Friday, November 16, 2012

Lyndon LaRouchen webcast -seminaarien perjantaisarja loka- ja marraskuussa 2012: Osat 6 ja 7 (Päivitetty!)

LaRouche -liikkeen perjantaiset webcast -seminaarit ovat jatkumassa myös tänään (Suomen aikaa lauantaina 17.11.2012 aamuyöllä) ja ilmeisesti toistaiseksi myös hamaan tulevaisuuteen tästä eteenpäin. Tarjoan teille kuitenkin nyt viimeistä kertaa tässä loka-marraskuun muodossa viime viikkoisen webcast -sisällön ja samalla linkitän tämän päiväiseenkin webcastiin.

Aikomukseni on keskittyä blogissani jatkossa enemmän muihin sisältöihin ja jo ennestään aikomiini "rästeihin", joten jätän LaRouche -aineistot toistaiseksi paljon vähemmälle. Otan niitä silti jossain muodossa aina esille tulevaisuudessakin... Tämän öiseen webcast -sisältöön palaan vielä päivityksessä tässä postauksessa ja vertaan sitä myös edelliseen webcastiin. Seuraavaksi linkki tähän uusimpaan:

Päivitys maanantaina 19.11.2012 klo. 00:55: Olen nyt lisännyt tuon 7. webcast -osan tiedot tähän päivityksen alle. Varsin paljon sen sisältö noudatti edeltäneiden webcastien sisältöä tämän syksyn LaRouche -liikkeen linjausten mukaan eli keskeiset teemansa ovat edelleen varmasti jatkossakin mm.: 

>> Yhdysvalloissa Barack Obaman hallinnon huonous ja maanpetoksellisuus sekä samassa katsannossa myös EU:n rooli osana transatlanttista rahataloustotalitarismia, imperialismia ja fasismia,

>> Geopoliittisen nykyrakenteen havainnollistaminen transatlanttisessa piirissä Brittiläisen imperiumin historiallisena jatkumona, jossa transatlanttisen ko. rahatalouskartellin hierarkia eri osineen (Lontoon City, brittimonarkia, Saudieliitti, Israel, Wall Street, FED, jne.) pyrkii toteuttamaan ihmiskulttuurin alleen tukahduttavaa globaalidiktatuuria. 

>> Yhdysvaltain ja Euroopan reaalitalouksien vajoaminen tämän transatlanttisen rahatalous- ja eliittiparasiitin takia juuri siksi ekonomisena aseena yhä enemmän fyysistä ekonomiaa ja ihmiskulttuuria hajottavaksi liberalistiseksi rappiokierteeksi,

>> Siihen ensinnäkin liittyvän militaristisen imperialismin sekä suur- ja ydinsodan vaaran eliminoiminen eli Lähi-idän ja Pohjois-Afrikan sotien - kaaosten lopettaminen sekä lännen ja Venäjä-Kiina -liittouman välisen vastakkainasettelun lieventäminen. Tässä prosessissa ilmenneiden lännen sotarikosten esilleotto tuomittavaksi,

>> Siihen toisekseen liittyvän reduktionismiin, eugeniikkaan ja totalitarismiin perustuvan malthusilaisen viherfasismin poiskitkeminen haittaamasta edistyksellistä humanismia eli fyysisen ekonomian mahdollisuutta olla ihmiskulttuuria ylläpitävää ja kehittävää elinalustaa,  

>> Glass-Steagall -reformi, kansallisen pankkijärjestelmän luominen itsenäisissä valtioissa ja globaalin NAWAPA -infrastruktuuriprojektin käynnistäminen periaatteellisena tervehdyttämisohjelmana fyysisen ekonomian asettamiseksi ko. edistyksellisen humanismin päätoimintamalliksi käytännössä, 

>> Tieteen, luonnon ja ekonomian korostaminen uudella tavalla antirahataloudellisena valtioperiaatteena yhteenliittäen ne tuoksi fyysiseksi ekonomiaksi, jonka avulla yhteiskuntien tärkein tehtävä on kyetä tuottamaan tulevaisuuteen elinolosuhteita parantavaa ja vahvemmaksi kehittyvää ihmiskulttuuria,

>> Sen takia rahatalouden nykyroolin mitätöiminen em. eliittikartellin käytöstä pois kansallisvaltioiden ohjattavaksi em. tapaan, jossa raha ei ole itseisarvo, vaan fyysisen ekonomian kasvua ja kehitystä parantavaa vaihdonvälinellistä luottoa parannettavaksi fyysiseksi tulevaisuudeksi reaalitalouden toiminnan tehostamisen - sujuvoittamisen kautta,

