Monday, October 31, 2011

Maapallon väestön liikakasvukuvitelma globalistieliitin propaganda-aseena maailmanherruusagendoilleen: Tausta-aineistoa - Osa 2

Heti perään jatkan aikaisemmin tänään aloittamaani koostesarjaani, missä kokoan yhteen tausta-aineistoksi tietoja tuleville pohdinnoilleni sekä kyseenalaistaa globalistieliitin ja vaihtelevanlaatuisten kätyriarmeijoidensa agendaa harjoittaa maapallon väestön liikakasvukuvitelman ja ilmastonmuutospropagandan avulla eliitti- / oligarkkiperiaatteiden mukaista väestönkontrollia ja eugeniikkaa että havainnollistaa mahdollisuuksia ja teesejä toteuttaa aivan toisenlaista neorenessanssista ihmiskuvaa ja yhteiskuntarakentamista. Tässä edellinen osa: Maapallon väestön liikakasvukuvitelma globalistieliitin propaganda-aseena maailmanherruusagendoilleen: Tausta-aineistoa - Osa 1.

Tässä kakkososassa tausta-aineiston roolin ottaa LaRouche -liikkeen informaatio, missä ensimmäisenä poimin lainauksina ko. aihetta keskeisesti koskevia kohtia Lyndon LaRouchen viimeisimmästä raportista. Toisena poimin aiheeseen sopien LaRouche -liikkeen tiederyhmän tekemiä videoita viimeisen reilun vuoden ajalta. Ko. aikanahan LaRouche -liikkeen tieteellinen anti on runsastunut, syventynyt ja monipuolistunut suorastaan räjähdysmäisesti, missä suurta osaa on näytellyt juuri tuolloin noin vuosi sitten heidän julkaisemansa ja intensiiviseen promotointiin laittamansa NAWAPA -missio.

Nämä valitsemani tiedevideot eivät kuitenkaan käsittele niinkään sitä, vaan nimenomaan senkin mission tieteelliseksi pohjaksi niitä elinympäristömme eli Maapallon ja laajennetummin myös avaruuden ominaisuuksia ja toimintoja, joissa ilmeneviä seikkoja ei ole kunnolla opetettu suurelle länsiyleisölle nykyisessä koulutusjärjestelmässämme mukaan lukien jopa yliopistot ja korkeakoulut. Tämä johtuen juuri sekä kulttuurimme rapautumisesta ultraeläimelliseen ja hyperindividualistiseen mielen ja ajatustoimintojen regressioon että yhteiskuntajärjestelmiemme dekadenssikierteen voimistumisesta, propagandisoitumisesta ja korruptoitumisesta sen mukana ja siitä johtuen pankkiirioligarkkisten mielikuvien, mielihalujen ja olemisen vääristymien sävyttämään Universumin evoluution vastaiseen entropiaan.

Tuo uusin Lyndon LaRouchen raportti (QADDAFI’S DEATH) on koostettu Libyan äskettäin murhatun johtajan Muammar Gaddafin tapauksen yhteyteen, mutta tyypillisesti Lyndon kirjoittaa tällaisissa raporteissa paljon jokaisessa kirjoituksessaan aina toistuvia samoja teemoja. Niistä valitsin ko. aiheeseen sopien tuohon alle keskeisiä sisältöjä omilla ko. lainauksia luonnehtivilla ja kenties laajentavillakin kommenteillani:

