LaRouche -liike on ollut tämän heinäkuun aikana yhä erittäin ahkera ja promotoinut toiminnassaan etenkin Glass-Steagall -reformia. He ovat olleet maailman johtava aktivistiryhmä ja asiantuntijataho Glass-Steagall -reformiin liittyen jo monta vuotta, mutta juuri tänä vuonna GS-reformi on ollut ennen näkemättömässä nosteessa. Siihen liittyvä debatti on purkautunut esille jopa valtamediassa, missä mm. jopa Financial Times -lehden kaltaisissa piireissä on alettu kääntymään GS -promotoinnin puoleen. Pankkiiri- ja oligarkkieliitin vastustus on kuitenkin jatkunut erittäin määrätietoisesti GS-reformin mitätöimiseksi, joten vastakkainasettelua on varmasti tulossa jatkossa kärjistyvästi...
Tässä kokoan Glass-Steagall -reformin promotoinnista ja siihen liittyvistä ekonomian asioista tietopakettikoosteen LaRouche -liikeen sivustolta; sisältönä ovat tämän heinäkuun aikaiset materiaalit. Aikaisemmin tänä vuonna vastaavan olen tehnyt toukokuussa >> LaRouche-liikkeen ekonomian ja Glass-Steagall -reformin roolit vahvistuvat länsieliitin rahatalous- ja imperiaalitotalitarismin nujertamiseksi.
Tämänkertainen koosteosa saa olla osaltaan avustavana tietopakettina jatkossa tekemilleni ekonomia-aiheisille kirjoituksilleni - kritiikeilleni, joista ensimmäinen tulee olemaan tämän kesän tilanteita kartoittavaa koostetta Facebook-seinäni materiaaleihin pohjautuen ja ajallisesti kesä- ja heinäkuulta.
Alla olevassa tietopaketissa käy ilmi mm. se, kuinka LaRouche -liikkeellä on ollut viime viikon aikana valtava katutason promotointivaihe Glass-Steagall -reformin puolesta erityisesti juuri pääkaupunki Washingtonin pääkallopaikoilla (Nykyään aikamoisen kuvaava nimitys).
Hienona valtapoliitikon esilletulona tässä aihepiirissä on kongressiedustaja Marcy Kapturin puhe tältä viikolta edustajainhuoneessa, jossa hän puolusti ja tähdensi itse liikkeelle laittamaansa Glass-Steagall -periaatteen sisältävää lakialoitetta HR 129. Marcy on ollut jo parisen vuotta yksi näkyvimmistä LaRouche -liikkeen talouskritiikkien ja ekonomian parantamisideoiden kannattaja. Myös muitakin esimerkillisiä valtapoliitikkoja on, kuten tässä kuussa Thomas Hoenig, Simon Johnson, Mike Folmer ja Walter Jones ovat ilmentäneet.
Lisäksi olen liittänyt alla olevaan kosteeseen syventävinä aineistoina LaRouche-sivustolta tuoreimpia dokumentti-, luento- ja analyysivideoita aiheeseen liittyen. Viimeisenä ovat myös kaikki tämän heinäkuun Lyndon LaRouchen webcast -seminaarit kysymyksineen.
Alla olevissa webcast-sisällöissä tulee hyvin ilmi myös muita viimeaikojen merkittäviä (geo)poliittisia asioita ja Lyndon LaRouchen kannanottoja niihin; kuten Edward Snowdenin vuotogate, Egyptin vallankumous 2.0. ja Detroitin suurkaupungin häkellyttävä vararikkoon julistaminen.
LaRouche-aineistoa ekonomiasta ja Glass-Steagall -reformin aikaansaamisesta:
Glass-Steagall -lain havainnollistamista ja siihen liittyvän politiikan tähdentämistä >>
VIDEO: Representative Marcy Kaptur Speaks on Floor of House for Glass-Steagall: "Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D-OH) gave a Special Orders speech on the floor of the House of Representatives on July 23, 2013, calling on Members of Congress to co-sponsor her bill to restore Glass-Steagall to end the destruction of the nation, contrasting the looting of Detroit to the massive profits of the looters, especially JP Morgan Chase.".
Glass-Steagall: War on Wall Street: "Lyndon LaRouche launched three critical flanks: 1. A new Pecora Commission must be convened; 2. We need a full expose of who in Congress actually belongs to Wall Street; 3. In the wake of what has come to light in the Detroit bankruptcy, we need a list of the crimes committed by Wall Street in each state.".
Glass-Steagall -sivuston selittävää ja havainnollistavaa aineistoa.
