Thursday, March 24, 2011

Onko Pohjois-Afrikan - Lähi-Idän myllerrys ja Libyan sota pohjustamassa III maailmansodan alkamisen?!...

Länsiliittouman (Brittiläisen imperiumin) ns. "humanitaarinen interventio" oman NWO -agendansa pönkittämiseksi jatkuu kiivaasti eritoten Libyassa hyödyntäen itse aiheuttamansa koko alueen (Pohjois-Afrikka - Lähi-Itä) epävakauttamista mm. ekonomisen tuhonnan ja sitä kautta aiheutuneiden olosuhteiden kurjistumisten myötä (Mm. ruokakriisin kärjistyminen) lisänään paikalliset diktaattorihallinnot ym. vajaasti kansan ääntä kuuntelevat valtiomuodot.

Viime viikonlopusta alkaen Libyaa vastaan aloitetut sotatoimet on kuitenkin harsotettu valtavirtamediassa hyvin vahvasti lähinnä vain Gaddafin tyrannisen vallan (Mikä on kyllä totta ainakin osaksi, mutta tässä tilanteessa varmasti propagandasyistä liioiteltuakin) syrjäyttämiseksi eli siis muka ns. humanitaarinen projekti olisi nyt käynnissä; oikeasti tämä nyt aloitettu konflikti on jo monta vuotta aikaisemmin suunniteltu osa globalistien kuvattua pankkiiri-, oligarkki- ja monarkkidiktatuurin "shakkipeliä"!

Alle listasin juttulinkkeinä valtavan määrän tätä valtavirtamedian lähes tyystin piilottamaa tietoa Libyaan liittyvistä käänteistä tässä vaiheessa ja osa niistä koskee myös koko Pohjois-Afrikan - Lähi-Idän vallankumouksellista ja kaaoottisen epävakaata tilannetta. Nämä alla olevat sisällöt ovat tulleet viime viikonlopusta alkaen vastaani mm. Facebookissa poliittisesti aktiivisten tuttujeni / ystävieni tilapäivityksissä ja omissa tutkimuksissani; annan niiden kertoa omalla painollaan monipuolisesti ja hyvin hätkähdyttävästikin tästä jopa Kolmatta maailmansotaa lietsovasta tilanteesta tällä kertaa ilman sen kummempia omia arvioitani.

Osaltaan tällä runsaudellaan ja järkyttävyydellään ko. sisällöt kuvaavatkin sitä pahuuden päättymättömältä ja mielettömältä vaikuttavaa tsunamivyöryä, jonka kaksi pääaiheuttajaa ovat globaaliksi eliitiksi kutsuttu entiteetti (Brittiläinen imperiumi) ja toisaalta meidän kaikkien kansalaisten enemmän tai vähemmän vieläkin dramaattisesti ilmenevä välinpitämättömyys ja valveutumattomuus.

Olemme valitettavasti äärimmäisissä vaikeuksissa, kun osa viettää edelleenkin "suojattua elämää" muka hyvissä olosuhteissa, kun eivät vielä ole vain kohdanneet omassa elämässään dramaattista pahuutta tai tulevaisuutta tuhoavia ongelmia. He kuvittelevat, että vanha jo tavallaan sisältä päin tuhoutunut maailma muka vielä eläisi ja kantaisi lähes kuin ennenkin. Se on suuri maailmankuvallisen orientaation virhe tässä maailman tilanteessa, missä ko. maailmankuvavankilasta pitää tulla ulos hahmottelemaan optimistista ja uudelle humaanille pohjalle rakennettavaa renessanssia!

Näihin kammottavien (sota)teemojen kritisoimisiin ja paremman hahmottelemisiin niiden tilalle palaan varmasti myöhemminkin monta kertaa, sillä ei ole valitettavasti oletettavaa, että nämä myllerrykset yhtäkkiä ollenkaan loppuisivat ehkä jopa hyvin pitkään aikaan... Myöhemmin kuva alkaa selvitä enemmän myös siitä, minkälainen globaalisti leviävä sota olisi uhkaamassa... Edellisessä kirjoituksessanikin käsittelin jo osaltaan näitä teemoja, joka tässä alustukseni lopuksi; Kaikkien aikojen vallankumousaalto rakentumassa kansannousumentaliteetin ja uusfeodaalistavan monetarismin eskaloimina.

David Icke; Headlines -juttuja lainauksineen -->

Aluksi David Icken varoitus maailmansodasta --> David Icke - Fork in The Road (They Want To Trigger World War III)!

The Ongoing Plot To Create 'Greater Israel'; (Varsinainen juttu) " 'The author of the following point wrote about these things in 1968. Since then, to make things worse, warring Israel has amassed billions of dollars of US-supplied state of the art weaponry including a huge nuclear arsenal--all while screaming about its neighbors being the threat. Typical.

