of the Global Biodiversity Assessment discusses agriculture, forestry, fishing, and tourism. The discussion divides the activities into "traditional" measures, and "large scale" or commercial measures. Without exception, "traditional" measures are said to be sustainable while large-scale or commercial measures are said to be unsustainable. The document says flatly: "Current agriculture is not sustainable."(15)"

"While not explicitly stated in the document, the implication is clear that "sustainable" activity is that activity which can be conducted by individuals, using "low-input" technology, to provide products and produce for themselves and for a trading market that does not require fossil fuel-powered, or refrigerated transportation systems. In other words, trade areas that are consistent with, and designed to serve "islands of human habitat." "

"This picture of protected areas and sustainable use is enhanced and strengthened by the Global Biodiversity Assessment's discussion of systems of governance. Traditional communal systems of governance are said to promote sustainable use of biodiversity, while more structured systems of governance, such as exist in developed nations, tend to allow degradation or destruction of biodiversity and are, therefore, not sustainable. Moreover, governments are structured on political boundaries, not ecological or biological boundaries, and are therefore in automatic conflict with bioregional conservation objectives. Maurice Strong says, "The only conceivable answer is to establish a new international system of governance...."(20) That new international system of governance, in the new world order, is clearly a web of international treaties, enforced by the United Nations and administered by GAGs at the bioregional level."

"This vision of local governance leaves city councils, county commissions, soil conservation districts, regional water authorities, and state legislatures completely out of the environmental, land use, sustainable development picture. Never happen? Don't be too sure. It is already happening. Literally thousands of private and municipal land use decisions have been blocked by federal regulations. Land use, and therefore resource use, is no longer within the authority of local, or even state governments. Local planning commissions and local county commissions may go through the motions, but their deliberations are likely to center more on compliance with federal regulations than on what's best for the community. When decisions are reached at the local level, they are still subject to approval or reversal by the federal government. Local and state governments are further intimidated by the now common practice of withholding federal highway funds, or education funds, or medicare funds, or other funds - until the local government falls into line with the federal demand."

"The transition to bioregional communal, if not tribal, governance, is not going to happen by declaration. Treaty proponents already fear a backlash, and they are much too smart to deliberately precipitate a rebellion. The goal is long-range and fully integrated into a comprehensive program designed to achieve the desired result. Maurice Strong has said the international framework must be in place by 2012. The biodiversity documents anticipate a transition period of 20 to 50 years. The Wildlands Project says that "The goal should be staying the course, not setting a speed record."(22)"

"The stated objective of the Convention on Biological Diversity is: the conservation of biodiversity and the sustainable use of its components. The vision of the world in which that objective can be achieved is a vision of one international government organized into a myriad of agencies, each of which is responsible for the administration and implementation of various components of the objective. National governments' primary responsibility will be to implement international objectives at the national level through bioregional councils which govern the activities of local residents."

"It is almost impossible to comprehend such a vision against the background of modern American life. Such a vision would be a distinct improvement for much of the world, but in America? That is precisely why it is critical for treaty strategists, that America ratify the treaty. Until America joins the sustainable use team, there is no team. The comprehensive program to achieve treaty objectives has been underway for many years. Much of American life is seen to be inconsistent with treaty objectives. American consumption is targeted repeatedly as an "unsustainable" activity. Industrial technology provides the products Americans consume and it uses natural resources to produce those products. Therefore, industrial technology is the culprit which must be eliminated."

"Energy is the primary industrial target. The use of fossil fuel is said to be the largest contributor to global warming. Treaty strategists use this ruse to justify any action that reduces or prevents the use of oil, gas, coal, or wood as energy sources. Simultaneous attacks on the use of nuclear and hydro energy suggest that the real objective is to destroy the energy-producing industry in order to stop the industrialized technology that produces all the products consumed by America and the rest of the developed world. Global warming, incidentally, is one of those "threats" that is "known" by the enlightened, substantiated only by computer models, which are totally discredited by actual scientific evidence."

"Advocates of the biodiversity-sustainable-use paradigm are moving America closer to the team each day, and America is largely unaware of the consequences. The biodiversity treaty represents the threshold beyond which there is no turning back. For 15 years, treaty strategists have been herding America toward that threshold. The nation stood within minutes of taking the fateful step of ratification in the closing moments of the 103rd Congress. A few courageous Senators said no, and thereby spared the nation - for a while. But the treaty still looms on the horizon, and its proponents are now regrouping to round-up the mavericks and herd America back to the threshold in another attempt to drive this nation into the international corral."

