Thursday, March 31, 2011
Kevään tuova leuto, epävakainen ja ajoittain tuulinen länsivirtaustyyppi alkamassa jatkuen ensi viikon lopulle... (Päivitys!)
Saturday, March 26, 2011
LaRouche -liikkeen ajatuksia ja teesejä yhteenvedettynä jatkon pohdintoja ja havainnollistamisia varten
LaRouche -liike näyttää menneen osaltaan hyvinkin paljon "out there" -suuntaan joissakin elementeissään viime aikaisten tapahtumien takia (Kuten avaruustutkimukseen ja jopa sen valloittamiseen liittyvissä seikoissa), mutta tämäkin on toisaalta myös etu arvioidessamme maailmaamme. Välillä yllättävän rohkeasti vastoin valtavirtamielipiteitä haraavat ajattelijat tuovat jotain hyvin merkittävää ymmärrystä esille. LaRouche -liike on tässä mielessä kuin se puuttuva kirkastava ja tajuntaa laajentava osa valo-varjo -kompositiossa, jonka myötä tajuaa asioita paremmin ja laajemmin kuin olisi muutoin mahdollista ja tämä mahdollistaa ko. "valo-varjo -objektin" tarkastelemista myös uusista yllättävistäkin kulmista.
Tämä on tullut ilmi mm. ydinvoimaa koskevissa asioissa Japanin Fukushiman katastrofin myötä ja se osaltaan ilmentää niitä kohtia, joissa LaRouche -liikkeen teesit ovat syvässä ristiriidassa myös verrattuna niiden muiden tahojen teeseihin, jotka muutoin ovat LaRouche -liikkeen sisällön kanssa paljonkin samaa mieltä. Tällainenkin ristiriita- ja toinen toisensa poissulkevien kontrastikohtien tarkastelu tuottaa avoimella ja ennakkoluulottomalla mielellä tehtynä erittäin hedelmällistä ymmärryksen kasvua maailmamme tilasta.
Ym. sanottuna introksi voimmekin ottaa LaRouche -liikkeeltä tarkasteluun hyvät viimeaikaiset yhteenvedot maailmamme tilasta, joista otan esille nämä: Executive Intelligence Review -sivustolta ääniraita LaRouche -showsta (Arkistosta); Only a Criminal Would Ignore the Galaxy, and Oppose Nuclear Power! ja LaRouche PAC -sivustolta kaksi viimeisintä viikkoraporttia; SPECIAL EDITION: LPAC Weekly Report ja LPAC Weekly Report. Tässä on myös Lyndon LaRouchen webcast -seminaari tämän kuun 10. päivältä; Ireland & America. Siinä on hyvä muistaa sisällöllisesti, että se oli juuri täpärästi ennen Japanin maanjäristystä!
Tätä kirjoitustani varten otan kuitenkin tarkempaan käsittelyyni tekstin tuolta Executive Intelligence Review -sivustolta, joka summaa osuvasti monet asiat maailmamme tilasta. Samat asiat toistuvat paljolti noissa video- ja ääniraitalinkeissäkin, mutta tästä tekstistä teen siis tähän alle runsaan lainaussarjan tueksi jatkon kirjoituksilleni ja pohdinnoilleni. Olen ottanut vapaudekseni sommitella lainattuja kappaleita eri tavalla aiheiden mukaisiin ryhmiin verrattuna alkuperäiseen tekstiin. Puuttuvat osat voitte mennä bongaamaan alkuperäisestä tekstistä. Annan pelkkien lainausten tässä vaiheessa puhua puolestaan enkä kommentoi niitä vielä. Jatkossa sitä tapahtunee muiden kirjoitusteni yhteydessä...
Lainauksia tekstistä (LAROUCHE ADDRESS A Confluence of Crisis: Our Job Is To ManageThe Universe) -->
Ekonominen kriisi:
"There are several subjects which are of vital importance as world issues right now. One, of course, is the economic crisis. We have the worst worldwide economic crisis in modern history now developing. It's developing in part, in Europe, in the threatened breakup of the euro system, and I can see no hope for a continuation of the present euro system. Countries which are involved in the euro system are in the process of breaking from it, or being forced to break from it. There's no choice. That's the situation.
But this is also in the trans-Atlantic region, especially. The entire economic-financial situation of the trans-Atlantic region is now doomed: It can not continue in its present form. There are reforms available, if adopted, which can solve the problem, and I will identify them."
"The economic crisis of Asia is of a somewhat different nature. China, India, and Japan and so forth—these major countries of Asia are not as vulnerable on their own account to a crisis, as the trans-Atlantic region. The present world economic crisis is centered in the trans-Atlantic region. Asia, however, could not withstand a collapse of the trans-Atlantic region. So therefore, we're all put together. But probably the most important of the crises is precisely that."