Washington D.C.:n äskettäisen aktivistiviikon sisältöä >>
LaRouchePAC Policy Committee Opening Salvo: "The initial report from the LaRouchePAC policy committee, as they prepare to launch into Washington D.C. for the national week of action. Activists all across the country will be politically organizing for the immediate re-implementation of Glass-Steagall, as the first step in the return to a national credit system.".
On the Ground in Washington, D.C. with Lamar Lemmons III: "President of the Detroit School Board, Lamar Lemmons III, joined LaRouchePAC in Washington, D.C. this week, increasing the pressure on Congress to get serious about reining in Wall Street by restoring Glass-Steagall before more cities throughout the nation find themselves where Detroit is today.".
LPAC Policy Committee in D.C. · Week II: "LaRouchePAC delegations and the LaRouchePAC Policy Committee report from Washington D.C. with an update on week two of an intensive campaign to push through Glass-Steagall this week.".
LPAC Activists in D.C. - July 18th: "A brief report from the week's organizing carried out by several LaRouchePAC activists, from the New York and New Jersey region. The activists lobbied throughout the U.S. Congress, and received a number of responses and indications of the level of Wall St. control over the Congress, as well as responses to the three-step solution of LaRouchePAC.".
LPAC Policy Committee in D.C. - First Report: "The first report from the LaRouchePAC Policy Committee in Washington D.C., leading the national LaRouchePAC week of action to restore Glass-Steagall, as the first step in the return to a national credit system.".
LPAC Policy Committee in D.C. - Second Report: "The second report from the LaRouchePAC Policy Committee in Washington D.C., leading the national LaRouchePAC week of action to restore Glass-Steagall, as the first step in the return to a national credit system.".
LPAC Policy Committee in D.C. - Third Report: "The third report from the LaRouchePAC Policy Committee in Washington D.C., leading the national LaRouchePAC week of action to restore Glass-Steagall, as the first step in the return to a national credit system.".
Yhdysvaltain alkuperäisestä roolista humaanin ekonomian ja Glass-Steagall -periaatteen esitaistelijana >>
The U.S. Legacy of Sovereign Credit: PART I: "At a LaRouchePAC Town Hall held in Springfield Massachusetts, on June 29th, 2013, Michael Kirsch of LaRouchePAC delivered a presentation titled "The U.S. Legacy of Sovereign Credit: How To Re-Industrialize the Economy and Improve on Nature." ".
The U.S. Legacy of Sovereign Credit: PART II: "At a LaRouchePAC Town Hall held in Springfield Massachusetts, on June 29th, 2013, Michael Kirsch of LaRouchePAC delivered a presentation titled "The U.S. Legacy of Sovereign Credit: How To Re-Industrialize the Economy and Improve on Nature." ".
Glass-Steagall -aiheisia kirjoituksia kahdelta viime viikolta LaRouche PAC -sivuston uutisarkistosta >>
Harrisburg's Dictator Strikes Deal with Banks To Destroy the City, Spitzer Runs Against Wall Street, Ed Asner: Letter In Support of Restoring Glass-Steagall, Greg Madison on Why Obama Hates Glass-Steagall, Harold Meyerson Calls for Glass-Steagall: "Big Banks Dangerous Monopoly on Life", U.S. Rep. Rush Holt Calls for Glass-Steagall, National Farmers Organization (NFO) Press Release in Support of Glass-Steagall, Glass-Steagall Support by State, Congressmen Who Voted for 2008 Bailout and Against Financial Reform Got Big Contributions from Wall Street, Glass-Steagall Raised in Hearing on Wall Street Control of Commodities, PA State Senator: Ban Swaps and Bail-Ins; Restore Glass-Steagall, Kaptur and Jones Release "Dear Colleague" Letter on HR 129, Glass-Steagall "Battle of the Books", Republicans Targeted to Support Glass-Steagall, Ward Links Glass-Steagall Fight to Detroit Bankruptcy, Detroit is Too Big to Fail: Crush Wall Street, Not The American People, Thuggery Put Through Dodd-Frank and Killed Glass-Steagall in 2010, National Debate on Glass-Steagall Expands, NBC Freaks Out over Glass-Steagall, Cancels Posting of Senator Warren Interview Because of "Copyright Violations", Why the U.S. Congress Acts Like the Banks Own It, Journal Says Wall Street Won't Tolerate Glass-Steagall, GOP Freshman Reflects LaRouchePAC Mobilization: 'All These People Are Talking About Glass-Steagall, Glass-Steagall', Senate Event: Hoenig, Simon Johnson Say Glass-Steagall Necessary Now, Jacques Cheminade Sends Letter to Sen. Warren Urging Full Glass-Steagall, German Landtag Member Writes Letter to U.S. Congress Urging Passage of Renewed Glass-Steagall Act, Sen. Angus King: Glass-Steagall -- It's Not Regulatory. It's Structural, Coverage of Glass-Steagall Fight Reaching Full Throttle, LaRouchePAC Policy Committee Release: Congress Must Unite Against Wall Street — Restore Glass-Steagall Now, Glass-Steagall Fight Heats Up As Policy Committee Heads to Washington ja Financial Times Pushes Harder For Glass-Steagall. Lisää ko. uutisarkistossa.
