Saturday, November 28, 2009

NWO -agenda, EU ja Yhdysvallat - Tämän hetken eliittiyritys perustaa "kommunistisfasistiset" tyranniasupervallat agendojensa pelialustoiksi

Suorasukainen ydinpommikeskitys lännen oligarkkieliittiä ja heidän NWO -agendaansa vastaan jatkuu tässä kirjoituksessa aiheenaan Euroopan ja Yhdysvaltojen politiikan ja yhteiskuntaelämän joutuminen eliitin salaa ja vähitellen junaileman natsi-imperiumin perkeleelliseen valtaan. Euroopassa se ilmenee EU -supervaltion perustamisena, jonka kehittely alkoi vuonna 1954 Bilderberg -ryhmän kokouksessa. Mukana olivat silloinkin natsi-Saksankin takana olleet eliittiporukat ja he ovat nyt saavuttamaisillaan unelmansa uuden sukupolven (Suuri-ikäluokka pääasiassa) avulla, kun Lissabonin sopimus ratifioitiin ja se tulee voimaan ensi kuun alusta. Euroopan valtiot ovat täten alistumassa Brittiläisen imperiumin saatanalliseen syleilyyn yhä rankemmin ja voitte kuvitella, että mm. lakimuutosvyörytys ym. valmistelut EU:n roolista osana eliitin maailmanhallitusta tulee vakavaan runnomisvaiheeseensa.

Yhdysvalloissa puolestaan politiikka ja yhteiskuntaelämä on valjastettu Brittiläisen imperiumin valtaan Barack Obaman hallinnon avulla, jossa itse presidentti on tyhmänä oligarkkien ja brittimonarkian nukkena suorittamassa Yhdysvalloissa rikoksia maan perustuslakia kohtaan toteuttaessaan NWO -agendan vyörytystä siellä monella rintamalla. Kongressi ei ole pekkaa pahempi, vaan mm. Nancy Pelosin, Chris Doddin, Barney Frankin ym. avustuksella Brittiläinen imperiumi on valloittamassa Yhdysvaltoja sen sisältä käsin. Sitä tukevat mm. hullut joukkotuhontaa edesauttavat lakiuudistukset (Terveydenhuollon uudistus), poliisivaltiotyrannian kiristäminen, talouden romahduttaminen ja eliitin valtaan keskittäminen (Fedin ja valtiovarainministeri Timothy Geithnerin toimet eliitin ohjailussa) sekä tarpeettomat Yhdysvaltain sodat Lähi-Idässä (Mm. Afganistan) eliitin USA:n kontolle juonimina. Onneksi on sentään vielä esim. EU:n parlamentissa Nigel Faragen kaltaisia tyypejä pitämässä älämölöä näistä pahuuden aspekteista. Yhdysvalloilla on Lyndon LaRouche ja Alex Jones.

Lisäksi kauhistuttavana piirteenä havaitaan se, että Yhdistyneet kansakunnat alkavat toimia NWO:n toteuduttua ko. maailmanhallituksen eräänlaisena parlamentaarisena globaalielimenä ja monet ko. elimen tämän hetken johtajan Ban Ki-moonin sanomiset ovat siitä järkyttävänä osoituksena; "Ilmastokokous Kööpenhaminassa on maailmanhallitukselle alku." jne. Alla oleva linkkikokoelmakollaasi ja lainausryöppy selventävät kuvioita lisää.

Valtavirtamedia --->

Hesarin jutut: Belgian Van Rompuy ja Britannian Ashton on EU:n uusi johtokaksikko, Vaitonaiset EU-johtajat yrittävät sopia huippuviroista, EU:n tuore ulkoministeri yllättyi itsekin valinnastaan, YK:n pääsihteeri Ban Ki-moon kiitteli EU-nimityksiä, Stubb: Ulkoministeri Ashton solminee vahvat suhteet Clintoniin, Olli Rehn saa talous- ja rahakomissaarin salkun ja Olli Rehn saa talous- ja rahakomissaarin salkun, Obama: USA:n kuluttajamarkkinat eivät takaa enää kasvua, Obama puolusti puheen ja internetin vapautta Kiinassa, Obama puhui kiinalaisopiskelijoille, Yhdysvallat ei ehdi sulkea Guantanamoa vielä tammikuussa, Arvostelijat: Obama nöyristeli Aasiassa ja Lehtiketju: Obama lähettää lisäjoukkoja Afganistaniin.

Taloussanomien juttu: EU:lle presidentti Belgiasta – ulkoministeriksi yllätysnimi.