"A mass strike, which is hitting the United States very hard internally—and this Presidency may not last much longer, particularly because of the imminence of the high rate of acceleration of inflation, which is caused by the British system, and by the United States system at present. We're now in a hyperinflationary process inside the United States! If the next round occurs as is promised from the Federal Reserve System, then there will be an explosion of a true hyperinflation coming on very rapidly inside the United States. Such a hyperinflationary movement will blow out the Atlantic system, the trans-Atlantic system. So we're now at a point where great changes will occur, and some great changes must occur, in order to get us through this kind of mess."
"For example, the central banking system of the entire trans-Atlantic region, is the Inter-Alpha Group. The Inter-Alpha Group has a subsidiary bank which is called a "bad bank": It's called the BRIC [Brazil, Russia, India, China]. A "bad bank" is a bank which is created to dump garbage. In other words, if you have bad loans, and bad credit, your credit goes into the bad bank. Then the bad bank goes into bankruptcy, and the other nations, presumably, or other banks, are able to survive, because the bad banks absorb the crisis. That's the fate we face."
"This crisis can be solved: It would mean shutting down the present British system, because the Inter-Alpha Group is the British system, which controls about 70% of the world's international banking. This is the system which is using the euro as a bad bank. In other words, the entire euro system is being used by the British Empire, in the name of the euro, as the bad bank which is going to sink Europe. This was created to be dumped, and you'll find that the nations of continental Europe which are in the euro system, are being looted, in order to try to save the British system. But it won't work; they just don't know what else to do."
"So, Europe has been in an accelerated decline over this entire period. The planet as a whole has been, actually, in a decline, since the late 1960s, but you didn't notice it so much. It's in this last period, the past decade or so, that you felt, in Europe and Africa and Asia and so forth, you felt the effects of this global collapse. But Asia has been, in a sense, an exception to the severity of the breakdown crisis—and it is a breakdown crisis—which is occurring, centered in Europe. It's hit the United States very strongly, and threatens to blow up, for example, Brazil."
"Brazil is in great danger now, because Brazil is part of the BRIC system, and the BRIC system is a bad bank. Therefore, the present agenda is to blow up Brazil, because the bad bank will go under. Study the loans in Brazil—looking at the lending system, you will find that the life of the loans which are outstanding exceed the life of that which is security for what's outstanding. In other words, Brazil is bankrupt.".
Kansannousu- ja vallankumousmentaliteetti:
"Now, we have also a factor in this situation, which has broken out in recent months. It started in Tunisia, in Tunis, and it spread into Egypt. It is now still raging in West Asia, and beyond. This is a major crisis.
What this means is, what has broken out is what we call a "mass strike." This is something which was first introduced as a concept to Europe by the famous poet Percy Bysshe Shelley; and in the concluding paragraph of his work, A Defence of Poetry, he identifies this phenomenon."
"So, the second one, of course, was the famous forecast of the mass strike by Rosa Luxemburg, who was, among other things, a scientist of first rate. And her treatment of the nature of the British Empire and its effect upon Europe is classic. This was the first true forecast, competent forecast, of the nature of the general European situation at that time."
"So what has happened, is that a popular movement has erupted, spreading from North Africa into the United States, and the United States now is dominated by the buildup of a mass-strike movement. It's famous, of course, in Wisconsin, but it's also in a number of other states. It is going to spread: It is a mass strike that can not be controlled by normal means. It's a true revolutionary movement. It's a bloody mess right now, very much like the round-up for the French Revolution. But, it's there; this change has occurred.".
Kosmiset voimat ja luonnonmullistukset:
"Now, on this other crisis, the Pacific crisis, which is now featured in the press as focused on Japan. It is not a Japan crisis: It is a crisis which has hit Japan; it is not a crisis of Japan. It's a crisis which has hit Japan as a part of the whole region. The crisis started in the southern half of New Zealand, the lower half. We've had a series of major earthquakes, and that's what's happened."
"So, what has happened in the Pacific region, at present—the Pacific is called the "Rim of Fire," the entire region. Take a list of any number of the major volcanoes in the Pacific area, from Pakistan all the way to California, down to Chile. This whole area is an area which is subject to forces, solar forces, beyond the imagination of virtually anyone except top scientists. And every region that has volcanoes, including ones which have been inactive for a while, has the possibility of blowing up."
"And what's happened in Japan: Japan was hit by a combination of forces, all caused by this phenomenon. The tsunami and the entire outbreak is a result of this phenomenon. And this phenomenon will probably continue for another two to three years in this form, and it will become worse. And therefore, we are dealing here with cosmic forces, which actually are, in part, located within the galaxy, of which the Solar System is a part. These are galactic forces which are threatening us in a way which has not been experienced in recent centuries. How bad it will be, we don't know. But we have to understand that that's the situation.".
Älyllinen ja kulttuurillinen kriisi:
"The other problem is intellectual: Most forecasting, economic forecasting, that is done, is intrinsically incompetent, because the forecasting is dominated by the British Liberal system. The British Liberal system is something which was invented, actually by Paolo Sarpi, in the 16th Century. And he had a system and said, essentially, you have to replace the Aristotelean system. And his argument was that we could create a system which could allow some kinds of investment and expansion, where the old system, which was a fixed system, couldn't. But he meant that mankind would have to come under the rule of a system, in which the people would be controlled by a sense of pleasure and pain. That's the Sarpi system."
