Sunday, October 06, 2013

Lyndon LaRouchen webcast-seminaarit 27.9. ja 4.10.2013: Yhdysvaltain kriisin eskaloituminen ja länsieliitin epätoivo - Oligarkia vs. humanismi -taistelu jatkuu...

Yhdysvallat on kriisiytynyt parin viime viikon aikana huomattavasti lisää, kun sikäläinen kongressi on lomautettu ja siksi ajettu suurelta osin alas toiminnoiltaan poliittisen umpikujan ja rahaongelmien takia, joista velkakaton uusiminen (Takaraja uusimiselle on lokakuun puoliväli) ja toisaalta poliittiset ongelmat liittyen mm. Barack Obaman hallinnon terveydenhuoltouudistuksen täytäntöönpanoon ovat olleet pahimmat kriisiytimet. 

Tämä on aiheuttanut vakavan uhan talousjärjestelmälle ja yhteiskuntarauhakin - sosiaaliset rakenteet saattavat olla vaakalaudalla tai ainakin menemässä yhä enemmän solmuun ja sitä kautta totalitarismikehityksen ikeeseen yhä vahvemmin!... 

Valtamedian juttuja >> Huolet USA:n hallinnon alasajon vaikutuksista talouteen kasvavatKerry: Hallinnon sulkeminen vahingoittaa Yhdysvaltojen etua"USA:n hallintosulun talousvaikutukset jäävät rajallisiksi" ja USA:n hallinto pysähtyi – tappiot 300 miljoonaa/päivä.

Jan Hurrin analyysi: Nyt kiistelee USA: pitäisikö vyötä kiristää vai löysätä? >> Lainaus: "Nyt pattitilanne on pahempi kuin vuosiin, sillä ristiriidat ovat kärjistyneet julkisen talouden sulkemiseen ensi kertaa sitten vuoden 1996.

Kiistely jatkunee ainakin lokakuun puoliväliin, jolloin liittovaltion lakisääteinen velkakatto uhkaa katkaista velkarahoituksen. Elleivät puolueet pääse sopuun velkakaton korottamisesta, voi liittovaltio joutua omatekoiseen maksuhäiriöön.". 

... Poliittista teatteria, vai onko Yhdysvallat todella ajautumassa nyt vararikkoon romahduttaen maailmantalouden?!...

Niinpä tämän takia näkemyksellistä ja tiukan kriittistä tietoa tilanteeseen tuodakseni poimin taas erityisesti esille LaRouche -liikkeen kaksi viimeisintä perjantai-webcastiä, joissa Lyndon LaRouche vastailee kinkkisiin yhteiskunnallisiin ja (geo)poliittisiin kysymyksiin tämä em. tilannekin huomioiden. Tämä perjantaisten webcastien sarja on jatkunut LaRouche PAC -sivustolla jo pitkään samalla konseptilla ja joitakin aikaisempia webcastejä on ollut tässä blogissani jo esillä.

Tässä seuraavaksi tämän kertaiseen aiheeseen liittyviä äskettäisiä Facebook-statukseni sisältöjä:

>> Yhdysvaltain julkishallintoa uhkaa pakkoloma >> Yhteiskunnan tuhoaminen neofeodalismiin etenee USA:ssa pahaa vauhtia.

>> Pentagon teki kiireostoksia – 40 miljoonalla käsikranaatteja Suomesta >> Kiire kiire kiire tuhlaamaan sotateollisen kompleksin ylläpitoon, vaikka kaikki muu romahtaisi ja rappioituisi.

Länsimaiden neofeodaalistuvan totalitarismikehityksen timantin kova symboli.

>> Obamacare Day 4: Users Still Cannot Login >> Obamacare: Sen lisäksi, että sen ideologinen isä on natsi-Saksan terveydenhuolto, niin se ei edes toimi. Siitäs saitte!

Jo vuonna 2009 LaRouche PAC tuomitsi silloin valmisteilla olleen Obamacare-lakiuudistuksen: Obama Depopulation Policy Exposed! Red Alert!!!!!!