LaRouche PAC: Lyndon LaRouchen raportti QADDAFI’S DEATH --->

"The time has come, thus, once again, when our minds must be uplifted from viewing global processes as a system of mechanical-like interactions, as do some ordinary diplomats and their clients (and most contemporary heads of state, or government) have often tended to do. The entry into the strategic domain of nuclear and thermonuclear capabilities, had been the proper time for an unavoidable change which must be made, as by emphasis on nuclear-fission and thermonuclear fusion, for the reasonably assured existence of human life on Earth; otherwise, ultimately, there is the prospect of the human extinction which the cultists of the present day “green faction” would bring upon the world, were their influence be continued on any significant scale." ---> Virheellisen yhteiskunnallispoliittisen ajattelun ja toiminnan tunnistaminen ja siinä mm. yhteiskuntatoimintojen pohjaksi tarvittavien energiantuotannon ja reaalitalouden ominaisuuksien ymmärtäminen ja järjestäminen oikein ihmiskuntaa ylläpitävinä ja kehittävinä elementteinä ilman taannuttavaa ja tuhoavaa oligarkkisen periaatteen tuottamaa virheajattelua, kuten siinä viherfasistiset mielenmallit.

"It should be noted, that the “history” of our own galaxy over the course of a recent half-billions years, marks a rising trend of required energy-flux density, a trend conducted through species with formerly inferior relative qualifications which would have otherwise tended to become extinct (like many species before them), while the species and systems with the expressed potentials for significantly rising energy-flux densities, tend to emerge and survive. For the case of humanity, it is the uniquely creative powers of a human species whose activities are expressed in rising energy-flux density, per capita and per square kilometer of action, which are the probable survivors." ---> Universumin toiminnan ymmärtäminen antientrooppisena evoluutiona, mikä manifestoituu maapallolla pyrkimyksenä korkeamman tason olennoiksi, rakenteiksi ja järjestelmiksi, missä energian käytön ja hyödyntämisen intensiteetti eli ns. "energiavuon tiheys" kasvaa ajan ja evoluution kuluessa.

"The principle of that “oligarchical system,” is premised on the notion of the supremacy of a special sort of social class of virtual captives, who are held in virtual bondage by a class of persons regarded as virtually “gods,” “gods” akin to such as the esteemed rulers of Wall Street and London presently. The remainder of the populations are treated, under the oligarchical principle, as, implicitly, merely cattle cast in a physically human form, but are, ultimately, reared, harvested, or simply killed in manner like that of cattle, all done in the oligarchical exercise of management of the herds of human cattle, as the British monarchy has recently prescribed the urgently motivation of the reduction of the planet’s human population from the vicinity of seven billions persons, to merely one or less, as through aid of sundry economic and “environmentalist” methods exceeding even the proposed reduction of the human species by Prince Philip’s World Wildlife Fund to two billions, earlier." ---> Yhteiskuntatuhon ajautumisen neofeodalismiin ja kaaokseen tunnistaminen osana ns. oligarkkista periaatetta, jonka mukaan eliitti tuntee ja tunnistaa itsensä "jumalina" ja he lukevat siten itsensä oikeutetuiksi kohtelemaan muita alempina ja tarhattavina "eläiminä". Yksi merkittävä oligarkkisen periaatteen kulmakivi tässä mielessä on "ympäristöaktivismin" käyttäminen troijan hevosena ko. tarhaamis- ja alistamisagendan tehostamiseksi edelleen.

"What is generally known to the history-books of today, as the anciently ruling constitutional feature of law imposed upon any organized society generally, is, in fact of practice, an expression of what is defined in record and practice as “the oligarchical principle.” In other words, this distinction is identified as the qualitative difference between “the gods” and “the mere mortals.” The best illustration of that distinction made in the practice of law, is that distinction of the powers of mere kings, from the powers of an emperor." ---> Oligarkkisen periaatteen tunnistaminen osana kaukaa historiasta saakka vallinneena juopana ihmismielen ajatustoiminnoissa ja yhteiskuntaolemisen ja -rakentamisen isona ja vakavana valuvikana ylimpiin yhteiskuntien hallinnon muotoihin saakka pesiytyneenä ja sieltäkin poisajettavana.