"Now a key follower in the British system was that, of course, of the British system of Adam Smith for example. Adam Smith believed and said that mankind can be ruled by two principles: pleasure and pain. Mankind has no ability to determine, or predetermine anything, except pleasure and pain. Therefore, the argument was, if you use pleasure and pain as a means to control nations, you can control nations. And that has worked. That's the British system. Induce pleasure and pain: I'll give you pleasure for this, I'll give you pain for this; and by this kind of treatment, the manipulation of nations occurs."
"Therefore, modern economic forecasting is done on the basis of statistical methods, which are based on the concept of pleasure and pain, not on reason. And that's why most forecasting that is done by economists has failed. Except economists who restrict themselves to objective phenomena, such as weather and that sort of thing, which we can do more and more, and better and better. But that's the situation we're in."
"So therefore, we are coming to the point that we are in this mess because the populations and nations have been controlled by an imperial system of pleasure and pain. And by threatening people with pain, and selecting what you're going to make painful, because you make people suffer—that's pain. Then you offer them pleasure; you tell them what their pleasure can be, what their entertainment will be, and they submit. And nations have been controlled by this kind of manipulation of the Adam Smith system, which has been the basic controlling feature of the world empire, such as it exists today."
"We have a situation, which is a terrible situation, and within it, we have a revolution: What you have, as Rosa Luxemburg prescribed, but also what Shelley prescribed, in the concluding paragraph of his Defence of Poetry, is that mankind does not really depend upon sense-perception. Sense-perception is a very crude instrument which we rely upon.
We find that mankind also has a higher form of intelligence, as even some animals do. But mankind's intelligence is such that it's our creative intelligence, our creative powers to make discoveries of principle, to change the character of man's existence, by raising man from a lower level of ability to exist, to a higher level!"
"And this drive, to always go to a higher level of scientific progress and development of mankind, is the basis on which mankind depends for success of the human species. Every other type of animal life, other than man, is ultimately doomed, because it becomes outmoded. Only mankind, which has the ability to change mankind's own nature, to improve mankind's own nature, is capable of overcoming the challenge of the requirement. You would never have a monkey be able to invent a nuclear fission program. You would never have a monkey, which could develop thermonuclear fusion. We need those, now!".
Ydinvoima ja ekonomia:
"Now, we have to understand that these earthquakes have nothing to do with nuclear power plants, except that they may destroy nuclear power plants. But the nuclear power plants are not a problem, in and of themselves. The problem lies with the earthquake phenomenon."
"Asia is not quite as susceptible to pleasure and pain in the same form as the trans-Atlantic region. Therefore, Asia has, like major nations such as China and India have, their own problems; but their problems are of a different nature than those of Europe. Asia is now in a progressive mode. China has been, despite the recent reports in the press, China is committed to nuclear power. India is committed to nuclear power. That's the correct policy. The question is: What kind of nuclear power? We are now using fission, nuclear fission, as a source of power in that region. That's good, but that's not good enough. Because it's not powerful enough. Therefore, both India and China—China particularly—is going for a higher form of power, thermonuclear fusion, one of my old things that I used to be involved with in this policy."
"So therefore, Asia is in an attempt to try to grow back as a section of the world. Japan is part of that, Korea is part of that; other nations are part of it. And thus, these regions, while they are underdeveloped—I mean, the poverty in India is massive; the poverty in China is, for China, massive. The difference is that India and China, unlike Europe, are in a period of relative growth. That is, the good part of the economy is growing.
Whereas in Europe, what would be considered the good part of the economy, which generates wealth, is shrinking, and especially since this euro system was installed, as part of the 1989-1990 agreements, along with the British, led by some others, the French President and the United States President, condemned Europe, continental Europe, to the euro, as a condition for the settlement of the reunification of Germany."
"The secret of the planet, the secret of the economy on the planet, is to increase what I call the relative energy-flux density of the planet: That is, mankind must go from simple burning of wood—mankind lives on fire; it's the only species that willfully chooses fire. And fire is key to mankind."
"Now there are many kinds of fire. We go from burning trash, burning wood; we go to charcoal; we go to petroleum; we go to natural gas. And now we've reached a point that you can not maintain the population of this planet on less than nuclear power, nuclear fission power. Without nuclear fission power, you can not maintain the population of the planet.
We are now reaching the point where nuclear power is developed to a large degree—not sufficiently, but to a large degree. But it's not sufficient. We must now go ahead to thermonuclear fusion as a primary leading source of power, which is what China was committed to recently. Same thing. Therefore, we must increase man's power as measured in concentration of calories, as well as in other terms. We must increase in terms of physical science. We must increase the power of physical science to meet human needs.".