Heinäkuun 2013 Lyndon LaRouchen webcast-seminaarit:
Webcast 2013.07.26: Friday Webcast with Lyndon LaRouche >>
July 26th, 2013 LaRouche Webcast: Q1 - What can we do to change the potential outcome of the fight for Glass-Steagall?
July 26th, 2013 LaRouche Webcast: Q2 - What is your assessment on the recent fall of the Egyptian government by the aid of the Egyptian military on behalf of a popular petition?
July 26th, 2013 LaRouche Webcast: Q3 - Is Detroit’s bankruptcy just a Detroit crisis of ‘corruption’, or does an economy require systemic development?
July 26th, 2013 LaRouche Webcast: Q4 - How do we define the mission that was represented by Kennedy’s dedication, and destroyed by the series of Bushes and Obama?
July 26th, 2013 LaRouche Webcast: Q5 - How can we regain the high technology industrial orientation vitally needed in the U.S.?
July 26th, 2013 LaRouche Webcast: Q6 - How do we overcome the simple notions of partisanship and bi-partisanship?
July 26th, 2013 LaRouche Webcast: Q7 - How do we get out of the present crisis of education in the U.S.? What is an education worthy of a human being?
July 26th, 2013 LaRouche Webcast: Q8 - The Second American Revolution: Can you expand your conception of how to overcome the limits of human development, in order to have a future beyond even such achievements as nuclear power and manned space flight?
Webcast 2013.07.19: Friday Webcast with Lyndon LaRouche >>
July 19th, 2013 LaRouche Webcast: Q1 - You and Wall St. are mobilized on the fight over Glass-Steagall. Where does it stand at present?
July 19th, 2013 LaRouche Webcast: Q2 - What is next in the new “Pecora” initiative and our fight to break institutions such as Congress from Wall St.’s control?
July 19th, 2013 LaRouche Webcast: Q3 - Can you explain the relationship between an actual and explicitly intended fascist economy
July 19th, 2013 LaRouche Webcast: Q4 - The Bush family took a leading role in Wall St.’s fascist movement. Is Obama a Bush?
July 19th, 2013 LaRouche Webcast: Q5 - Some in Congress understand ‘green energy’s’ role in starvation, but still defend non-food related reduction of life’s products to low energy flux density abiotic purposes
July 19th, 2013 LaRouche Webcast: Q6 - What is the possibility of implementing a credit system in a small country with a large trade deficit like Belarus under the present world financial architecture?
July 19th, 2013 LaRouche Webcast: Q7 - With more people joining our fight, how do we escalate our organizing of the U.S. republic?
Webcast 2013.07.12: Friday Webcast with Lyndon LaRouche >>
July 12th, 2013 LaRouche Webcast: Q1 - Where does the fight for Glass-Steagall stand, and what is required to succeed in it?
July 12th, 2013 LaRouche Webcast: Q2 - Do we need Wall St. to finance the economy? What do we do with the people who want to save it?
July 12th, 2013 LaRouche Webcast: Q3 - Can you continue your exposition of the American Hamiltonian credit system?
July 12th, 2013 LaRouche Webcast: Q4 - What is the significance of the ‘Snowden affair’ and Obama's Narcissistic response to it?
July 12th, 2013 LaRouche Webcast: Q5 - How do We Respond to the International Bail-Out / Bail-In Drive for Fascism?
July 12th, 2013 LaRouche Webcast: Q6 - What are the objectives, in the coming weeks, for the LaRouchePAC and the LaRouchePAC Policy Committee?
Webcast 2013.07.05: Friday Webcast with Lyndon LaRouche >>
July 5th, 2013 LaRouche Webcast: Q1 - What is Happening in Egypt?
July 5th, 2013 LaRouche Webcast: Q2 - Environmentalism is the Oligarchical System
July 5th, 2013 LaRouche Webcast: Q3 - A Credit System to Save the Nation
July 5th, 2013 LaRouche Webcast: Q4 - Snowden and Obama.
Lopuksi Lyndon LaRouchen pitkä analyysi oligargismista - oligarkkieliitistä >> On the Subject of Oligarchy.
Saturday, July 27, 2013
LaRouche-liikkeen ekonomian ja Glass-Steagall -reformin roolit vahvistuvat länsieliitin rahatalous- ja imperiaalitotalitarismin nujertamiseksi - Osa 2
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