>> Fyysisen ekonomian sisällön määritteleminen siksi ns. "energiavuon tiheyden" avulla, missä se kuvaa yhteiskunnan kokonaissysteemin (kansantalouden) käyttöön saatavan ja käytössä olevan energiamäärän tehokkuutta ja suuruutta esim. mittaamalla sitä reaalitalouden tuotantotyypeissä pinta-alayksikköä kohden; suurempi energiamäärä = edistyksellisempi fyysinen ekonomia - ihmiskulttuuri,

>> Maailmankaikkeuteen sisältyvien universaalien periaatteiden havaitseminen ja ymmärtäminen energiavuon tiheyttä kasvattamaan pyrkiväksi evoluutioksi pienimmistä materian osista galaktiseen avaruuteen; termodynamiikan toisen pääsäännön kyseenalaistaminen harhaanjohtavaksi,

>> Ihmismielen potentiaalien kuvaaminen organisoivana ja luovana voimana, jolla on kyky ymmärtää ja hyväksikäyttää tahdonalaisesti tätä energiavuon tiheyden kasvattamiseen pyrkivää universaalia evoluutioperiaatetta,

>> Ihmislajin ymmärtäminen tällä tietoa ainoaksi olennoksi, jolla on kyky tuolla tavalla koostavasti ja periaatteellisesti luovaan toimintaan kuin generaattorillisena osana sekä ihmiskulttuurin em. fyysisen ekonomian systeemeitä että oppivana Universumin kanssaluojana,

>> Ihmissivilisaation menneisyyden havaitseminen ja tulevaisuuden visioiminen sen pohjalta kehitysjatkumona, jossa järjestelmien kehityksen pääperiaate on aina pyrkiä luoda ja löytää uusia entistä parempia energiavuon tiheyden suuruutta kasvattavia keksintöjä ja periaatteita; ihmiskulttuurin vahvuuden kasvattaminen,

>> Perikadon vaaran tunnistaminen poikkeamiseksi tuosta evolutiivisesta olemuksesta, kuten juuri transatlanttisen eliitin ylläpitämä rahataloustotalitarismi eri tukimuotoineen (militaristinen imperialismi, viherfasismi, monetarismi, fasismi jne.) sitä on aiheuttamassa kuin antievolutiivinen sairaus....

Monet yhteiskunnallispoliittiset seikat siis toistuvat LaRouche -liikkeellä jatkuvasti ja ehkä joidenkin mielestä väsymykseen ja jankkaamiseen asti liian usein ja liian radikaalin suorasukaisesti, mutta niidenkin yhä uudelleen toistamisessa ja voimakkaasti esille nostamisessa on hyvää pointtia kaiken muunlaisenkin valveutumisen kannalta: Länsimainen sivilisaatio on kyettävä nostamaan perikadon tieltään uuteen renessanssiin ja aika on käymässä siinä liian vähiin!

Palaan jossakin toisessa muodossa LaRouche -liikkeen antiin siis myöhemminkin, mutta tämän vuoden loppuosaa sävyttää tästä eteen päin enemmän muut tutkimuksiini tarttuneet sisällöt...

Lyndon LaRouche Webcast November 16th, 2012

Text Transcript

Keynote: "Keynote address of the seventh in a series of Friday webcasts by Lyndon LaRouche addressed to the American population, leading out of the November 6th presidential elections."

Question 1: U.S. Forces in Benghazi: "Question 1 of the seventh in a series of Friday webcasts by Lyndon LaRouche addressed to the American population, leading out of the November 6th presidential elections. The Question was, "Why were U.S. forces not ordered into Benghazi on 9/11/12?"

Question 2: Sovereign Credit: "Question 2 of the seventh in a series of Friday webcasts by Lyndon LaRouche addressed to the American population, leading out of the November 6th presidential elections. The Question was "Can a sovereign government create credit?""

Question 3: The Recovery Program: "Question 3 of the seventh in a series of Friday webcasts by Lyndon LaRouche addressed to the American population, leading out of the November 6th presidential elections. The Question was if the Economic recovery program will be sufficient to reverse the long term cultural decline."

Question 4: The Role of Science: "Question 4 of the seventh in a series of Friday webcasts by Lyndon LaRouche addressed to the American population, leading out of the November 6th presidential elections. The question was on the relationship between government and the promotion of Science.".

Seuraavaksi ennen viime perjantain 9.11.2012 webcast -sisältöä koostan LaRouche PAC ja Executive Intelligence Review  -sivustoilta täydentäviä ja taustoittavia aineistoja tältä viikolta 46:

British Out To Detonate Middle East Explosion: "Within hours of the announcement that President Barack Obama had won a second term on Nov. 12, British Prime Minister David Cameron moved to pull the Middle East trigger on a global war. While touring the region, from Saudi Arabia, to Kuwait and Jordan, the British leader announced plans to escalate the military campaign to overthrow the Bashar Assad government in Syria, by boosting arms shipments, including heavy weaponry, to the Syrian rebels.".