Glass-Steagall -lain uudelleen asettaminen globaalisti:
"The United States, in an act of insanity in 2008, went into a kind of bailout debt—a terrible mistake. The banking systems of most nations of the world are committed to this kind of debt, a corrupt form of debt. We used to have a debt which was based on physical debt: We would have one set of banks, which we called the commercial banks, and the commercial banks under the U.S. system, formerly, before this change was made, was the Roosevelt system, from 1933 to that point. Therefore, we kept separate, banks which were commercial banks, which were under regulation, and did not engage in speculation. Most of the debt in the world today, since then, now, is worthless debt! In other words, if you want to have an economy grow, what you would do is wipe out all this debt, which is simply gambling debt. They're like gambling debts, merchant banking gambling debts."
"So, if the United States is going to survive, that means the United States government is going to install a Glass-Steagall system. And the pressure is now again, on members of the Congress to come forth with a Glass-Steagall law. A Glass-Steagall law by the United States would probably be the way in which we could deal with and control this world crisis, world financial crisis. Because probably $15 trillion worth of fake debt, is sitting on the back of the United States today, and as long as that debt sits on the back of the United States, the United States is going down the tubes."
"What we would do with a Glass-Steagall law—which was the same law that Roosevelt put into effect in 1933—the Glass-Steagall law would say: Commercial banks will be insured and protected. So we will take the commercial banks and we will save them. We will take all the debt which is of another kind, and we will dump it into the equivalent of a bad bank: the merchant banks of Wall Street and London. And we don't care if it goes away! Because this debt is worthless. It has no intrinsic value. It's worthless debt! And nations are being suffocated, and bled to death by worthless debt. If the debt were restricted to legitimate, commercial banking debt, commercial credit systems, then we would not have this mass of debt."
"For example, the British are afraid of this: If the United States makes the Glass-Steagall reform, we will no longer owe any of this trillions of dollars of debt, which is fake debt, worthless debt. If the euro goes with the same system that the United States does, then the euro will split out from the British system. In that case, most of the debt of Europe will be cancelled, the nominal debt. If you restricted the obligation in debt to an honest commercial debt, you would find you would liberate Europe, the United States, and other parts of the world from this debt which is choking us all now."
"But the problem with this debt is not only that it's so large: The problem is, it grows like a cancer. The rate of increase of worthless debt, to actual, valuable commercial credit, is accelerating at such a rate, that we now have, globally, a hyperinflationary phenomenon comparable to what happened in one nation, in Germany, in 1923. The whole euro system is ready to blow out with a 1923-style explosion like that of Germany in 1923. That explosion in Germany, which was then a selected victim of the Versailles powers, happened in a very predictable way, in one year! In one year, they wiped out Germany!"
"Now this is a more complicated debt, because it involves many different kinds of nations, and parts of nations, and sections of the world. But the same principle is there: The present international monetary-financial system is the disease. If we do not eliminate the disease, we are not going to have civilization, and therefore, we should eliminate the disease!"
"My view is, it's the responsibility of the United States, which terminated the Glass-Steagall law before, to return to it now. That means we will probably eliminate $17 trillion worth of U.S. debt! And if the United States does that, I can guarantee you that most of the nations of Europe will do the same kind of thing: They'll go back to a protectionist system, like the Glass-Steagall system. And it will be the responsibility of the United States then, to initiate a global system, a fixed-exchange-rate system, like that which was canceled in 1971.
Under a fixed-exchange-rate system, as Roosevelt had intended, we could solve the problems of the planet. It's feasible to do so.".
Tieteen ja tieteellisen ajattelun kehityksen välttämättömyys ihmiskunnalle:
"Now, the other problem here is also a political problem; it's also a scientific problem, and it has three aspects. One, that there is no such thing as a Second Law of Thermodynamics. It's a myth. If you look at the history of life on this planet, for several billion years on Earth, and look at the record of species, and what the quality of these species were, over these 3 billion years, you find that the level of performance of these species is rising. Also we find, that if we don't raise the level of existence of species, the planet decays."
"So therefore, there is no law of a fixed rate, of a fixed limit; there is no principle of that type. Mankind depends upon, and the planet depends on a constant rate of development, to higher forms of organization, as you see in the history of species, from the study of remains of former species in the history of this planet.
So therefore, man can survive only by the human will, through the use of those creative powers, conscious creative powers, which are specific to mankind, and thus, scientific progress."
"It means that the creative power of the mind, it means that the education of our children to develop their creative powers, is the most essential thing for all of us. We have to have a global perspective of a policy of going always to higher and higher forms of man's power, to deal with the threats to mankind. We have to do that not only on this planet, because we can't defend our planet alone. We exist in a Solar System; the Solar System is merely a little thing inside a great galaxy; and we have to learn to be able to deal with that, the same way that we deal with every other problem that we've solved; mankind must constantly go ahead to higher forms of power, for the sake that mankind will not become another dead species, like the many dead species we buried in chalk and similar kinds of things in the past.".