"The leaders of both the international, and national GAGs are inter-connected, and sit as directors, trustees and officials of many of the foundations and agencies that fund their work. They decide which GAGs will be funded, and which specific projects will be activated. These same people fill important policy positions in both the U.S. Government and the United Nations. An incredibly small handful of people are actually driving the biodiversity-sustainable-use paradigm, but their efforts have been phenomenally successful."

"These people, and their GAGs, have left a long paper trail that describes their vision of what the world should be. They have worked diligently to impose their vision upon the rest of the world. They achieved a remarkable degree of success before the rest of the world was even aware of what was happening. The majority of the world still has no idea of what is in store. When Americans first encounter the ecotopian vision of the New World Order, their first reaction is disbelief. Publicly, GAGs and government officials denounce the ecotopian vision as "irrational," or "extreme." Throughout the literature, however, the vision is unmistakable. Treaty strategists are convinced that the world can be saved only by a global government empowered to actively manage the activities of all human beings, with the primary objective being the preservation of biodiversity, regardless of the cost to human beings.".

Seuraava annossarja lainauksia keskittyy LaRouche -liikkeen 1990 -luvulla ylläpitämän sivuston Readings from THE AMERICAN ALMANAC sisältöön. Olen ottanut sieltä tätä aihetta havainnollistavia kirjoituksia, jotka perehtyvät mm. viherfasismin syntyyn johtaneisiin historiallisiin seikkoihin -->

The Nazi Roots of the House of Windsor: Tämä pieni analyysi perehtyy siihen hätkähdyttävään seikkaan, että Britannian monarkialla on aina ollut tiiviit välit fasisti- ja natsipiireihin; He ovat olleet jopa luomassa niiden syntyä yhdessä koko globaalin eliitin kanssa ja osallistuneet natsipuolueen toimintaan vähintään taustapiruina mm. natsi-Saksan aikana. Ko. kolmannen valtakunnan toiminnan eräs keskeinen osa oli juuri ympäristöpolitiikka, jonka puitteissa viherfasismi saavutti aikaisempaa kiteytetymmän ja tuhoisamman muodon.

Esim. juuri WWF:n ja muiden jo yllä kuvattujen organisaatioiden ja rakenteiden muodostamisen kannalta tällä natsisisällöllä on ollut tärkeä merkitys ja siitä kehyksestä viherfasismi onkin hyvin suoraan siirretty nykyaikaan mm. juuri Prinssi Philipin ja kumppaneiden toimesta, ketkä olivat jo yli 70 vuotta sitten joko natsipuolueen jäseniä tai kasvatettu Hitler -jugendin parissa. Yhtenä tuloksena tästä ilmenee nykyään esim. juuri Earth Hour -tapahtuman propagandajuoni osana NWO -agendan kansojen taivuttamista uusfeodaaliniukkuuteen ja -tyranniaan sekä kansanmurhaiseen väestön vähentämiseen. Ei siis niinkään minkään luonnon hyväksi, vaan globaalin eliitin intressien hyväksi;

"One of the biggest public relations hoaxes ever perpetrated by the British Crown, is that King Edward VIII, who abdicated the throne in 1938, due to his support for the Nazis, was a "black sheep,'' an aberration in an otherwise unblemished Windsor line. Nothing could be further from the truth. The British monarchy, and the City of London's leading Crown bankers, enthusiastically backed Hitler and the Nazis, bankrolled the Führer's election, and did everything possible to build the Nazi war machine, for Britain's planned geopolitical war between Germany and Russia."

"So, when Prince Philip, co-founder with Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), tells an interviewer that he hopes to be "reincarnated as a deadly virus'' to help solve the ``population problem,'' he is just "doin' what comes naturally'' for any scion of the Anglo-Dutch oligarchy (see page 8 for more quotes from Prince Philip). To get beyond the soap opera stuff and truly understand the Windsors today, it is useful to start with Prince Philip. Not only was he trained in the Hitler Youth curriculum, but his German brothers-in-law, with whom he lived, all became high-ranking figures in the Nazi Party."

"His Royal Highness Prince Bernhard, royal consort to Queen Juliana of the Netherlands and father of the current Queen Beatrix, co-founded and became the first head of the World Wildlife Fund (now the World Wide Fund for Nature) in October 1961. When the Lockheed scandal forced Prince Bernhard to resign from his most important public functions in 1971, he was replaced by Prince Philip. Prince Bernhard, like Prince Philip, whom he recruited to the eco-fascist cause, had strong roots in the Nazi movement. In fact, the whole House of Orange did: Queen Wilhelmina, mother of the future Queen Juliana, married a right-wing playboy who begged for money for Hitler; Juliana married an SS man (Prince Bernhard); and, Queen Juliana's daughter Beatrix married a former member of Hitler Youth.".