LPAC Weekly Report: "Michael Kirsch from the Science Research Team opens with a preview of his upcoming article on the fraud of Andrew Jackson; discussion continues.".

The Candidates Show · November 12, 2012"In this week's edition of The Candidates Show, Lyndon LaRouche calls for a national steering committee to bring about a political up-shift in the United States, putting an end to the folly of party politics.".

Obama's Benghazi Failure: "In this video we present the timeline of events leading to the terrorist attacks of Benghazi Libya on September 11th, 2012, and the role of the British-Saudi Empire.".

Hurricane Sandy: A Case for Ending Party Politics: "Hurricane Sandy shows us the folly of forty years of austerity and deindustrialization. Ultimately it is the folly of American's subjecting themselves to the idea of party loyalty. The crisis can be resolved but it requires a total abandonment of party loyalty and to begin to think in terms of the national interest.".

Averting the Fiscal Cliff: "The "business model" approach to the so-called fiscal cliff will be worse than the Greek Troika model. Say no to austerity. Reinstate Glass-Steagall before the new fiscal year!".

Diane Sare Announces for Governor of New Jersey: "Diane Sare, member of the LaRouche national electoral policy committee and former candidate for US House of Representatives, announces her campaign for Governor of the state of New Jersey against Chris Christie. This announcement comes in the wake of the horrible devastation wrought by Superstorm Sandy, with Americans continuing to die as a result of the criminal policies of Christie, Mayor Bloomberg, and President Obama.".

Lyndon LaRouchen pitkä analyysi --> The Calamity of the Second Obama Administration: "What if the second Obama Administration, were to have already followed the same disastrous economic policies which had been the implicitly declared intention of both President Obama, and Mitt Romney? In that case, the optimal expectation would be, and now probably will be, a rapid, and, also, early run-up to a hyper-inflationary collapse of the U.S. economy which is destroying western and central Europe presently. That is already the same course of, accelerating, inflationary collapse, which now grips western and central Europe. This is already combined with the currently increasing danger to all mankind, the already lurking early onset of thermonuclear war.

So, the just-closed Republican Presidential campaign, like that of Obama’s now, implies a presently hyper-inflationary catastrophe, of what has already been the absolutely ruinous, “post-Westphalian” scheme of Britain’s evil Tony Blair. That has been a scheme which had been authored at the apparent direction of the British monarchy’s same Blair, as extended by Blair’s tool, President Obama himself.".

Lyndon LaRouchen webcast -seminaari perjantaina 9.11.2012: Your Options Now

Text Transcript

Keynote: "What's going to happen is, that both parties, in going into the final period of the campaign, have committed themselves to a program of supporting business interests, or the equivalent of business interests, at the expense of the rest of the economy. Now when we consider the fact that actual productive work has collapsed to a minimum in the U.S. economy, that people may be employed but they're employed with make-work, not really productive work—and that's a key problem. And with a business oriented-only kind of thing, it means that a terrible thing will happen to the U.S. economy and its people, if either of these were to be elected.

Now, one of these has been chosen—Obama—as to be the next president of the United States, as well as the present one. And that would portend a catastrophe, considering the fact that Europe already is in a process approaching breakdown, a general breakdown crisis of western and central Europe, as a result of hyperinflation already in progress there. It hasn't reached the full hyperinflation, but it's bad.". Käy kuuntelemassa linkistä / lukemassa tekstiversiosta, mitä muuta Lyndon LaRouche sanoi -->

Question 1: The Second Obama Term: "Now, Lyn, there have been a lot of people who have been eagerly waiting your analysis of the most recent election. And so I would like to ask the first question on the composition, the make-up of the new Obama Administration. I think that people have gotten the recent news from this afternoon that General David Petraeus, Director of the CIA just resigned from office, apparently over an extra-marital affair. Apparently.

Now, what has been in the background of just that case in particular is, for one, the increasing use of the CIA as a secret war appendage, through the use of drone warfare.

The other issue has come up, is that Petraeus was going to testify in front of the Senate Intelligence Committee, on the issues of Benghazi, just, in this coming week. So these are also in the background.

But I would like to get your thoughts on the make-up of the incoming Obama Administration, for example, Hillary Clinton is going to leave. There are questions about, who is going to take the position of Secretary of State. There is a lot of wishful thinking going on, about really hoping for change in the new Obama Administration. So there is a lot of wishful thinking that perhaps, he could change. For example, Democrats continuing to associate themselves with Obama, ride his coattails, for example.

