Thursday, October 16, 2008

Johdannaismarkkinoiden olemuksesta ja toiminnasta maailman talousromahduksessa Tom Gillesbergin mukaan

Olen siis nyt havainnut johdannaismarkkinoiden traagisen osuuden tässä talousromahduksessa. Katsotaanpa vielä vähän tarkemmin, miten tämä systeemi toimii. LaRouche PAC -sivustolla on tämä kaksiosainen (A B) Tanskan television uutistoimituksen haastattelu, jossa Tanskan Schiller instituutin puheenjohtaja Tom Gillesberg kertoo tästä maailman talousromahduksesta. Siinä hän osaa kertoa hyvin monelta kannalta ja järkeenkäyvästi mm. juuri johdannaismarkkinoiden olemuksesta. Otan Tomin vastauksista muutamia lainauksia esille ja loput voitte käydä lukemassa noista linkeistä itse. Haastattelijoiden hyvät kysymykset saavat myös osaltaan hyvin esille asioiden luonnetta.

Franklin D. Rooseveltin harjoittamasta Bretton Woods -talouspolitiikasta Tom kertoo mm.:
"It is a return to the sort of capitalism that Franklin D. Roosevelt represented, which is not the sort of wild financial capitalism, where people make money with money, but where the financial system becomes a subdivision of the physical economy. That means, that the priority is that you have industry, that you have farming, that trade functions, but all that is speculation, purely for the sake of the speculators, is gotten rid of.".

"Roosevelt's program was not simply technical, financial. It was a development program for the whole world. And it was the idea that in that way, with economic development for all nations, we would create lasting peace. And that is, actually, what we have to return to today.".

Johdannaisista Tom kertoo mm. seuraavaa: "These aid packages are a poor attempt to temporarily sustain the markets, temporarily create a certain amount of trust. The problem is that what is not talked about, is the derivatives floating around out there.".

"It is the so-called derived financial instruments. It started with options and futures. Today, it's asset backed securities, credit swaps, etc. But the size of these speculative instruments are now ten times greater than the world's gross national product. That is the reason that, from one day to the next, banks simply go bankrupt. It's gigantic. And if you attempt to save it -- save this mountain of derivatives, then there is not enough money in the whole world.".

"It is that it has become a huge speculation orgy. They kept on making new bubbles. First there was the IT bubble, and it burst. Then the housing bubble. And on top of all these bubbles, they have made these new creative (they call them) financial instruments -- derivatives, which in principle allows you to make money out of thin air.".

"It is a derived financial instrument. That means that you don't buy and sell something directly. You speculate on whether something goes up or down, in some way. And you can have them in 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th derivations -- farther and farther away from the object, and the amounts get larger and larger and larger.".

Johdannaisten vaikutuksia Tom kuvailee näin: "The other thing we have seen today, is that all these derivatives are traded back and forth all over the world, and nobody knows who's got what. And that means you can have a bank with a very good reputation, but if they have a bunch of derivatives you don't know about, they could crash tomorrow. And that means you cannot trust anyone. That is the crisis we have today.".

Johdannaismarkkinoiden mitätöimisen vaikutuksia Tom kuvaa puolestaan näin: "For me, who does not have large investments, it doesn't mean very much. For people with a lot of securities, if they are in a bank, it won't mean anything. But if they are derivatives, if they are very speculative investments, then they may find out, overnight, that what they thought was worth a great deal of money, has simply gone up in smoke.".

Näyttää siis siltä, että meillä on karkeasti vain kaksi vaihtoehtoa ja kumpikin on huono valheellisesti saavutettuun nykypäivän elintasoon verrattuna. Joka tapauksessa menetetään siis hyvin paljon, mutta toisessa silti radikaalisti ja kohtalokkaasti enemmän ja se on tähän mennessä opitun mukaan selkeästi johdannaismarkkinoiden ja -instrumenttien, kelluvien kurssien ja säännöstelemättömyyden säilyttämiseen pyrkivä vaihtoehto. Nyt se on nähty, että ihmisille ei pidä antaa liiaksi vapauksia. Ihmisissä oleva pahuus vaatii aina enemmän tai vähemmän suitsimista.

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