By guile, treachery and bloodletting, the Zionists plot to annex all of Jordan, virtually all of Syria, half of Iraq and a large part of Saudi Arabia and all of the rich cotton lands of the Nile Valley. It would be a simpler matter then to grab Yemen, Aden, Muscat, Qatar and Oman with their rich oil development. Israel is already well advanced in the development of its first nuclear warhead.' "

Rothschild Zionist Obama the War Monger Defends his Nobel Peace Prize (Varsinainen juttu); " 'President Obama defended his Nobel Peace Prize on Tuesday, saying that Americans “don’t see any contradiction” in him ordering an attack on Libya to make sure “people aren’t butchered because of a dictator who wants to cling to power.”

“When I received that award, I specifically said there was an irony because I was already dealing with two wars,” Obama said in an interview with CNN from El Salvador. “So I am accustomed to this contradiction of being both a commander-in-chief but also someone who aspires to peace.”

Saying he is focused on ensuring that Libyans can “live out their own aspirations,” Obama defended America’s involvement in Libya, saying, “we’re not invading a country, we’re not acting alone – we’re acting under a mandate issued by the United Nations Security Council in an unprecedented fashion and with unprecedented speed"."

Reign of Terror, Torture in Bahrain; (Varsinainen juttu)" 'There is only one approach on the part of American imperialism and that is to subjugate these peoples, deny their sovereignty and to impose a semi-colonial regime; specifically with respect to Bahrain where the Al Khalifa is maintained not only by the British, but by the US and for a very long time.

I'd like to point out that a correspondent with the Irish Times, with whom I'm in touch with daily, has been documenting and writing about the manner in which Bahrain has been a center of torture operated by Sir Ian Henderson and the British over the past decades.

The most fiendish torture -- I'm talking about dismemberment and sexual abuse, torment of family members and the children of those detained on a regular and ongoing basis.' "

Why The Rothschilds Do It - Exterminating Moslems With DU (Varsinainen juttu); "Why the Rothschilds Do It

They do it for two reasons. First, they have been raised to bring honor to themselves by furthering the advantages of the family and of their vision of Zionism against the interests of "the nations." Second, the truth about their intentions and past super crimes is abroad in the world and those who know the truth are attempting to organize the informed to overthrow Rothschild power. In other words, they want the glory of winning and they want to avoid the pain of any countermeasures taken by their victims.

'Next Yemen President to be US Picked' (Varsinainen juttu); " 'The United States, Western powers, and Persian Gulf states are manipulating the scene in Yemen for a new president who is in favor of their imperialist policies.

In an interview with Press TV, author and political analyst Kevin Ovenden talks about Yemeni incumbent President Ali Abdullah Saleh losing the support he needs to suppress anti-government protests, and Saudi Arabia -- backed by Western powers -- trying to keep him afloat until a favorable replacement is found.' "

Rothschild Globalist Killers Pour Depleted Uranium On Libyans In Nuclear War (Varsinainen juttu); " 'So what do they know that is so secret?

They are all guilty of war crimes knowing they have all authorized the use of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) against innocent civilians and our own military forces to a level bordering on mass genocide.

Many of the weapons used, especially those used against tanks (armour piercing) and those used against hard targets (Cruise Missiles & Bunker Busters) all contain uranium components such as Penetrators, Shaped Charged Liners and as a counterweightmost of which is made up of Depleted Uranium.

All weapons that contain Depleted Uranium weapons are recognized as radioactive poison gas weapons and thus violate the Geneva Convention under the 1925 Geneva Poison Gas Protocol.' "

Ilman lainauksia: Could Obama be Impeached over Libya? Let's ask Biden (Youtube -video); Hyvää lupaavaa varapresidentin Obaman vastustamista...?!

Singing From the Song Sheet: Australian and Canadian 'Leaders' Give Same Speech to Justify Invasion of Iraq (Youtube -video)

Shocking Yemen Video Where a Shot Protester is Carried Along the Street Every 10 Seconds (Youtube -video).

Infowars -juttuja otsikkomaisine lainauksineen -->

Globalist Coalition Claims “Precision” Bombs Do Not Kill Libyan Civilians; "CNN and the corporate media are trying their darnedest to put the best face on Obama’s illegal attack."

Syria & Yemen: Tying up Globalist Loose Ends; "US is providing Al-Qaeda linked militant extremists in Libya with air support in their bid to oust Qaddafi."

Hypocrite Biden Threatened Bush Impeachment Over Unconstitutional War; "The elite and their brokers at the United Nations wanted this shabby little war waged against Libya."

Bottom Line, Libya Will Remain a Transnational Oil Fiefdom; "It is business as usual in Libya — never mind the little war now underway."

Fox News Contrives “Human Shield” Hoax To Sell Libya War; " “Exclusive” story about Gaddafi using western journalists as human shields is “nuts, states CNN reporter involved in tour."

Obama’s Bay of Pigs in Libya: Imperialist Aggression Shreds UN Charter; "Webster Tarpley’s newest article on the state of affairs in Libya."