Vaihtoehtomedia --->

LaRouche PAC:
Czech President Klaus Signs Lisbon Treaty; Says the Country Has Lost Its Sovereignty, After Final Signature on the Lisbon Treaty, EU Commission Pushes Ahead with Monetarist Destruction, LaRouche: Obama is "Absolutely Stupid on China!", Obama Needs A Swift Kick, LaRouche: The Moustache Stays!, Obama Makes an Ass of Himself in China, Obama Returns from Asia, Realities of his Nero-Complex Sink In ja Obama Has Become The Inconvenient President, Obama Accelerates British-Driven Land War In Afghanistan.

Italian MP Denounces Bilderberg Influence During European Parliament Meeting, Bilderberg Van Rompuy the New EU President, MEP Reprimanded For Exposing EU Dictatorship, Is The Day Of Great Leaders Past?, WTO Director General: Global Governance Based on the EU Model Obama Bends to Japanese Royalty ja The Significance Of The Bow: Obama Is A House Servant For The Global Elite.

Lainauksia yllä olevasta linkkisisällöstä --->

"Herman Van Rompuy, the first President of the European Union, recently announced during his installment that 2009 was the first year of global governance. Indeed, 2009 has seen major steps towards global governance. The establishment has also taken severe blows this year, which will be discussed shortly. Pascal Lamy, Director General of the World Trade Organization and frequent attendee of secret Bilderberg meetings, sees the European Union as a testing ground for the machinery of international governance. In a speech in Italy on November 9th, Lamy stated that the EU model should be used on a global scale."

"Ultimately, Lamy sees the United Nations playing a central role in global governance, with the G20 and other international groups reporting directly to the “parliament” of the UN. This beginning stage, according to Lamy, will eventually condense into a solid world government."

"Herman Van Rompuy has stated that the upcoming Copenhagen climate change treaty “…is another step towards the global management of our planet.” Additionally, the anthropogenic global warming theory will give the global government a taxing mechanism on a world-wide scale."

"Czech President Vaclav Klaus signed the Lisbon Treaty, allowing the consolidation of the Anglo-Dutch oligarchy's control over the formerly sovereign states of the European Union. Klaus, who bitterly opposed the treaty, signed after the country's Constitutional Court today announced its ruling that the treaty was compatible with the Czech Constitution, a ruling Klaus opposed.

"The Czech Republic will cease to be a sovereign state" once the treaty enters into force, Klaus said after signing it."

"An astounding exchange took place in the European Union Parliament earlier this week when MEP Nigel Farage was reprimanded for daring to expose the fact that the EU is an authoritarian dictatorship ruled by unelected bureaucrats to the detriment of national sovereignty. Farage effectively broke a tyrannical 1999 law that states it is illegal to criticize the EU."

"As we have seen in the past, the EU is very sensitive about anyone discussing the fact that they represent a dictatorial body.

The Nazis killed people who spoke out against the Third Reich, whereas the EU has implemented an altogether more efficient solution – simply kill their free speech instead.

Earlier this year, a Dutch MP was refused entry to Britain because his political opinions were deemed offensive under EU laws. Euro MP’s have consistently attempted to ban the “dangerous and unregulated blogosphere” in an attempt to shut down free speech on the Internet. Under the 1999 ruling of the European Court Of Justice (case 274/99), it is illegal to criticize the EU and the EU is on a mission to outlaw any national political parties that do not pander to the European federal superstate agenda."

"Jos sota syttyisi 13:15 niin jo 13:20 vallitus voisi tehdä päätöksen että tietoverkot kuuluvat valtiolle. Tosin jo kello 13:16 olisi ensimmäinen pommi katkaissut runkoverkon eli se siitä. Se mitä natsi-Matti ajaa takaa on kansalaisten totaalista kyttäyskontrollia." ---> Tämäkin kuvaa juuri tuota internetin uhkaa eliitille ja se täytyy saada eliitin mielestä kontrolliin, jotta heitä kritisoivat äänet saataisiin poistettua. Siksi Suomessakin Matti Vanhasen suulla on pyritty juuri tähän suuntaan, mutta peittämällä todelliset aikeet muka turvallisuuskysymysten perustelemisilla.

"The foundations for the EU and ultimately the Euro single currency were laid by the secretive Bilderberg Group in the mid-1950’s. Bilderberg’s owned leaked documents prove that the agenda to create a European common market and a single currency were formulated by Bilderberg in 1955. One of the group’s principle founders was H. Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, a former Nazi SS officer."

"As we have highlighted in the past, Nazism and the EU have some very disturbing parallels. Indeed, the two are fundamentally intertwined and the origins of the EU can be traced directly back to the Nazis.

The fact that the EU was a brainchild of top Nazi economists and industrialists, formulated as a means of preserving dictatorial power and then implemented by a former Nazi working under the auspices of the Bilderberg Group in 1955, proves that the entire European Union system is poisoned with a legacy and a raison d’être of totalitarianism.