Giammaria Ortes and the Venetian Hoax of "Carrying Capacity": Viherfasismin historialliset juuret ovat tähdellisimmin kiteytetty usein Thomas Malthusin teeseihin, mutta jo häntä ennen 1700 -luvulla Giammaria Ortes kaavaili tärkeitä prototyyppisiä malleja ja agendoja, joista syntyi tärkeitä pohjia globaalin eliitin uusfeodaalisten maailmankuvien rakentamiselle viimeisen 300 vuoden aikana ja siinä osana juuri viher- / ekofasismiin yllä kuvatuin tavoin nykypäivään saakka. Giammaria Ortesin teeseissä näkyy juuri tarkoituksellisen harhaanjohtavasti, "kirsikoita poimivasti" ja valehtelevasti ihmiskunnan ehdollistaminen mm. liikakansoitusmyytin ja eliitti vs. alammainen -asetelman korostamisen piiriin globaalia eliittiä tukien ja kansoja alistaen.

Näitä varten Ortes pyrki tuhoamaan ja minimoimaan vastakkaisen ajattelutavan, missä tieteellisen, älyllisen ja teknologisen kehityksen avulla liikakansoitusvaaraa ei ole ja missä tasa-arvoinen orientaatio ilman eliitti vs. alammainen -tyranniaa palvelee ihmiskuntaa vaikeuksien yli. Viherfasismi toimii juuri näitä vastaan tähdentämällä virheellisesti maailmassa olevan muka suuntaus ainoastaan tuhoisaan liikakansoitukseen ja sitä täytyisi muka hoitaa ainoastaan uusfeodaalisilla ja eugeniikkaan - kansanmurhaan tavalla tai toisella tukeutuvilla menetelmillä.

Ortesin teeseissä kiteytyykin täten koko globaalin eliitin piirissä ja siinä nykyäänkin pahuudellisesti ja elämisen mahdollisuuksia kaventavasti käytetty entrooppinen maailmankuva, kun sitä vastoin antientrooppisesti käytetty maailmankuva luo paljon hyvyydellisemmät, rakentavammat, luovemmat elämänsallivammat ja positiivisemmat lähtökohdat olla olemassa. Ortesin maailmankuvaa sävyttävät myös globaalin eliitin mielipahuudet; behaviorismi, macchiavellismi ja utilitarismi. Näistä syistä johtuen globaalin eliitin NWO -agenda ja viherfasismi PITÄÄ TUHOTA!

Tämän kirjoituksen tekijä Webster Tarpley osaa hienosti juontaa historia-analyysinsä kronologiat ja tapahtumat oivalliseen järjestykseen. Hän puhuu tässä paljon Venetsiasta ja venetsialaisista metodeista. Tämähän on tuttua jo tämän blogini lukijoille, sillä olen monta kertaa tuonut ilmi globaalin eliitin toinen toistaan seuranneiden imperiumimuotojen sarjan viimeisen 1000 vuoden aikana: Rooman valtakunnasta alkaen --> Venetsia --> Brittiläinen imperiumi --> Nykyinen keskuspankkiiri-oligarkki-monarkki -versio pohjanaan Brittiläisen imperiumin perinne. Itse asiassa aikoinaan Brittiläisen imperiumin perustaneet Venetsialaiset oligarkit halusivat tehdä Lontoosta "Uuden Rooman" keskuksen, mikä juuri kuvaa tämän globaalin eliitin vuosisataista verilinjaluonnetta ja syvällisellä maailmankuvien tasolla vuosisataisesti edenneitä agendojaan.

Webster tuo myös esille Ortesin vaikutuksen Karl Marxiin ja sitä kautta marxilaisuuteen ja kommunismiin. Karl Marxin ns. käsittelijä David Urquhart oli oleellisessa osassa istuttamassa Karl Marxin päähän osaltaan Ortesin mallintamia ja sittemmin monien muidenkin erilaisten aiheiden osalta myös Thomas Malthusin sekä Adam Smithin jatkokehittämiä globaalin imperiumin hyväksi synnytettyjä teesejä.

Tämä Karl Marx - Thomas Malthus - Adam Smith -trion kirous on juurtunut niin syvälle länsimaiseen mielentilaan juurikin hyvin tärkeäksi osaksi sitä maailmankuvavankilaamme, että esim. tämän trion teeseistä syntynyt oikeisto - vasemmisto -dikotomia on haitannut oleellisesti havaitsemasta ratkaisuja pois globaalin eliitin monenlaisista kuristusotteista ja tulevista suunnitelmistaan; niistä varmaankin suurimpana raha- ja talousjärjestelmänä olevan monetarismin ymmärtäminen tarpeettoman haitallisena ja tuhoavana systeeminä.

