Monday, November 22, 2010

Irlannin (Euroopan) antautuminen keskuspankkikartellin tuhontaan: LaRouche PAC -lainauksia tilanteesta

Tilanne keskuspankkikartellin ajamassa kansallisvaltioiden tuhontaprosessissa on edennyt Irannin myöntymiseen ottaa lainaa kansainväliseltä valuuttarahastolta (IMF) pankkiensa (Oligarkkieliitin ja Euroopan monarkian) "pelastamiseen" ja sitoutua samalla leikkaamaan kansalaisiaan varten tarkoitettua hyvinvointivaltiota alas radikaalisti aiheuttaen pitkällä tähtäimellä jopa kansanmurhaan verrattavaa vihollisuutta ja pahuutta! Monet muutkin EU -maat ovat jonossa odottamassa ja pian "saamassa" samaa käsittelyä, kuten Espanja, Portugali, Italia; Britannia ja kyllä; myös Suomi! Uusimmista tilanteen käänteistä kertovat parhaiten LaRouche PAC:n media-annit -->

LaRouche PAC: Videot (Kolme videota lisätty!); It is Tantamount to War: Sink the Inter-Alpha Group, Monday - While You Were Sleeping, Ireland Update: Sovereignty vs Slavery, Update on Bankrupt America ja The World In Review. Tekstit; The Empire in Action: We Need A Little Genocide, Irish Government Forced to Swallow Poison, London to Spain: Bend Over, You're Next, London-Wall Street Dogs Unleashed For Austerity Drive ja Rumpelstiltskin Geithner Praises Irish Suicide.

Noista muutama osuva lainaus --->

"All the plans in the world will not stand up to the reality of the financial hurricane sweeping the planet. As LaRouche emphasized in a Saturday discussion:

"Their system ensures the destruction of humanity, in ways which we call the greatest Dark Age in all recorded history since that point. So there is no possibility of victory of our enemies. They're doomed! The question is, are we going to go down with them? They cannot win; but we can lose!" "

" "You think the thing has been resolved in the existing political factors. But when the existing political factors become intolerable, by their combination, then other factors will suddenly come into play—things which you did not include on the current agenda, will start to come into play as dominant features. Everything that had been off the field of sense perception.

"You cannot rely at this point on the durability of the perceived forces in play, because their very instability brings on the stage forces that are not accounted for in the present estimates.

"This is one of the reflections of the reasons why I have been the most successful medium to long-term forecaster in the U.S. over these past decades, since the middle of the 1950s, on the record. Because people do not understand history. They understand press gossip, not history."

"There is one, and only one, solution to the crisis hitting from Ireland to Washington, whether people currently "see" it or not: Stop the British Empire's intended Dark Age with a Glass-Steagall financial reform, coupled with a new global fixed-exchange rate system to finance true development. That solution has a name: it's called the LaRouche Plan.

The British Empire hate and fear that plan—and its author. They are trying to defend themselves against the Glass-Steagall law, and are determined to not allow it to be implemented."

"The Irish cabinet met in emergency session on Sunday afternoon, and approved a second round of draconian budget cuts—6 billion euros in 2011 and 15 billion in four years—in exchange for a bail-out package shoved down their throats by the hated British Empire. The entire purpose of the loans, which are expected to total upwards of 80 billion euros, is to bail out Ireland's banks, in particular the bankrupt Inter-Alpha Group's Allied Irish Bank."

"Representing the vultures, a 30-person team from the IMF, the ECB and the EU are holed up in a luxury hotel in Dublin, protected by heavy security since protests against them are expected. Trade unions are warning of "civil unrest" on a scale not seen for decades, if the package goes through"

"Lyndon LaRouche yesterday mocked the idea of the threat of "contagion" being used to bludgeon Spain and others into submission. "The whole European system is dying of acute cancer, or something comparable in its effect, and they are talking about a contingency?! They've got the coffins moved in and they're ready to carry the corpses out, and you're talking about 'contagion'?!""

"The Washington Post Schachtian columnist Ezra Klein complained Nov. 18, that the Obama Catfood Commission (a.k.a. Simpson-Bowles Deficit Commission) is "fracturing" over many different cutback proposals, rather than achieving a consensus behind the Obama Commission's version of slashing the population's living standards.
But cacophony aside, the many rival proposals for blood- letting all aim to fulfill immediately the bankrupt system's demands: genocide.

"Timothy Geithner, who has the temperament and the mentality of a Rumpelstiltskin, praised the Irish government's capitulation to London's pressure, saying they are "willing to do some very, very difficult, very, very hard things to dig their way out of this mess. And leaders of Europe have made some very tough political choices." He also warned Republicans in the U.S. to "keep politics out of monetary policy," and stop attacking Bernanke's hyper-inflationary policy. Geithner should butt out of American politics, Lyndon LaRouche commented, and he should take his butt with him.".

Lopuksi suomalaista näkökulmaa viime aikojen taloustapahtumiin linkkikokoelmana Riikka Söyringin blogista (KissanKulmasta). Hänellä on paljon hyviä yhteenvetoja ja huomiota kannattaa kiinnittää myös runsaaseen lukijakommentointiin. Itse havaitsin kommentoijista erityisesti nimimerkin VeliSynkkä, joka minun pitää ottaa tarkempaan syyniin jatkossa. Nimittäin hänen paikoittain ok huomioistaan huolimatta havaitsin hänellä olevan erittäin hälyyttävän Ayn Randilaisen maailmankuvan! Kuten tämän blogini analyyseistä tiedämme, niin Ayn Rand on keskuspankkikartellin (Illuminati) ideologeista merkittävimpiä ja vaarallisimpia viimeisen 100 vuoden aikana! Tästä lisää myöhemmin...

KissanKulmasta -blogi: Siitä pankeilla puhe mistä pankeilla puute: raha, Van Rompuy: Euroalue kriisissä ja Antakaa rahaa pankeille, Teidän on Pakko!-kierros edessä (taas)..

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