Yhteenvetoa maailman tilanteesta, sen voimista ja niiden hallinnasta:
"If you just take into account the things we reported yesterday, in our discussion with Sky Shields and so forth, the same thing: The power that we're contending with, the power of the Sun, the power of one burst of plasma from the Sun into our vicinity—if we didn't have a protective screen built up around our planet, by life itself, if we didn't have that protective screen, we could not exist. This is a power out there, way beyond any power we have, that man uses on Earth itself. And obviously, in the long term, we have to understand that mankind, dealing with the fact that this Sun is now scheduled to blow up, maybe 5 billion years from now, we'd better have a policy of saying that we're going to develop the power of mankind to control mankind's destiny, beyond what we have today, far beyond what we have today."
"Living species have been wiped out en masse, in entire successive generations. Only man has demonstrated the ability in practice, to resist those threats. We're not powerful enough yet, to deal adequately with those threats, and we're warned of this by what's happening around the rim of the Pacific: The whole region for the next two or three years, is in danger of blowing up, with volcanic and similar kinds of explosions.
If we use the power that we have, and the brains we have, we can do something about that. But we can not rest on what our present abilities are: We have to think that our grandchildren and their descendants will have developed new powers beyond what we have today, to control man's destiny, within the Solar System, and within the universe. ".
Friday, March 25, 2011
Ajankohtaan nähden kylmää ja vaihtelevaa poudasta lumisateisiin ja voimakkaisiin tuuliin; ensi viikon lopulla kevään vyöry... (Päivitys!)

Thursday, March 24, 2011
Brittiläisen imperiumin ikeen alla syntynyttä popmusiikkia: The Human League - The Lebanon
NWO -tutkimuksissamme olemme jo toki ymmärtäneet, että Lähi-Idän epävakauttamisessa erittäin suuressa osassa ovat olleet nimenomaan länsivallat (Brittiläinen imperiumi) Israelin avustuksella ja varsin tarkka alku tällaisille tahallisillekin toimille voidaan nähdä vuoden 1916 Sykes-Picot -sopimuksen muodostamisen pohjilta. Lainaus tuosta wikipedia-artikkelista: "The Sykes–Picot Agreement of 1916 was a secret agreement between the governments of the UK and France,[1] with the assent of Imperial Russia, defining their respective spheres of influence and control in Western Asia after the expected downfall of the Ottoman Empire during World War I. It effectively divided the Arab provinces of the Ottoman Empire outside the Arabian peninsula into areas of future British and French control or influence.".
Tämä Ranskan ja eritoten Britannian (Länsivaltojen eli Brittiläisen imperiumin) hallinta alueella vaikuttaa edelleenkin nimenomaan Israelin kautta ja siinä tyypillinen hajoita ja hallitse -manipulaatio sekä kaaoksesta järjestys -tyrannia on ilmentynyt monella tavalla jo 1900 -luvun alusta saakka erilaisine levottomuuksineen ja sotineen sekä valtioiden muokkauksineen. Viimeisen n. 20 vuoden aikanahan alueella on käyty nimenomaan länsivaltojen eli Brittiläisen imperiumin sponsoroimia ja manipuloimia sotia päätyökalunaan kriittisissä paikoissa Yhdysvaltain armeija; Irak, Afganistan ja nyt dramaattisesti laajennetummin Libya ja oikeastaan koko tienoo sekä osallisena Euroopankin asevoimia!
Tämän takia onkin täysin sopivaa soveltaa tuohon The Lebanon biisin nimeen myös noita muita maita (Afganistan, Irak ja Libya... Kohta Iran?...); biisi kuvaisi jokaisen kohdalla aivan hyvin kulloistakin tilannetta, vaikka vaihtaisi jokaisen The Lebanon -sanan tilalle Irakin, Afganistanin tai Libyan tai..... Tämän lyriikoiden sisältö ei tosin suoraan kerro kuka ko. sodan syyllinen olisi, mutta hyvin johdattelevasti ja sodan tuomitsevasti lyriikka tähdentää --> "Kuka muka sodan voisi voittaa sotilaiden mentyä?". Sekö, joka saa alueen hallintaansa; onko se alueen kansalaiset vai ko. imperiumi, jonka nukketyranni saa alueen valtaansa...!? Niinpä! Sodassa ei lopulta ole oikeastaan voittajia (Ei viime kädessä edes globaali eliitti) ja kansalaiset häviävät aina eniten.
Biisi on lyriikoiltaan kokonaisuudessaan sodan yhteiskunnallista ja sosiaalista kauheutta kritisoivasti kuvaava ja biisin tämä sisältö on haluttu tuoda musiikkivideossa suhteellisen koruttomasti esille, sillä video on muotoiltu "vain" pelkän konsertin live-esityksen muotoon. Muutoin itse biisistä vähän knoppitietoutta; se oli The Human Leaguen suosituimman inkarnaation toisen albumin Hysteria ensimmäinen singlelohkaisu. Sekä albumi että ko. biisi olivat heikompia menestyksiä kuin bändin edellinen uraauurtava ja huippusuosittu Dare -albumi vuodelta 1981 ja sen monet singlehitit kruununaan ykköshitti "Don't You Want Me?". Sekä Hysteria että The Lebanon pääsivät kuitenkin top 10 listoille ainakin Britanniassa.