Neo-Cons Applaud Obama’s War, Call For Occupation Of Libya; "Kristol and McCain brazenly admit “humanitarian mission” in Libya is about neo-colonial regime change."

Nations bombing Libya are ‘terrorists,’ Gadhafi says; "Libyan ruler Moammar Gadhafi called the allied nations bombing his country “terrorists” Sunday.".

Sorcha Faal: China Moves To Save Libyan Leader As Russia Warns Of ‘All Out War’ ja China Moves To Save Libyan Leader As Russia Warns Of ‘All Out War’.

Lainauksia molemmista jutuista:

"An “urgent” dispatch from Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) chief Mikhail Fradkov to President Medvedev that is circulating in the Kremlin today says that the Chinese warship Xuzhou is preparing to offer protection to Libyan leader Muammar Abu Minyar al-Gaddafi [photo top left] and his family to protect them from assassination from the US-led air assault on that North African Nation.

In what this report calls a “stunning betrayal” by the West, Russian leaders say their abstention in the United Nation Security Council vote to establish a no-fly zone over Libya to protect its civilian population from both Gaddafi and rebel forces is, instead, being used by the West to engineer their takeover of Libya’s vast oil and water resources, and which we had previously warned about in our March 8th report, “Global Resource War Warned Has Begun Between East-West.”"

"Most astounding in all of these events is the crazed hypocrisy of the West, who at the same time they are massacring the very Libyan civilians they said they were going to protect, they are, at the exact same time allowing their favored Arab allies to kill every unarmed protester they can with no words of condemnation or threat of retaliation.

Especially gruesome of these “approved” civilian massacres was US-backed Yemeni dictator Ali Abdullah Saleh ordering military snipers to fire into the heads of unarmed protesters gathered by the tens-of-thousands and killing over 50 of them, an act so barbaric his own powerful tribe called for his immediate removal, but with no condemnation from Western leaders."

"According to French author and Nostradamus scholar Jean-Charles de Fontbrune, in his 1983 book Nostradamus: Countdown To Apocalypse (page 287) the “King of Kings” Libyan leader Gaddafi is the man who will unite the Arab World against the West according to this prophecy and begin an apocalyptic Global War that will bring our whole World to the brink of collapse.

Most interesting to note about Fontbrune’s referring to Gaddafi as the “King of Kings” was that he did it in 1983, a full 25 year before August 29, 2008 when at a meeting of more than 200 African kings and traditional rulers he was, indeed, given that exact title."

"So dire has our World become that the cover of the American magazine Newsweek this week is titled “Apocalypse Now: Tsunamis, Earthquakes, Nuclear Meltdowns, Revolutions, Economies on the Brink. What the #@%! Is Next? [photo bottom left]

The answer to the question “What the #@%! Is Next”, should anyone care to know, was contained in that aforementioned Pentagon report that in 2004 concluded about the times we are now living in:

“Disruption and conflict will be endemic features of life, once again, warfare would define human life.”

Welcome to World War III! It will be coming to a neighborhood near you much sooner than you think.".

LaRouche PAC: Medvedev Launches Public Criticism of Putin, Libya Crisis: The Dysfunctional Obama Presidency, Obama's Not Home, and Never Has Been; Impeachment Issue Rises, Humanitarian Catastrophe Unfolding in Bahrain; Regional Implications Beyond Proportion.

Muita viime viikonlopusta saakka ilmenneitä aiheeseen liittyviä juttuja runsaana sarjana -->

Mitä Libyan kapinalliset tavoittelevat?

Obama filmed lying

The Unreported Facts About Libya

Russian Duma calls for immediate halt to violence in Libya — RT

HS: Israel uhkaa Gazaa uudella sodalla

PressTV - Germany pulls out of NATO operations

How To Brainwash A Nation

General Wesley Clark on 9/11 n Libya, Libya was already planned, Iran next..

Obama Speech on Libya Taken From Bush Afghanistan

Israel teki ilmaiskuja Gazaan Ulkomaan uutiset

PressTV - Russia urges immediate Libya ceasefire

China Calls for Immediate Cease-Fire in Libya

Amerikkalaissotilaat poseeraavat hymyssä suin kuolleiden siviilien äärellä

RT: Kucinich: War is a swamp, Obama Libya action unconstitutional

IS: Hägglund haluaa Hornetit Libyaan Libyan kriisi

Obama Asks Saudi Arabia To Arm Libyan Civil War And Stage Fake Protests

Nigel Farage: EU has no legitimacy or consent to take military action

The Truth about the Kennedy Assassination & Obama Told by Gadaffi (MUST SEE)

RT: 'We'll see depleted uranium missiles thrown by Western aircraft on Libya' BP to start drilling off Libyan coast - Americas, World - The Independent

Hesari: Venäjän Putin haukkuu YK:n ja USA:n

RT: Naked Agression: 'Libya assault planned months ahead'

Libyan levottomuudet suunniteltu juttu Magneettimedia

Operaatio Libya Magneettimedia

RT: Airstrikes in Libya did not take place - Russian military.............................

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