Vanhemman polven kohdalla voimme olla vielä ymmärtäväisiä heidän juuttumisestaan tällaiseen oikeisto vs. vasemmisto -harhaan, mutta nuoremman polven pitäisi jo tietää paremmin; on osattava nähdä "kolmas vaihtoehto" tuon dikotomian ulkopuolella! Siinäkin on tärkeää havaita uusi kaksijakoisen harhauttamisen vaara, jota on alettu käyttämään esim. täällä Suomessa eduskuntavaalipropagandana; vastakkainasettelu olisi muka "EU -myönteisten liberaalien" ja "EU -vastaisten nationalisti-konservatiivien" välillä.

Tämä on harhautusta ja asian vierestä puhumista, koska todellinen ongelman ydin piilee sekä monetarismissa eli rahan syntymekanismin prosesseissa että perimmäisessä kahtiajaossa "alammaiset" vs. "eliitti", missä eliitti generoi ja ohjaa hulluja maailmankuviaan maailman kollektiiviseen tietoisyyteen eli noosfääriin entropian pohjalta; behaviorismi, machiavellismi, utilitarismi, empirismi, (uus)liberalismi jne... Tämäkin on aihe, josta täytyy palata kirjoittamaan omana aikanaan lisää erikseen...;

"During their preparations for the United Nations' so-called International Conference on Population and Development, scheduled to be held in Cairo in September of this year, the genocidal bureaucrats of the U.N. are seeking to condition governments and public opinion worldwide to accept the notion of a "carrying capacity'' for our planet. In other words, the U.N. butchers would like to establish scientific credibility for the idea that there is an absolute theoretical maximum number of persons the earth can support. Some preliminary documents for the Cairo conference set a world population level of 7.27 billion to be imposed for the year 2050, using compulsory abortion, sterilization, euthanasia and other grisly means. It is clear that the U.N. and its oligarchical supporters seek to exterminate population groups in excess of the limit."

"But where does the idea of "carrying capacity'' come from? Is there any scientific basis for attempting to posit any limit for the human family? There is none whatsoever. An examination of the history of the "carrying capacity'' argument reveals that it originated as one of the epistemological weapons of the dying Venetian Republic during the late eighteenth century--that is, of one of the most putrid, decadent, and moribund oligarchical societies the world has ever known. The originator of the "carrying capacity'' argument was Giammaria Ortes, a defrocked Camaldolese monk and libertine, who in 1790, in the last year of his life, published the raving tract Reflections on the Population of Nations in Relation to National Economy. Here Ortes set the unalterable upper limit for the world's human population at 3 billion."

"Ortes (1713-1790) was a Venetian charlatan and mountebank, and his "population possible to subsist on all the earth'' has long since been exceeded and today has been doubled. Ortes was one of the most important ideologues of the Venetian oligarchy in its final phase. Many current proponents of U.N.-sponsored genocide would identify themselves as followers of Parson Thomas Robert Malthus (1766-1834), the author of the infamous "Essay on the Principle of Population,'' which was published in 1798. But all of Malthus's argument is already contained in a more explicit form in the writings of Ortes. In fact, in the entire school of British Philosophical Radicalism after the time of the American Revolution--including Malthus, Jeremy Bentham (1748-1732), James Mill (1773-1836) and John Stuart Mill (1806-1873), there is virtually nothing that cannot already be found in Ortes. The British empiricists were, as usual, obliged slavishly to plagiarize their decadent Venetian originals."

"By the time of Ortes, the oligarchical cancer that was Venice had largely metastasized to the City of London and the new British Empire. The center of the Venetian Party worldwide was now no longer in the Rialto, but between Westminster and St. Paul's, and the English countryside was filling up with Georgian copies of the Venetian architect Palladio. But in many areas of intrigue and manipulation, the Venetians of Rialto remained unequaled."

"So the general direction of Venetian intelligence operations was to act in support of the British Empire, especially by weakening France and the economic school of Colbert. A second axis of Venetian attack was to undercut the influence of the German scientist and philosopher Leibniz, while attempting--as always--to envelop and destroy any and all positive figures in art, music, science and intellectual life. In the process, the Venetians found ways to express their own devotion to absolute, satanic evil. Among the Venetian assets devoted to these activities we find such figures as Giacomo Casanova, Count Cagliostro (Giuseppe Balsamo), and the economist Giammaria Ortes."