So I would like to get your thoughts on each of those elements. Put to rest some wishful thinking, hopefully.". Käy kuuntelemassa linkistä / lukemassa tekstiversiosta, mitä Lyndon LaRouche vastasi -->

Question 2: The Evil of Environmentalism: "So, your view of man in the universe, is under attack, obviously. Children in school are taught that human beings are a plague on the planet, there's too many of us, this sort of goes everywhere.

I just wanted to read this, this is kind of creepy. This is from the Democrats in the [House] Energy and Commerce Committee. They wrote that, "Hurricane Sandy is exactly the type of extreme weather event that climate scientists have said will be more frequent and more severe, if we fail to reduce our carbon pollution."

Now, I'm not sure if climate scientists were predicting "exactly" this type of hurricane — obviously they weren't — but this quote's an example, you also see it with [New York Mayor] Bloomberg's view that it's not practical to build defenses out in the water around the city. Or, the view of some other scientists that they say, "well Mother Nature's bigger than us, so however big a wall we build, there could always be a bigger storm." Or even, raising the totally academic question, of, "since we would have to make a decision of who gets to be behind a flood wall, and who doesn't this deserves serious thought, and it might be some form of racism to even build it!"

Now, so these are obviously ridiculous things. But I think what's behind a lot of this, certainly behind the comment from [U.S. Rep. Henry] Waxman about carbon pollution and global warming and climate change and all this nonsense, is that it has behind it this idea that there is some sort of natural stasis, that unaltered by mankind, somehow our surroundings are better that way, inherently — like it's the perfect Garden of Eden, and any change that we make is necessarily bad.

With that view in place, it's very difficult — it's impossible! — to take the approach that you're urging with the role of NASA, for defense of the Earth against asteroids, to take the role of actively shaping our surroundings for our well being and for our benefit. So, I'd like to know if you had anything you could say about this evil of environmentalism?". Käy kuuntelemassa linkistä / lukemassa tekstiversiosta, mitä Lyndon LaRouche vastasi -->

Question 3: The Death of the Blair Doctrine: "I actually have a follow-up to that question, and I would like to challenge you, as to whether it's simply mental infirmities or pure evil?

It's interesting, though, there was recently a column published in the British press, stating that an academic actually put the numbers together and came up with the figure of 90%, which is the number of countries currently in existence, that have at one time or another, been taken over by the British Empire. So, in this context, I'd like to point to fact that the election of Obama represents, in reality, the fourth Presidential term of Tony Blair.

And we have a history in this country, as you mentioned Andrew Jackson and his successor, of British-run Presidents. But in the case of Tony Blair, what you have is not only the overt commitment to population reduction, through his Green agenda: He's one of the most outspoken international proponents of the climate change agenda, he continues to be. His influence over Barack Obama, obvious influence over Mayor Bloomberg of New York, that's all well-documented. His policy is clearly a racist, population-reduction policy aimed at, in particular, the developing nations, China, India, the up-and-coming nations, to ensure that their level of technology stays below what is actually necessary to support those populations. That's simply on the issue of climate change, which is fast becoming a hot topic, after the reelection of Obama.

Now, there are other aspects as well, including Obama's health policy, but more important, I think, in international relations, is the interventionist policy; what is well-known as a Blair policy, initially outlined in a 1999, Chicago speech, on the international community, where sovereignty becomes an issue of responsibility. The responsibility in the event of genocide, mass starvation, other events, of an outside force, an international force coming in to intervene into the affairs of an otherwise-sovereign nation.

So this is the Blair policy — excuse me, the Blair Doctrine, and it's something that's been in effect, ever since 1999. It's interesting that each war that's been fought since 1999, since Kosovo, by Great Britain and also by the United States, has been a war of intervention.

So, that much being said, and this being the fourth term of Tony Blair in office in the United States, I'd like to know what can be done in this context? This obviously requires a drastic change! The issues of NATO, currently, if the United States were to prevent, for example, an escalation on the Syria-Turkish border, we would have to go head-to-head, with NATO, with Great Britain.

So, my question to you: What're we going to do about it?". Käy kuuntelemassa linkistä / lukemassa tekstiversiosta, mitä Lyndon LaRouche vastasi -->

Question 4: National vs. Business Economics: "Well, speaking of silly thoughts, you've mentioned a few times tonight, the difference between business, and national economics, where you had written in one of your recent papers that what people understand, say, for example, what Romney meant is his understanding of "business," bore little relation to any of the important issues actually facing our nation. This might seem like a simplistic question, but, could you expand on, how it is, that running a nation is different from running a business?". Käy kuuntelemassa linkistä / lukemassa tekstiversiosta, mitä Lyndon LaRouche vastasi -->

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