"For example, the physical-scientific evidence is, that the universe undergoes a process of development which is exactly contrary to that fraudulent notion of a “Second Law” introduced to Nineteenth-century practice by Rudolf Clausius; the evidence pertaining to the “history” of living processes during as much as a recent half-billions years of living processes, demonstrates that the evolution of species proceeds by a pathway of increasing energy-flux density. Clausius is not a particularly honorable figure of Nineteenth-century science; but, the so-called “Second Law” is, indeed, considered “traditional,” but only arbitrarily, from the vantage-point of the oligarchical principle of relevant branches in statecraft.

This fraud expressed as the Nineteenth-century concoction of a so-called “Second Law” into which even otherwise competent scientists have been bludgeoned, academically or otherwise, is nonetheless consistent with models such as ancient Roman Law precedents. That is, indeed, “The Oligarchical Principle.” ",

" ...“the oligarchical system” is to be recognized as dividing mankind into two contrasted species, “gods (oligarchs).” and “mortals” (considered relatively as “cattle”) or other qualities of “slaves.” Although oligarchical factions do war on each other, out of their nature as oligarchies, the essential concern of the oligarchical system is to secure the dictatorial authorities of the oligarchical “species” against the natural potentials of the regular human “species.” " ja

"On that account, the oligarchy will employ instruments based on actually scientific knowledge, as weapons for keeping the numbers the popular down, especially of the non-oligarchical classes. The oligarch will use scientific knowledge gained, to beat a rival oligarch, but, will recurrently act to “dumb down” the general population, and to sharply reduce that latter population, even frequently, to prevent the general population “from becoming too numerous.” " ---> Länsimaisen nykytieteen sisällön ymmärtäminen oligarkkisen periaatteen saastuttamaksi valeympäristöksi, missä mm. termodynamiikan toista pääsääntöä ja muitakin tieteen tuloksia käytetään poliittisena aseena yhteiskuntien ja niiden väestöjen pitämisenä voimistuvasti neofeodalismiin alistamisen tiellä. Tyhmennetään yhteiskuntakerroksia sitä varten pois havaitsemasta maailman tarjoamaa ja itsessämme olevaa koko potentiaalia toimia optimaalisen rakentavasti osana Universumille tyypillistä antientrooppista ja "energiavuon tiheyden" kasvamiseen perustuvaa evoluutiota.

"Hence the habitual tendency of the oligarchy has been to suppress the general population’s access to serious forms of progress in competent advances in scientific knowledge, such as the conduct of the cult of the “envionmentalists” acts to prevent both the development and spread of competent access to scientific knowledge. This has been an anti-scientific impulse of tyranny which is supplemented, from time to time by measures of explicit genocide, typified by the Hitler regime, or the Emperor Nero earlier, and by the impulses of President Barack Obama, as also typified by the British monarchy’s association with “Malthusianism” and Prince Philip’s shamelessly mass-murderous promotion of World Wildlife Fund." ---> Oligarkkisen periaatteen manipulaatioarsenaalin mukaan tiedemaailman ja yhteiskuntien älymystön saastuttaminen mm. malthusilaisella epätieteellä, valehtelulla, eliittiohjautuvalla propagandalla ja väestönkontrolli - eugeniikkaharhoilla ja sen piirissä ilmenevien eri tyranniamekanismien ja -rakenteiden tunnistaminen oleellisena ja tarpeettomana yhteiskuntahaittana. Tämän haitan edesauttajien tunnistaminen vihollisinamme.

"This planet is presently gripped, in natural respects, by the urgency of ventures into exploration of nearby Solar and also galactic space, which are required as both the protection of the role of the human species within our Solar system, and, our ability to reach into needed effects affecting the functions and evolution of our galaxy. Already, at this time, the Solar system itself is approaching a place-and-time within the presently evolving galaxy which tends to place the human species in a more deadly part of the orbit of the galaxy which the human species has never experienced earlier." ---> Maapallon ymmärtäminen orgaanisena ja dynaamisena osana lähi- ja kaukoavaruutta sekä toiminnoiltaan että ominaisuuksiltaan, missä ongelmien ja mahdollisuuksien kartoittamista ei pidä rajata vain Maapallolle itselleen. On pyrittävä tajuamaan ihmiskuntakin osana Universumia, jonka muutokset asettavat ihmiskunnan ylläpitämiselle haasteita siinä missä maapallon piiriinkin rajatut seikat.