"...From Grandi Ortes tells us he learned to think "with the geometrical method.'' What Ortes means by this is that he was inspired to attempt the Newtonian or quantitative formal-arithmetical analysis of human affairs, including history, economics, and population. This completed the consolidation of Ortes as an arithmomaniac, a firm believer in the absurd propisition that everything that matters can be reduced to a column of figures."

"During these years, Ortes became closely associated with one of the most important salons or ridotti of the Venetian aristocracy. This grouping, which was at its height during the period 1740-1760, called itself the ``conversazione filosofica e felice'' ("philosophical and happy conversation group''). This was a Venetian salon in the tradition of the "ridotto Morosini'' of the second half of the sixteenth century, out of which had come Galileo, Paolo Sarpi, and the Venetian orchestration of the Thirty Years' War."

"Ortes's friend and ideologue Nani divided the Venetian aristocracy into four parties or classes: These were the ``signori,'' or richest nobles; the "poveri,'' or destitute nobles, and then two ideological groupings: the "good or quiet ones'' and the "strong and free spirits.'' The latter two were determined by their belief either in quietism or what Nani called "libertinismo.'' Nani classed himself and his friends among the libertines. He said that the libertines really had "a spirit that matched that of the Republic'' and represented the "real,'' "original'' values of Venice. The libertines were a powerful force for the destruction of eighteenth-century European society. These were the freemasons, cabalists, hedonists, gamblers, necromancers, alchemists, charlatans, and polyvalent procurers who advanced under the banner of Hobbes and Locke, Voltaire and Rousseau. The world of the libertines is evoked in Schiller's novel Der Geisterseher. The libertines were a social movement especially in France from the days of Montaigne and Bayle through the French Revolution; they were the social milieu through which Casanova and Cagliostro moved. Libertine networks were an important asset of Venetian intelligence."

"Ortes published two essays in one volume entitled Calculation of the Value of Opinions and of the Pleasures and Pains of Human Life. The atmosphere here is Hobbes and Mandeville, and prefigures the later hedonistic calculus of Jeremy Bentham. Ortes's main point in the Calculation of the Pleasures and Pains of Human Life is that man is above all a creature dominated by pain and suffering, and that what is called pleasure is merely the momentary absence of pain. Pain is the norm, and pleasure the brief exception."

"In 1774, Ortes published his principal work, Della Economia Nazionale (On National Economy). He begins by dismissing as superficial those believers in progress and humanitarians who wish to improve the material prosperity of humanity. Those who have insight can see that."

"Ortes goes on to add some observations on what he calls "economic good and evil'' or the abundance and deficiency of products. As a Venetian Aristotelian, Ortes believes that production is rigidly determined by the number of people involved, and cannot otherwise be increased. The only problems that can be solved by human intervention or the policies of government are to some degree those of distribution."

"This is doubtless a conscious parody of Leibniz's famous doctrine of sufficient reason, which for him was a principle of the intelligibility of causality. What Ortes means, by contrast, is the most vulgar materialism and hedonism. Ortes means that a human being will normally tend to inert torpor, but will be roused to work as much as necessary to survive or to satisfy other needs. However, no one will ever work more than is necessary for survival and for the satisfaction of these needs. Hence derives for Ortes the fixed and unimprovable level of the wealth of each nation, which will always be the product of its population multiplied by this irreducible minimum amount of work."

"Ortes always strictly ignored technological change and the impact that this might have on, for example, agricultural production, or infant mortality and life expectancy. For him, all forms of production were fixed, frozen, and never had and never would change. There was no such thing as progress or improvement. In ignoring technological and scientific innovation, Ortes ignored the primary data of economics and the main factors which determine relative potential poopulation density in the real world. Ortes is interesting only as a kind of Canaletto of economic pathology who provides us with snapshots of a society of monstrous stagnation and decadence, Venice on the eve of its extinction."

"Ortes believed that it was necessary to stabilize world population in a zero growth mode. For this, he recommended celibacy. He called for as many persons to remain celibate as got married, and used tables to show that if this were the case, population would remain permanently stationary. As undesirable alternatives to celibacy he listed prostitution, eunuchs, polygamy, and "other modes of incontinence used by the barbarous nations...'' "

"Ortes admitted more or less openly that he was writing about Venice. His chapters on the demographics of noble families reflected the Venetian decadence: for the family fondo to remain concentrated in a single line of biological inheritance, all the sons but one had to remain unmarried, with the youngest son often being given the responsibility for carrying on the line. More than two-thirds of the daughters of the aristocracy had no hope of finding husbands, and generally entered convents and other religious institutions which quickly acquired a reputation for licentiousness. According to E. Rodenwalt, in the sixteenth century 51% of Venetian male nobles remained unmarried; in the seventeenth century this had risen to 60%, and in Venice's final century to 66%. Of the fourteen doges who reigned between 1675 and 1775, only four were ever married--and this does not count the "dogaressa'' mentioned above."