>> Obama Sends Economic Hit Man to Oversee Detroit "Aid Package" for GenocideDetroit on rahatalousparasiitin ja sitä hallitsevan länsieliitin tuhonnassa neofeodaalistamisen ääriesimerkki ja pian mallialusta kaikkialle länsimaihin, mikäli tätä oligarkian eliittihegemoniaa ei lakkauteta!... Itse asiassa tuossa jutussa mainitut halpa- ja orjatyövoimaa luovat neofeodaalistavat poliittiset ohjelmat ovat jo promotoitavina täällä Suomessa!


En ole ollut itse oikein yhteiskunnallispoliittisella kirjoitustuulella viime aikoina ainakaan pitkien pohdintojen suhteen, joten tämän kuluneen viikon yhteiskunnallispoliittiseksi anniksi tämä sopiikin hyvin. En alusta tätä enempää, vaan annan alla olevien kahden webcastin puhua ko. maailman kriisistä sekä toisaalta mahdollisuuksista ja paremmistakin näkymistä:

October 4th, 2013 Webcast >>

October 4th, 2013 LaRouche Webcast: Q1 - Congress Passes on the Issue: "The first question from the October 4th webcast.

You have issued a statement on the deeper economic and financial collapse, and the need to restore Glass-Steagall, in the context of the showdown over the government shutdown, and Obamacare.

Can you provide us with your assessment of the real economic and financial crisis, which most people in Congress are avoiding?".

October 4th, 2013 LaRouche Webcast: Q2 - A General Breakdown Crisis: "The second question from the October 4th webcast.

We are looking at a General breakdown crisis. While the government has been shut down, Obama decided to meet with the CEOs of the largest banks. The number one issue for Wall St. is fear and loathing of Glass-Steagall, and an insatiable addiction to Quantitative Easing.

Last week you commissioned a study on the post-QE hyperinflation. As you’ve made the point, this is not just a depression, but a general breakdown crisis. There is no solution in the present system. Whether you have QE, or not, the system will collapse. Only by introducing an element outside of the system, can you solve this crisis.

Could you address the two topics of the necessity of a solidarity among the people to solve the present crisis, and a scientifically precise idea of a general breakdown crisis?".

October 4th, 2013 LaRouche Webcast: Q3 - China's Long Road Ahead: "The third question from the October 4th webcast.

Question from a Beijing-based scholar: China has made Shanghai a free trade zone. This is the experimental stage for a ‘liberalization’ of the Chinese economy, which, I think, carries risks. Many Asian nations have indicated a willingness to join the Trans Pacific Partnership, which was organized explicitly against China. China’s joining the TPP, would require great ‘liberalization’. On the other hand, not joining it, also carries risks.

In light of these issues, what are risks of China’s joining the Trans-Pacific Partnership, and those of not-joining it?".

October 4th, 2013 LaRouche Webcast: Q4 - The Verge of a New Era: "The fourth question from the October 4th webcast.

There is a shifting geopolitical situation. Netanyahu was in Washington, and is desperate to sabotage the P5+1 talks with Iran. With Russia’s recent role in outflanking the war party in Southwest Asia, initiating nuclear power development projects in other nations, and having a commitment to Mars exploration, together with China’s proposal for a new Silk Road project, it seems we are on the verge of a new global geopolitical era. Could you address this situation?".

October 4th, 2013 LaRouche Webcast: Q5 - Fusion for the Future: "The fifth question from the October 4th webcast.

Would you agree that an Apollo-style program, as proposed by the American Security Project, for fusion power is the right approach?".

October 4th, 2013 LaRouche Webcast: Q6 - 9/11, the Anglo-Dutch, and the Saudis: "The sixth question from the October 4th webcast.

Could you comment on the recent initiatives from Congress and the “9/11 families” to expose the Saudi role in the 9/11 attack? What is its significance in breaking the control of the Anglo-Dutch-Saudi empire?".

October 4th, 2013 LaRouche Webcast: Q7 - A Common British Collapse: "The seventh and final question from the October 4th webcast.

What can be done to hasten the present disintegration of the British empire, as expressed, e.g., in Gambia’s leaving the Commonwealth?".