"Under such conditions as those, mankind’s scientific progress into increasing powers to master the changing conditions of nearby Solar space, and beyond, is a certifiably essential pre-condition for securing the existence of our human species. Clearly, that mandatory, and therefore obligatory mission of the nations of humanity, is to fulfill missions which are, at a minimum, essential for the continued existence of our species. That presently urgent mission for the future could not be fulfilled without the liberation of the minds of human beings generally for their becoming truly creative human minds whose work in a revolutionary process of scientific advances is indispensable political of practice for our species as a whole." ---> Ihmiskunnan tajuamiseksi osana Universumia ja antientrooppisen evoluution kohteena, on osattava ajatella suuresti ja luovasti asettumalla kasvattamaan ja tekemään itseään kuviteltujen rajoitteiden ja hidasteiden ylitse - ulkopuolelle kohti ihmismielen koko potentiaalia olemisemme järjestämisessä kestävällä ja rakentavalla tavalla.

"The national cultures of humanity must be rallied to the common purpose of our species’ proper density, as in the image The the Creator Himself. Thus, the law in the future, must become the law of creating a newer future. Only in this manner can the fires of a new holocaust of general warfare on this planet be averted. The Roman-like oligarchical tradition must be conclusively uprooted, and a policy of mankind’s devotion to creating the law of the future, established as the common destiny of the peoples’ sovereign nations." ---> Ihmismielen koko potentiaali ilmenee ns. kanssaluojana Universumin kehityksen osana. Sitä hoivaava ja kehittävä yhteiskuntaoleminen ja -rakentaminen tulee käsittää lakina kohti oligarkkisen periaatteen poistavaa traditiota. Vain siten nykymaailman tuhon ja sodan uhkia eli ihmiskunnan ylläpitämisen ja kehittämisen jatkuvuutta estäviä - heikentäviä seikkoja voidaan alkaa poistamaan.

Aiheeseen liittyviä LaRouche -liikkeen tiedevideoita (Englanninkieliset lainaukset niiden sisältöjen kuvauksina) uusimmasta vanhimpaan alaslukien --->

Auroras: Beautiful Warnings: "Over a planet steeped in the greatest financial collapse in modern history and perhaps even a greater geopolitical crisis, on Monday, October 24th, the continental United States was treated to a beautiful solar show when red auroras lit up the night time sky reaching as far south as the states of Texas and Alabama. However, these auroras, as stunning as they are, really serve more as a warning sign as to what profound changes may be going on out here in our planet’s true environment: space. And frankly, by referring to it as ‘space’ lets on just how little we know about what is going out here.".

A Vernadskian Law of Evolution: "Meghan Rouillard, of LPAC's Basement Research team, has just completed a new translation of a paper by Vladimir Vernadsky, called "The Evolution of Species and Living Matter", from 1928. In this video, she reviews a central concept of this paper, called the biogenic migration of atoms, which refers to the transformation of material by life and the consequent restructuring of the environment. This process increases throughout evolution, in correlation with the upwards progression of species.

However, as Vernadsky shows, a new class of this action emerged with Man, who supersedes mere metabolism, achieving a far greater transformation of material and his environment with his powers of thought, of the type which would be manifested by great projects such as NAWAPA and the manned colonization of space.".

Cody Jones: Tuning the Universe For Man: "How does Man interact with the domain of cosmic radiation and the extended electromagnetic spectrum, and how might he tune these processes to the benefit of Man's further creative development? Basement Team researcher Cody Jones investigates the extended electromagnetic spectrum and its relationship to life in the evolution of the cosmos.".