"In addition to having provided the main ideas for the English philosophical radicals, Ortes also received high praise from Karl Marx. The samples of Ortes's demagogy proivded here may cast some light on the reasons for this affinity. Ortes always provides a class analysis imbued with class conflict according to the shifting alliances of the various strata of Venetian patricians. In volume I of Capital Marx praised "the Venetian monk, Ortes'' as "an original and clever writer.'' For Marx, Ortes was "one of the great economic writers of the eighteenth century [who] regards the antagonism of capitalist production as a general natural law of social wealth.'' Marx quotes Ortes's remark at the opening of On National Economy that "instead of projecting useless systems for the happiness of the peoples, I will limit myself to investigating the cause of their unhappiness.'' In Marx's view, Ortes was distinguished by his steady contemplation of "the fatal destiny that makes misery eternal....'' Doubtless instructed by his master David Urquhart, Marx railed against Malthus as a reactionary plagiarist, but summoned only respect for the Venetian Ortes. In reality, Ortes was no economist, but an evil Venetian charlatan. He was a writer of excruciating boredom who managed to be a pedant while citing no authors other than himself. Yet it is in the name of doctrines of population stability and world carrying capacity traceable back to this raving faker of Venetian intelligence that the international Malthusian movement and the United Nations bureaucracy propose to carry out the greatest genocide of human history.".

How The Green Fascist Movement Was Created: Juttu listaa seuraavat ryhmittymät, järjestöt ja organisaatiot, jotka ovat olleet mukana - osallisena globaalin eliitin juonimassa viherfasismin muodostamisessa. Voitte itse käydä lukemassa alkuperäisestä tekstistä kunkin kohdalla sen, miten ne ovat olleet mukana luomassa taustapiruista ja katalaa viherfasismia;

The United Nations Education, Scientific, and Cultural Organization


The Swiss-based International Union for the Conservation of Nature

The Nature Conservancy Conservation Foundation

Sierra Club

World Wildlife Fund

The WWF's "1001 Club,''

UN Development Program

Friends of the Earth

Survival International

Earth Day

Goldsmith/the Ecologist



Worldwatch Institute

International Food Policy Research Institute: IFPRI

Earth First!

World Resources Institute: WRI

A 2020 Vision for Food, Agriculture, and the Environment.

Prince Philip's Malthusians Launch New Age Killer Cults: Ääriesimerkkejä 1990-luvun malliin siitä, miten hulluimpien ja maailmankuviltaan vääristyneimpien ryhmittymien on sallittu olla olemassa, vaikka ne sisältävät radikaalimpaakin sisältöä kuin natsien teot koskaan olivat luonteeltaan! Ja yllätys yllätys; tässä käydään myös Pentti Linkolan viherfasismipahuus läpi pääpiirteissään.

Jos jollekin pitää panna kova kovaa vasten, niin tällaisille ääriesimerkeille; on huolellisesti pitäydyttävä moisista erossa ja katkaistava moisia teesejä ihannoiviin / kannattaviin kaikki yhteydet viimeistä piirtoa myöten! Heidänlaistensa teesit ja aikeet toimintaan niiden pohjilta on tukehdutettava pois sulkemalla ne yhteisöistä ja yhteiskunnasta tarkkaan pois sekä kriminalisoitava moisten kulttien olemassaolo!;

"In 1988, Britain's Prince Philip expressed the wish that, should he be reincarnated, he would want to be a deadly virus that would reduce world population. [fn1] Today, his wish is finding expression in a proliferation of bizarre, Malthusian grouplets, killer cults, which openly, on the Internet and elsewhere, call for actions to dramatically reduce world population, if not to eliminate the human race in its entirety, on behalf of "Mother Earth,'' or "Gaia." These groups are not just some lunatic fringe that can be brushed aside; they are the shock-troops of Prince Philip and the British oligarchy. They have names like the Church of Euthanasia, the Voluntary Human Extinction Movement, and the Gaia Liberation Front. They represent a more radical version of such clones of Prince Philip's World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), as Earth First! and other eco-terrorist organizations. [fn2]"

"The killer cults, furthermore, are just the gutter expression of ideas that are freely set forth, by "respectable'' groups and institutions, in universities and think-tanks, and by individuals who have held high-level posts in the U.S. government. These are primarily grouped around an entity called Negative Population Growth (NPG), which was created in 1972, and which has become more brazenly homicidal in recent years."

