Sunday, July 15, 2012

LaRouche -liikkeen yhteiskunnallispoliittinen uutis- ja ajankohtaiskooste viikolta 28 vuonna 2012

Viime viikolla aloitin koostamaan viikoittain keskeisiä geopoliittisia, ekonomisia ja yhteiskunnallisia LaRouche -liikkeen sisältöjä tänne ylös helposti myöhemmin poimittavaksi. Joka sunnuntai toistaiseksi tämä tietopaketti ilmestyy haastamaan osaltaan lännen valtaeliitin omistuksessa olevien valtamediakorporaatioiden tuiki propagandisoitua disinformaatio-, valehtelu- ja piilottamistiedottamista.

Tällä viikolla sensaatiomaisesti esillä oli edelleen sekä Lontoon Cityn piiristä nousseet vaatimukset Glass-Steagall -reformin aikaansaamiseksi että samojen tahojen piirissä luodun LIBOR -korkomanipuloinnin täyttä systeemikorruptoituneisuutta ja -rikollisuutta paljastava esiin purkautuminen. Lisäksi esillä olivat edelleen Obaman hallintoa yhä rikollisemmaksi raskauttava Fast & Furious -gate, Venäjän Putinin hallinnon sovittelemaan pyrkivä osuus vastavoimatahona transatlanttiselle rappiolle, Tyynenmeren orientaation voimistuminen monessakin mielessä vastavoimaksi transatlanttiselle rappiolle yhtenä pikanttina osanaan Argentiinan rooli LaRouche -teesien suosijana sekä Syyrian mustamaalaminen ja tuhoaminen osana transatlanttista imperiaalista agendajuonittelua ollen edelleen vakava Kolmannen maailmansodan uhka. Yhteiskunnan rappion eri ominaisuuksia ja historiaa erittelevä ja tutkiva rooli kuuluu aina mukaan LaRouche -sisältöihin, kuten tälläkin viikolla.

LaRouche -liikkeen keskeisiä uutis- ja ajankohtaissisältöjä uutisvideokoosteena viikolta 28 vuonna 2012 --->

The World Today - July 13, 2012: "As this system collapses it's becoming clear that the Libor scandal isn't a scandal at all, but a funeral for a dead system. Today's report highlights the recent findings of Timothy Geithner's alleged involvement in the Libor development.".

Strategic Overview · July, 13 2012.

Strategic Overview • July 12, 2012: "Today's overview highlights the recent findings of Timothy Geithner's role in the Libor Scandal, and what this means for Obama's presidency.".

July 11, 2012 · Strategic Overview: "A specific grouping of the British oligarchy has sounded the trumpet loud and clear, Glass-Steagall NOW! Even though most Americans have yet to realize the effect of this historic shift or feel the weight of the opportunity presented, this tidal wave for Glass-Steagall has already reached our shores.".

The World Today - July 10, 2012: "In this report we take up the recent speech given by Vladimir Putin on Russia's policy to continue cooperation with China and to extend that to Europe and the United States. We also take a look at the developments in Syria, the recent findings in the fast and furious trial as well as the latest on Glass-Steagall.".

July 10, 2012 · Strategic Overview: The Future: "The possibility of losing an entire language culture-- our own-- has driven our English kin to action, and it ought to drive us in the United States to the same end. As Mr. LaRouche identifies over the course of this week's discussion with the Slate, the continued degeneration of the youth generations will mean death to our civilization.".

The World Today - July 9, 2012: "The Glass-Steagall moment is indeed upon us. The question is will we seize it?".

July 9, 2012 · Strategic Overview: "Lyndon LaRouche has followed up on his statement from last Thursday, “The Once-In-A-Lifetime Option”, with a new statement, titled “A New Life-Time for Our Society” in which he says: "It is my recommendation, that the United States government should consider uttering an immediate proffer of cooperation with the appropriate citizens of Britain on that specific account," referencing the calls by significant Britons to restore FDR's Glass-Steagall.".

Täydentäviä / syventäviä LaRouche -sisältöjä viikolta 28 vuonna 2012 --->

LPAC Weekly Report

Syria: "What are the forces at play in the world today? A question that remains unanswered by those entrusted to communicate to us, the truth. Yet we ourselves fall short from attaining it, not for lack of access, but because of an unbroken fear that has obscured our vision. This is the true story behind Syria.".

The Economic System · July 10, 2012 · A New Life-Time for Our Society: "In today's discussion with the LPAC endorsed candidates, Lyndon LaRouche presses home the point that the British group's strategic move for Glass-Stegall gives us an opportunity that we must seize, and make work! For more on this strategic move, see LaRouche's response to Britain.".

South America: Pacific Orientation or Destabililzation?: "A clear line has been drawn between the Transatlantic nations that seek to hold on to their bankrupt system, and the pro-development Pacific oriented nations that seek genuine progress. Russia and China have recently begun allying with kindred interests in South America to seek new development agreements.".

Putin Defines Foreign Policy Priorities To Russian Diplomatic Corps: "Russian President Vladimir Putin addressed a meeting of Russian ambassadors and permanent representatives in Moscow, in the biannual meeting of this group. The theme was titled "Russia in a Changing World: Stable Priorities and New Opportunities." ".

LIBOR: Not a Scandal, but a Funeral: "The real story surrounding the news that the London Interbank Offering Rate was manipulated is that the financial system that mechanism is a part has died, and a return to the Glass-Steagall Act in both London and the United States is the first step to replacing that system." ---> Tämän viimeisen jutun oheen tein tarkemman syynin transatlanttisen taloustilanteen osalta: Libor-gate transatlanttisen oligarkiamafian ja järjestelmätuhon paljastajana: Glass-Steagall-reformi yhä tärkeämpään asemaan!

Executive Intelligence Review - LaRouche Publications -sivustolta juttuja:

The Errors in Sense-Perception

Fast and Furious `Obamagate' Escalates.

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