Basement Discussion: Evolution of Cosmic Radiation: "Sky Shields, Cody Jones, Oyang Teng, and Peter Martinson continue their discussion on the implications of the KT Extinction. Today's discussion focuses on evolution and viruses from the standpoint of cosmic radiation. Are viruses particles? Do particles exist? Can what you don't see be more real than what you do see?" ja edellinen osa; Basement Roundtable: The KT Extinction: "The Basement team discusses the increase in Anti-Entropy in the Universe as a whole, looking at the KT Extinction as a case study in the development of our planet.".

The Science of Economics: "At a Sept 24, 2011 LPAC meeting in Philadelphia, Jason Ross presented the key concept of economics: measuring value as qualitative changes in power, rather than money. Using concepts from Bernhard Riemann's work, the continuity lying behind the series of evolutionary advancements in man's economic power, is sketched out using Riemann's work on Abelian functions. Stay tuned for a more in-depth feature video." ---> Tässä nuo in-depth -videot: Riemann II(a): Potential and Metaphor ja Riemann II(b): Abelian Functions.

The Ecology of Anti-Entropy: "Life expresses creativity, though in a unique way. Whereas man's creativity is willful, the advance of life is seen through the process of evolution, where new organisms, within new systems of life with higher rates of energy-flux-density emerge, and those that can't keep up with the new, more energetic system go extinct.".

Demanding Mind: "We take up James Dwight Dana's elaboration of the concept of cephalization, its expression in the evolution of the nervous system and general physiology, and its significance for understanding the nature of mind and thus the universe.".

The Cosmic Forces of Weather?: "LaRouche and the LPAC Basement Team warned you earlier this year that we are now in a period where you are going to need more than a weather man to tell you which way, and why, the wind blows.".

Can Man Control Hurricanes? Globally Extended NAWAPA and Weather Modification: "LPACTV's Natalie Lovegren elaborates how the tempering of climates through a globally extended NAWAPA program, including the greening of the Sahara, could potentially minimize or even eliminate the occurrence of violent hurricanes.".

Climate, Cosmic Rays & CLOUD: "The recent publication of results from the CLOUD experiment at the CERN laboratory in Switzerland underscores the cosmic connection to earth's climate, and the absurdities of current climate models.".

Satellites: Defending our Extended Sensorium: "Contrary to popular opinion the capability represented by NASA is not a luxury, but in fact a necessary tool for navigation through this economic breakdown crisis. Creativity is the definition of economic value.".

Riemann: The Habilitation Dissertation: "How Bernhard Riemann's 1854 Habilition Dissertation re-defined the nature of geometry, physics, and the human mind.".

Sky Shields · Mastering the Forces of Planetary Evolution: "Sky Shields, leader of the LPAC Basement Project, addresses the prospects of mankind's mastery of the forces responsible for the evolutionary development of the earth. The discussion took place at the headquarters of the LaRouche movement in Berlin, Germany.".

For Lack of NAWAPA...: "We are in need of the NAWAPA policy now more than ever. Here, we reaffirm and restate the need for NAWAPA in the context of the recent wildfires and flooding, and also review its function as Vladimir Vernadsky would see it.".

The Wilcox Effect: The Way the Solar Wind Blows: "We should be reminded that we live in an environment that is not only interconnected with both the solar system as a whole and our galaxy, but, more importantly, that is a interconnected system of continuous development and change. This investigation of the "Wilcox Effect" is one piece of that picture.".

The Universality of Mind: Meghan Rouillard Addresses Diane Sare Town Hall Event: "Basement Team member Meghan Rouillard addresses U.S. Congressional candidate Diane Sare's Town Hall meeting in Hasbrouck Heights, NJ. The subject: the Universality of Mind.".