"With its propaganda for a massive reduction of the American population, NPG serves the purposes of those British forces, in the environs of Prince Philip, who have openly stated their intention to destroy the United States, to break the country into separate and competing "bio-regions,'' over the coming years."

"Over the past months, increasing attention has been drawn to the Church of Euthanasia, based in Boston, Massachusetts, and headed by the self-professed "Reverend'' Chris Korda, the son of New York-based author Michael Korda. Chris Korda is a biological male who often dresses in women's clothes. In November 1996, the German magazine Der Spiegel published a three-page exposé of this "Church,'' reporting that it had some 1,000 members in the United States, and was growing. In its literature, Korda's group advocates "suicide, abortion, cannibalism, and sodomy,'' while its title promotes the fifth means of what it calls "massive voluntary population reduction'': euthanasia. One of its heroes is Jack "Dr. Death'' Kevorkian. Among its slogans, promoted on the Internet, are "Save the planet, kill yourself,'' "Thank you for not breeding,'' "Learn to masturbate.'' A Church "Commandment'' reads, "Thou should not procreate!'' Korda writes that he would have, long ago, killed himself, except that he decided it were better that he stay around, to bring about the progressive elimination of the rest of the members of the human species. Korda praises the work of Paul ("Population Bomb'') Ehrlich, a mainstay of the NPG."

"Korda is a regular "discussion partner'' with the more secretive Gaia Liberation Front, based in Toronto, Canada. The GLF was launched on Earth Day 1990. Its "Communiqué 1,'' issued at that time, proclaimed: "Our mission is the total liberation of the Earth, which can be accomplished only through the extinction of the Humans as a species.... Every Human now carries the seeds of terracide. If any Humans survive, they may start the whole thing over again. Our policy is to take no chances.'' The GLF explains, in its literature, that it capitalizes the word "Humans,'' because it regards human beings as an "alien species,'' who have genetically programmed "technological propensities'' that must inevitably end up destroying "Gaia.'' "

"In a document called "A Modest Proposal,'' cynically spoofing Jonathan Swift's devastating attack on British genocidalists, the GLF discusses various possible methods for exterminating the human species. It rejects nuclear war (bad for the environment), sterilization (not fast enough, whether voluntary or involuntary), and suicide (too narrow in application), but then exclaims about the potentials represented by "bioengineering.'' This can produce "genetically engineered viruses'' that will attack "only the target species.'' They continue: "To complicate the search for a cure or a vaccine, and as insurance against the possibility that some Humans might be immune to a particular virus, several different viruses could be released (with provision being made for the release of a second round after the generals and the politicians had come out of their shelters).''

" "One creature who is favorably cited by these grouplets, is the Finnish writer, and self-proclaimed "eco-fascist,'' Pentti Linkola. Linkola is quite a celebrity in Finland, with a substantial following. In his Finland Who's Who entry, he lists his hobby as "destroying human culture.'' Linkola's views were made known to a wide English-language readership, in a May 24, 1994 front-page feature in the Wall Street Journal-Europe, elements of which were then reported on, not unsympathetically, in a London Times commentary by Lord William Rees-Mogg. Noting that Linkola was in favor of "annihilating most of the human race,'' the Journal quoted him saying that a new world war would be "a happy occasion for the planet.... If there were a button I could press, I would sacrifice myself without hesitating, if it meant millions of people would die.'' Linkola harbors a special hatred for the United States of America, because "the United States symbolizes the worst ideologies in the world: growth and freedom.'' In his future eco-fascist utopia, only "a few million'' Americans would be allowed to survive. What must rule the world, in the future, according to Linkola, are "green police,'' unencumbered by the "syrup of ethics'' that governs human behavior today. They would keep progress in check. People would work as fishermen and farmers, and "everything we have developed over the last 100 years should be destroyed.'' According to Linkola, "We still have a chance to be cruel. But if we are not cruel today, all is lost.'' "

"Gruesome stuff. But how different is this, in substance, from what is promoted by Negative Population Growth? NPG, keep in mind, has considerable "respectability'' among British and Anglophile American influentials. It regularly places advertisements in major American newspapers, with its demands for a reduction of the American population to 150 million or lower. Such ad placements obviously require substantial sums of money. One key source of funds, is the Nebraska mega-billionaire Warren Buffett, whose possible links to a circle of high-level satanic child abusers in that state, have become a matter of public controversy. [fn3]"