September 27th, 2013 Webcast >>

September 27th, 2013 LaRouche Webcast: Q1 - Ensuring A Lasting Peace: "The first question from the September 27th webcast.

With the agreement on a new UN Security Council resolution on Syria, and the recent P5+1 meeting on the side lines of the UNGA there has been serious progress on resolving the two most acute crises in Southwest Asia. The attitude of the new Iranian government seems to be open to a new P5+1, the Syrian government has so far moved ahead the recent process negotiated on chemical weapons. This has been a Bipartisan war avoidance effort, lead by the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and members of the Senate and House.

Can these recent developments lead to a new paradigm shift, away from ‘The Great Game’? How can we ensure that this happens?".

September 27th, 2013 LaRouche Webcast: Q2 - The New Sub-Standard of Living: "The second question from the September 27th webcast.

The Standard of living has collapsed, especially since 9/11, and Quantitative Easing, and Wall St. bailouts.

There has been a 50% to 100% or more increase in basic grocery items (e.g., bread, flour, eggs). 95% of the U.S. population has had an only $500 increase in income over the last 11 years. The top 1% of income brackets has had an average increase of over $1,000,000 in income.

The U.S. population has been lied to about a progress out of this economic crisis. Can you tell the U.S. population the truth about this process?".

September 27th, 2013 LaRouche Webcast: Q3 - The Demise of Wall St.: "The third question from the September 27th webcast.

We must cancel Wall St. now, and shut down their looting and pillaging. The relationship of the U.S. population to Wall St. is almost like that of a battered wife to her abusive husband. When you ask does Wall St. pillage, does Wall St. rape, a great many people say 'yes'. Yet, more than 67% of the population still say that we need Wall St. This people needs some uplifting. They need to understand why we don’t need this abuse.

Can you give the population some uplifting about why we don’t need Wall St.?".

September 27th, 2013 LaRouche Webcast: Q4 - Government is no Beast: "The fourth question from the September 27th webcast.

The LaRouche PAC had a Banner in D.C. that read: ‘Shut down Wall St., not the government!’. It is very childish to think that the sequester issue of 'shutting down the government' is what should be debated. In your recent paper Mankind is No Beast you look at the universal principle of human government, an expression of unique role of human beings, as opposed to any simply biological species.

Could you discuss the real role of government, as opposed to what is being debated now, as under the childish debate over budget sequestration?".

September 27th, 2013 LaRouche Webcast: Q5 - Anthropogenic Green Fascism: "The fifth question from the September 27th webcast.

The IPCC report of Climate Gate fame has come out today, and scientists are running as far away from it as possible. There has been no global warming, at least since 1998.

More to the point, this environmentalist agenda has been developed since the assassination of John F. Kennedy, in order to shut down his development initiatives. Since then electricity prices have doubled. Recently roughly 20 members of Congress had to oppose the attempt to shut down coal plants.

But the real question is one of energy flux density. Had we continued fission, and fusion development, by now we would have doubled not electricity prices, but rather energy supply and use per person.

The fraud of anthropogenic global warming is now being put into question. Had we not abandoned the progress of energy flux density accessible to human society, we would not have the many present economic and social crises. Could you address this process of recent history?".

September 27th, 2013 LaRouche Webcast: Q6 - The Sovereign U.S. Citizen: "The sixth question from the September 27th webcast.

Putin’s remarks at the end of last week at the Valday International Discussion Club, identifying the deterioration of Western civilization after the assassination of Kennedy, included the following sentiment that

---  We can see how many of the Euro-Atlantic countries are rejecting their roots, including the Christian values, moral principles, national, cultural, even sexual identity. Without these Christian values people will inevitably lose their dignity.

Every country has to have military, economic, etc. strength, but, in the end, what will determine the success of a society is the quality of its citizens. . . . whether the citizens of a given country considers themselves as part of a nation, . . . , whether they identify with common goals. ---

What is it that citizens in the U.S. have to rediscover about their identity, if we are to save, not only this nation, but also Western civilization?".

Lähteenä: LaRouche PAC

PS.: Maanantaina 7.10. julkaisen takautuvasti tämän sunnuntain kohdalle kolme luonto- ja sääaiheista juttua...

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