A Fresh Look at Life: "A fresh look into the controversial work of the scientist who won the Nobel Prize for the discovery of HIV, Dr. Luc Montagnier. Also, a recent paper published by a group of researchers from Northeastern University and the University of Perugia titled "Electromagnetic Signals from Bacterial DNA." ".

The Hypersea Platform: "The evolution of life on land was an anti-entropic revolution for the biosphere as a whole. Oyang Teng presents this process as one of a series of ongoing case studies of the principle of physical-economic platforms, manifested within living nature. In particular, this slice of evolutionary history is examined from the standpoint of the Hypersea theory of American scientists Dianna and Mark McMenamin, an extension of Vladimir Vernadsky's earlier work in founding the science of biogeochemistry.".

A New Quantum Physics: Rejecting Zeus: "Even as an alarming, increasing density of seismic, economic, and political events buffet us, experts in all fields insist that the world around us cannot be understood! Jason Ross presents the explicitly anti-Promethean outlook of quantum mechanics, as a case study of the attack on the human mind, which declares that the universe we live in is fundamentally incomprehensible. Just as quantum mechanics maintains that statistics trumps reason, so too do anti-human earthquake science deniers insist that earthquakes cannot be predicted.".

Pandemics and Solar Cycles: "Do you think that we should stop funding space exploration in order to "solve problems here on Earth?" That kind of idiocy might just get you -- and all of the rest of us -- killed. Evidence points to the fact that diseases are not a terrestrial occurrence, and that their "cures" will probably not be found here on Earth.".

New Discoveries in Biotic Space-Time Vindicate Vernadsky Hypothesis : "New scientific discoveries have completely overthrown the reigning opinion of "bottom-up" physics. In this report, we show how a very significant recent study of the preferential spin-polarization of photoelectrons under the influence of organic matter confirms a hypothesis about the "states of space" which Vladimir Vernadsky put forward over eighty years ago.".

What is Life? A Non-Particle View: "Can life be reduced to nothing more than an interesting arrangement of atoms and molecules? No.".

The Electromagnetic Platform: "Everywhere you look in the biosphere and the lithosphere, new, more highly organized states of space, or platforms are being created. Why would it be any different for mankind? Here we examine billions of years of geological history, specifically the biosphere's role in engineering the vast amounts of cosmic and solar radiation into a habitable planet.".

Evolutionary Potential: "Sky Shields and Alicia Cerretani discuss the anti-entropic nature of life, and its relationship to creativity as an all-pervasive principle of the universe. They explore several examples of so-called "convergent evolution," and discuss its relationship to large-scale galactic, and inter-galactic cycles, as well as its significance for economic policy making today.".

Economic Value: A Return to ‘Future’: "Economic value depends on context: only with a clear understanding of a viable future goal can present economic activity be valued. Just as there are no physical properties of substances or particles themselves, so too is economic value not found in the object or job itself: it is found in its contribution to the future.".

Biogenic Migration of Atoms: Nitrogen: "The nitrogen cycle is one of the many flows that are fundamental to the biogenic migration of atoms in the Biosphere and, potentially, beyond.".

Decay Rates and Time: "The false notion of an empty time and space, containing self-contained, fundamental particles, prevents sane thinking about science, culture, and economics.".

NYC Class 07.17.10: Expanding Mendeleyev's Periodic Table: "In this third class, Meghan looks at how the Periodic Table of Mendeleyev can be expanded through considering the later work of scientists such as Louis Pasteur and Vernadsky most directly, and will necessitate being informed by the revolutionary approach to science by the likes of Einstein and Planck.".

PS.: Näiden videoiden yhteenlaskettu kestoaika on useita tunteja, mutta keskeisimmän ja uuraauurtavimman tiedon äärelle pääsyyn ja varsinkin sen ymmärtämiseen ei ole oikotietä! Kaikilla meillä on paljon lisää opittavaa maailmastamme. Minäkin kertailen vähitellen vielä uudestaan mm. näiden videoiden sisältöjä...

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