"The ideas of NPG's head, Donald Mann, as well as those of the NPG's Paul Ehrlich, are promoted by a group in Britain called the Council for Posterity. This group, affiliated closely with the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (Unesco), is politically and philosophically close to Oxford University Darwinian fanatic Richard Dawkins, to New Dark Age fiction writer Sir William Golding (Lord of the Flies), and to the chief British inventors of the Gaia/Mother Earth mythos, James Lovelock and Edward Goldsmith, the latter the brother of, and recipient of funds from, wheeler-dealer Sir James Goldsmith. The Council of Posterity also promotes the ideas of such British malthusians of the past as Unesco founder Julian Huxley and H.G. Wells.".

What The Malthusians Say: Juttu listaa seuraavien malthusilaisten ihmiskunnan vastaisia sanomisia alkaen termille "malthusilaisuus" nimen antaneesta Thomas Malthusista. Voitte itse käydä lukemassa alkuperäisestä tekstistä heidän sairaita ja rikollisia sanomisiaan;

Thomas Malthus

Bertrand Russell

Prince Philip, ... of Great Britain

Paul Ehrlich

Michael Soverstein, president, Environmental Economics

Dr. Arne Schiotz, World Wildlife Fund Director of Conservation

Thomas Lovejoy, World Wildlife Fund

Sir Peter Scott, World Wildlife Fund

Fritz Leutwiler, Bank for International Settlements

William Paddock, US State Department

Julian Blackwelder, The Environmental Fund

Thomas Ferguson, State Department Office of Population Affairs

Michael Novak The Club of Rome

William Paddock, State Department

Robert McNamara, World Bank.

Ja lopuksi tähän aiheeseen vahvasti liittyen Executive Intelligence Review -sivustolta uusi juttu parine lainauksineen johdattaen meidät havaitsemaan myös ydinvoimaan liittyviä globaalin eliitin kataluuksia (Mm. äskettäinen vihreiden vaalivoitto Baden-Württembergin osavaltiossa), joihin aikaisemmin ilmoittamani mukaan palaan myöhemmin erikseen tarkasteluineni ja havaintoineni -->

The German Earthquake ja siitä lainauksia:

"The British Empire, determined at its core to suppress human scientific achievements which threaten its ability to loot and rule, won a dramatic victory in Germany March 27. Aided by a lying press campaign against nuclear power which would make Nazi Propaganda Minister Goebbels blush, the Green Party won sufficient seats in the Baden-Württemberg state elections, to gain its first state minister-president in that country.

"This poses a real threat to Germany as an industrial nation," charged Helga Zepp-LaRouche in her discussion of the election results. As the only voice of sanity for nuclear science and development, Zepp-LaRouche's political party the BüSo, is determined to escalate its efforts to fill the leadership vacuum in the country, against this threat."

"The immediate lessons of the German vote are chilling in their implications.

First, there is the shameless campaign of anti-nuclear hysteria which was waged by the press and the London-funded anti-nuclear movement. More than any other country, Germany was subjected to lies about the damage from the earthquake/tsunami-caused nuclear accident in Japan—complete with pictures of rubblefields accompanied by headlines about the crippled nuclear plants. The day before the election, the cynical anti-science mob called demonstrations against nuclear power, which drew upwards of 250,000, the largest ever in Germany on this issue.

Secondly, there is the role of the utter lack of leadership in defense of the vital interests of the German nation in the run-up to this election. The Christian-Democrats, the party of Chancellor Angela Merkel, which had been in power in Baden-Württemberg for 58 years, knew it was in trouble in the state election. Did it fight to defend the precious machine-tool industry in that state, and the principle of economic progress? To the contrary. Merkel herself capitulated to the Green lies by moving against Germany's nuclear industry, thus enraging the CDU's own pro-nuclear base.

The third lesson is more hopeful: There is every indication that the voters who swept the Greens into power, will turn against them just as quickly. The world is in the midst of a mass-strike process, in which the population, including that in Germany, is in a state of revolt against the institutions which are destroying their lives. As we have seen in the developments in Wisconsin and Ohio, an election victory can be followed almost immediately by a popular uprising against those swept into office only a month before."

"The anti-human Greens, in Germany and elsewhere, will only worsen the financial meltdown and collapse of living standards which is driving that mass-strike process. That means that more people will seek answers to the fundamental questions of value, and science, which the current existential crisis created by the British Empire, in the face of galactic danger, raises. Mankind is at stake—and those who confront that reality with reason, still have time to act.".

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