This is becoming increasingly obvious in the 21st century as popular social movements across Europe rise up to oppose the blatant power grab being undertaken by the EU via the Lisbon Treaty, which was forced through in Ireland earlier this year despite the population having already rejected it in a previous national referendum.

Just like Hitler repeatedly polled Germans of the 1930’s until he could intimidate them into delivering the result he wanted, the European Union has followed the same method. The ratification of the Lisbon Treaty was what enabled the EU to create the post of a European President in the first place, and there seems little doubt that Van Rompuy and Ashton will do everything in their power to accelerate the move towards Bilderberg’s ultimate goal – a dictatorial European federal superstate that completely swallows up what tattered shreds of sovereignty member states have left."

"Obama's a child in a playroom, playing with toys. And he smashes toys, or he cuddles them and strokes them. But there's no relation between what goes on in that playroom which is his mind, and reality. That's where the behaviorist element which he bought into, comes into play. Because the behaviorist is essentially saying, "This doll will do this; this doll will do that; this doll will do this." It's that kind of world that Obama lives in, and all his behaviorist cronies, and they're all playing with dolls. They're trying to teach plastic dolls to masturbate, or something."

"He created an embarrassment for the U.S. and for China, in China, but the Chinese hosts were gracious enough to cover it up for diplomatic reasons. He made a disgusting exhibit of himself in Japan, which will disgust any patriotic American citizen, that a President should bow and kowtow like that to a head of a foreign state—like an imperial submission."

"On the eve of his nine-day trip to Asia, Obama had said in an Oval Office interview with Reuters that the economic relationship between the U.S. and China had become "deeply imbalanced" in recent decades, and that he intended to raise with Chinese leaders the "sensitive" issue of their currency. This would be much to the liking of the London-centered imperial financial predators who complain that the yuan is significantly undervalued.

Adding that China has "a huge amount of U.S. dollars that they are holding, so our success is important to them," Obama then threatened more overtly that "the flip-side of that is that if we don't solve some of these problems, then I think both economically and politically, it will put enormous strains on the relationship."

"It's stupid to do that," LaRouche said. "It's just stupid. What Obama is threatening to do is stupid. In my opinion, obviously Obama's statement is merely another example of his intrinsic stupidity. If he weren't the craziest President in our recent history, he's the least qualified to be an actual President.

"That evil son-of-a-bitch," LaRouche said. "He's absolutely stupid on China! The jerk is stupid! He's not fit for anything. This guy is really a disaster, all the way around. He's incapable of doing anything right." "

"So the President is insane, and his insanity is increasing. We are reaching a point," LaRouche elaborated, "where the U.S. and the Obama Presidency can no longer inhabit the same space for much longer. Our problem is to find a remedy for the U.S. which causes the least friction and risk involved. The point is, the object is—unless we can get some favorable improvement in the President immediately—we're probably moving to the point where the Vice President will be asked to step forward and be the President. And a lot of people around Obama immediately will go out of the administration, with that process, and some additional people will come in to supplement the people from the Obama administration who will remain in office. The option is to have the maximum stability, at a time when our objective should be to get the United States involved in the Four Powers leading partnership among the U.S., Russia, China, and India.".

"Olen onnitellut kollegaani Cathy Ashtonia ja pääministeri Van Rompuyta. Heillä on varmasti kaikki edellytykset vahvistaa EU:n kansainvälistä asemaa, mikä on ollut Lissabonin sopimuksen tarkoituskin", Rehn sanoi STT:lle."

"YK:n pääsihteeri Ban Ki-moon kehui perjantaina EU:n tuoreen johtokaksikon valintaa. Ban totesi lausunnossaan, että nimitykset tukevat Euroopan pyrkimyksiä edistää rauhaa, turvallisuutta, ihmisoikeuksia ja kestävää kehitystä.

EU:n presidentiksi valittiin torstaina Belgian pääministeri Herman Van Rompuy ja ulkoministeriksi brittikomissaari Catherine Ashton. YK:n pääsihteeri kertoi odottavansa tiivistä yhteistyötä molempien kanssa ja toivovansa, että EU:n ja YK:n yhteistyö vahvistuu.

EU:n uudet virat perustuvat Lissabonin sopimukseen, jonka on määrä tulla voimaan ensi kuussa."

--> Nämä viimeiset lainaukset esittävät sen, kuinka valtavirtamedia ei kyseenalaista mitään esim. EU:n kohdalla, vaan ohjailtuna nukkena toteaa vain sen, mitä on eliittiä myötäillen sallittua sanoa tapahtumista. Tämä on vakavampi paikka kuin George Orwellin romaanissaan 1984 kuvaamassaan propagandahelvetissä!

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