Syynä menestyksen laskuun olivat varmaankin osaltaan bändin aikaisempaa radikaalimpi poliittinen ote nimenomaan tässä biisissä kavahduttaen kuulijoita, joskin bändin aikaisempi alkuperäinen inkarnaatio (Jossa olivat vielä mukana perustajajäsenet Martyn Ware ja Ian Graig Marsh) vuosina 1977 - 80 oli myös yhteiskuntakriittinen lyriikoissaan. Tyylillisenä syynä suosion laskuun saattoi olla myös bändin aikaisempaa kitaravetoisempi pop ainakin tässä The Lebanon -biisissä, joka heijastelee toisaalta tuon vuoden syntsapopaallon jälkimainingeissa noussutta kitarapopin uutta tulemista; mm. The Smiths, Big Country, U2 ja jossain määrin myös Simple Minds albumillaan Sparkle in the Rain.
Kaikki The Human League -fanit eivät ilmeisesti täysin tykänneet kitaroista bändin uudessa soundissa, koska bändihän on alunperin tunnettu nimenomaan puhtaasta ja selkeästä syntesoijasoundistaan, missä yhdellä tavalla bändin ensimmäinen inkarnaatio esitteli sitä avantgardistisesti ja minimaalisesti ja toinen inkarnaatio tuolla Dare -albumilla puolestaan keimailevan ja dramaattisen pophileisesti aloittaen suorastaan ns. lähes yksin käsin syntsapopin megasuosion vuosiksi 1981 - 85. Itselleni tämä The Lebanon -biisi on silti itse asiassa oikein mahtava ja upea ihan vain musiikillisestikin; eräänlainen risteytys vaikkapa U2, Duran Durania ja Kraftwerkia :)
En enempää jatka tästä biisistä ja bändistä tällä kertaa, mutta muistettakoon vielä, että The Human League jatkaa elämäänsä vielä tänäänkin ja heiltä onkin ilmestynyt aivan äsken tässä kuussa uusi albumi nimeltään Credo. Sen suosio näyttäisi jäävän kuitenkin hyvin heikoksi huolimatta viime vuosien 80 -luvun musiikin monipuolisesta uudesta suosiosta noin muutoin... Lopuksi: Saattaa olla, että tämä musiikkisarjani jatkuu yhä sodan vastaisten biisien kera maailman tilanteen takia...
The Human League - The Lebanon (Video)
"She dreams of nineteen sixty-nine
Before the soldiers came
The life was cheap on bread and wine
And sharing meant no shame
She is awakened by the screams
Of rockets flying from nearby
And scared she clings onto her dreams
To beat the fear that she might die
And who will have won
When the soldiers have gone
From the Lebanon
The Lebanon
Before he leaves the camp he stops
He scans the world outside
And where there used to be some shops
Is where the snipers sometimes hide
He left his home the week before
He thought he'd be like the police
But now he finds he is at war
"Weren't we supposed to keep the peace"
And who will have won
When the soldiers have gone
From the Lebanon
The Lebanon
The Lebanon
From the Lebanon
I must be dreaming
It can't be true
I must be dreaming
It can't be true
And who will have won
When the soldiers have gone?
From the Lebanon
The Lebanon
The Lebanon
From the Lebanon".
Onko Pohjois-Afrikan - Lähi-Idän myllerrys ja Libyan sota pohjustamassa III maailmansodan alkamisen?!...
Länsiliittouman (Brittiläisen imperiumin) ns. "humanitaarinen interventio" oman NWO -agendansa pönkittämiseksi jatkuu kiivaasti eritoten Libyassa hyödyntäen itse aiheuttamansa koko alueen (Pohjois-Afrikka - Lähi-Itä) epävakauttamista mm. ekonomisen tuhonnan ja sitä kautta aiheutuneiden olosuhteiden kurjistumisten myötä (Mm. ruokakriisin kärjistyminen) lisänään paikalliset diktaattorihallinnot ym. vajaasti kansan ääntä kuuntelevat valtiomuodot.
Viime viikonlopusta alkaen Libyaa vastaan aloitetut sotatoimet on kuitenkin harsotettu valtavirtamediassa hyvin vahvasti lähinnä vain Gaddafin tyrannisen vallan (Mikä on kyllä totta ainakin osaksi, mutta tässä tilanteessa varmasti propagandasyistä liioiteltuakin) syrjäyttämiseksi eli siis muka ns. humanitaarinen projekti olisi nyt käynnissä; oikeasti tämä nyt aloitettu konflikti on jo monta vuotta aikaisemmin suunniteltu osa globalistien kuvattua pankkiiri-, oligarkki- ja monarkkidiktatuurin "shakkipeliä"!
