Friday, October 14, 2011

David Icken teesejä pankkiirioligarkkisen nykyjärjestelmän lakkauttamiseksi neorenessanssin luomista varten

Kun olen nyt päässyt listausten makuun, niin tähän väliin sopii hyvin myös David Icken tekemä teesilista. Siinä David lataa tiskiin vaatimukset 7 eri seikasta, joiden poistamisesta alkaa transatlanttisen maailman poliittistaloudellisen järjestelmän tervehtyminen neorenessanssiin. Tänä vallankumouksen aattona nämäkin tarjoavat hienon ja syvällisesti pohditun taustan ymmärtää olemistamme tässä systeemiromahduksen alasajamassa lännen ikeessä ja tarpeesta päästä siitä pois rauhanomaisen, mutta perinpohjaisen kansannousun avulla paljon parempaan kehityskonstruktioon. Niinpä nämä David Icken ajatukset on otettava mukaan muiden viime päivinä yhteenvetämieni listausten kanssa, missä vertailtuna niiden kesken ja muun koostamani - oppimani sisällön kanssa saan aikaiseksi jatkossa hyvin herkullisia ja valaisevia oivalluksia havainnollistukseen juuri tuota neorenessanssia varten. Tiedän sen jo nyt, mutta palaan asiaan myöhemmin... :)

David Icke headlines -sivustolta suora lainaus David Icken näkemyksistä saada aikaan globaali muutos pankkiirioligarkkisesta nykyjärjestelmästä humaanimpaan järjestelmään; alkuvaatimuksena 7 poistettavaa nykyjärjestelmän elementtiä:

"Any ‘protest’, any ‘change’ or ‘revolution’ not founded on the list below – at the very least the list below – has got no chance of changing anything. These very pillars of the system must fall or they will block any transformation of the human condition. The system does not need to be tinkered with or even fundamentally changed (on the surface). The whole bloody lot must go … starting with …

1. An end to creating money out of thin air on computer screens and charging interest on it (fractional reserve lending).

2. An end to governments borrowing fresh-air money called ‘credit’ from private banks and the people paying interest on this ‘money’ that has never, does not and will never exist. Governments (and that concept must change radically) can create their own currency – interest free.

3. An end to private banks issuing non-existent money called ‘credit’ at all and thus creating ‘money’ as a debt from the very start.

4. An end to casinos like Wall Street and the City of London betting mercilessly on the financial and commodity markets with the lives of billions around the world.

5. An end to all professional lobby groups that earn their living and their clients’ living from corrupting the professionally corruptible – vast numbers of world politicians and the overwhelming majority on Capitol Hill.

6. An end to no-contract government in which mendacious politicians can promise the people they will do this and that to win their support and then do the very opposite after they have lied themselves into office (see Obama).

7. An end to the centralisation of power in all areas of our lives and a start to diversifying power to communities to decide their own lives and thus ensure there are too many points of decision making for any cabal to centrally control.

That is just for starters. There is so much more where that came from. What good will come from rearranging the deckchairs on the Titanic? NONE.

The banking system as we know it does not need to be ‘changed’ - it needs to be gone. It is a criminal activity based on fraud, extortion and, through its effect, on worldwide mass murder.

Its replacement needs to be decided by the population - not the very people who created it in the first place and are covertly manipulating a new global structure of financial control based on a world central bank.

Ain't that right, Mr Rothschild, Mr Rockefeller, Mr Soros?".

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