Alle listasin juttulinkkeinä valtavan määrän tätä valtavirtamedian lähes tyystin piilottamaa tietoa Libyaan liittyvistä käänteistä tässä vaiheessa ja osa niistä koskee myös koko Pohjois-Afrikan - Lähi-Idän vallankumouksellista ja kaaoottisen epävakaata tilannetta. Nämä alla olevat sisällöt ovat tulleet viime viikonlopusta alkaen vastaani mm. Facebookissa poliittisesti aktiivisten tuttujeni / ystävieni tilapäivityksissä ja omissa tutkimuksissani; annan niiden kertoa omalla painollaan monipuolisesti ja hyvin hätkähdyttävästikin tästä jopa Kolmatta maailmansotaa lietsovasta tilanteesta tällä kertaa ilman sen kummempia omia arvioitani.
Osaltaan tällä runsaudellaan ja järkyttävyydellään ko. sisällöt kuvaavatkin sitä pahuuden päättymättömältä ja mielettömältä vaikuttavaa tsunamivyöryä, jonka kaksi pääaiheuttajaa ovat globaaliksi eliitiksi kutsuttu entiteetti (Brittiläinen imperiumi) ja toisaalta meidän kaikkien kansalaisten enemmän tai vähemmän vieläkin dramaattisesti ilmenevä välinpitämättömyys ja valveutumattomuus.
Olemme valitettavasti äärimmäisissä vaikeuksissa, kun osa viettää edelleenkin "suojattua elämää" muka hyvissä olosuhteissa, kun eivät vielä ole vain kohdanneet omassa elämässään dramaattista pahuutta tai tulevaisuutta tuhoavia ongelmia. He kuvittelevat, että vanha jo tavallaan sisältä päin tuhoutunut maailma muka vielä eläisi ja kantaisi lähes kuin ennenkin. Se on suuri maailmankuvallisen orientaation virhe tässä maailman tilanteessa, missä ko. maailmankuvavankilasta pitää tulla ulos hahmottelemaan optimistista ja uudelle humaanille pohjalle rakennettavaa renessanssia!
Näihin kammottavien (sota)teemojen kritisoimisiin ja paremman hahmottelemisiin niiden tilalle palaan varmasti myöhemminkin monta kertaa, sillä ei ole valitettavasti oletettavaa, että nämä myllerrykset yhtäkkiä ollenkaan loppuisivat ehkä jopa hyvin pitkään aikaan... Myöhemmin kuva alkaa selvitä enemmän myös siitä, minkälainen globaalisti leviävä sota olisi uhkaamassa... Edellisessä kirjoituksessanikin käsittelin jo osaltaan näitä teemoja, joka tässä alustukseni lopuksi; Kaikkien aikojen vallankumousaalto rakentumassa kansannousumentaliteetin ja uusfeodaalistavan monetarismin eskaloimina.
David Icke; Headlines -juttuja lainauksineen -->
Aluksi David Icken varoitus maailmansodasta --> David Icke - Fork in The Road (They Want To Trigger World War III)!
The Ongoing Plot To Create 'Greater Israel'; (Varsinainen juttu) " 'The author of the following point wrote about these things in 1968. Since then, to make things worse, warring Israel has amassed billions of dollars of US-supplied state of the art weaponry including a huge nuclear arsenal--all while screaming about its neighbors being the threat. Typical.
By guile, treachery and bloodletting, the Zionists plot to annex all of Jordan, virtually all of Syria, half of Iraq and a large part of Saudi Arabia and all of the rich cotton lands of the Nile Valley. It would be a simpler matter then to grab Yemen, Aden, Muscat, Qatar and Oman with their rich oil development. Israel is already well advanced in the development of its first nuclear warhead.' "
Rothschild Zionist Obama the War Monger Defends his Nobel Peace Prize (Varsinainen juttu); " 'President Obama defended his Nobel Peace Prize on Tuesday, saying that Americans “don’t see any contradiction” in him ordering an attack on Libya to make sure “people aren’t butchered because of a dictator who wants to cling to power.”
“When I received that award, I specifically said there was an irony because I was already dealing with two wars,” Obama said in an interview with CNN from El Salvador. “So I am accustomed to this contradiction of being both a commander-in-chief but also someone who aspires to peace.”
Saying he is focused on ensuring that Libyans can “live out their own aspirations,” Obama defended America’s involvement in Libya, saying, “we’re not invading a country, we’re not acting alone – we’re acting under a mandate issued by the United Nations Security Council in an unprecedented fashion and with unprecedented speed"."
Reign of Terror, Torture in Bahrain; (Varsinainen juttu)" 'There is only one approach on the part of American imperialism and that is to subjugate these peoples, deny their sovereignty and to impose a semi-colonial regime; specifically with respect to Bahrain where the Al Khalifa is maintained not only by the British, but by the US and for a very long time.
I'd like to point out that a correspondent with the Irish Times, with whom I'm in touch with daily, has been documenting and writing about the manner in which Bahrain has been a center of torture operated by Sir Ian Henderson and the British over the past decades.
The most fiendish torture -- I'm talking about dismemberment and sexual abuse, torment of family members and the children of those detained on a regular and ongoing basis.' "
Why The Rothschilds Do It - Exterminating Moslems With DU (Varsinainen juttu); "Why the Rothschilds Do It
They do it for two reasons. First, they have been raised to bring honor to themselves by furthering the advantages of the family and of their vision of Zionism against the interests of "the nations." Second, the truth about their intentions and past super crimes is abroad in the world and those who know the truth are attempting to organize the informed to overthrow Rothschild power. In other words, they want the glory of winning and they want to avoid the pain of any countermeasures taken by their victims."
'Next Yemen President to be US Picked' (Varsinainen juttu); " 'The United States, Western powers, and Persian Gulf states are manipulating the scene in Yemen for a new president who is in favor of their imperialist policies.
In an interview with Press TV, author and political analyst Kevin Ovenden talks about Yemeni incumbent President Ali Abdullah Saleh losing the support he needs to suppress anti-government protests, and Saudi Arabia -- backed by Western powers -- trying to keep him afloat until a favorable replacement is found.' "
Rothschild Globalist Killers Pour Depleted Uranium On Libyans In Nuclear War (Varsinainen juttu); " 'So what do they know that is so secret?
They are all guilty of war crimes knowing they have all authorized the use of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) against innocent civilians and our own military forces to a level bordering on mass genocide.
Many of the weapons used, especially those used against tanks (armour piercing) and those used against hard targets (Cruise Missiles & Bunker Busters) all contain uranium components such as Penetrators, Shaped Charged Liners and as a counterweightmost of which is made up of Depleted Uranium.
All weapons that contain Depleted Uranium weapons are recognized as radioactive poison gas weapons and thus violate the Geneva Convention under the 1925 Geneva Poison Gas Protocol.' "
Ilman lainauksia: Could Obama be Impeached over Libya? Let's ask Biden (Youtube -video); Hyvää lupaavaa varapresidentin Obaman vastustamista...?!
Singing From the Song Sheet: Australian and Canadian 'Leaders' Give Same Speech to Justify Invasion of Iraq (Youtube -video)
Shocking Yemen Video Where a Shot Protester is Carried Along the Street Every 10 Seconds (Youtube -video).
Infowars -juttuja otsikkomaisine lainauksineen -->
Globalist Coalition Claims “Precision” Bombs Do Not Kill Libyan Civilians; "CNN and the corporate media are trying their darnedest to put the best face on Obama’s illegal attack."
Syria & Yemen: Tying up Globalist Loose Ends; "US is providing Al-Qaeda linked militant extremists in Libya with air support in their bid to oust Qaddafi."
Hypocrite Biden Threatened Bush Impeachment Over Unconstitutional War; "The elite and their brokers at the United Nations wanted this shabby little war waged against Libya."
Bottom Line, Libya Will Remain a Transnational Oil Fiefdom; "It is business as usual in Libya — never mind the little war now underway."
Fox News Contrives “Human Shield” Hoax To Sell Libya War; " “Exclusive” story about Gaddafi using western journalists as human shields is “nuts, states CNN reporter involved in tour."
Obama’s Bay of Pigs in Libya: Imperialist Aggression Shreds UN Charter; "Webster Tarpley’s newest article on the state of affairs in Libya."
Neo-Cons Applaud Obama’s War, Call For Occupation Of Libya; "Kristol and McCain brazenly admit “humanitarian mission” in Libya is about neo-colonial regime change."
Nations bombing Libya are ‘terrorists,’ Gadhafi says; "Libyan ruler Moammar Gadhafi called the allied nations bombing his country “terrorists” Sunday.".
Sorcha Faal: China Moves To Save Libyan Leader As Russia Warns Of ‘All Out War’ ja China Moves To Save Libyan Leader As Russia Warns Of ‘All Out War’.
Lainauksia molemmista jutuista:
"An “urgent” dispatch from Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) chief Mikhail Fradkov to President Medvedev that is circulating in the Kremlin today says that the Chinese warship Xuzhou is preparing to offer protection to Libyan leader Muammar Abu Minyar al-Gaddafi [photo top left] and his family to protect them from assassination from the US-led air assault on that North African Nation.
In what this report calls a “stunning betrayal” by the West, Russian leaders say their abstention in the United Nation Security Council vote to establish a no-fly zone over Libya to protect its civilian population from both Gaddafi and rebel forces is, instead, being used by the West to engineer their takeover of Libya’s vast oil and water resources, and which we had previously warned about in our March 8th report, “Global Resource War Warned Has Begun Between East-West.”"
"Most astounding in all of these events is the crazed hypocrisy of the West, who at the same time they are massacring the very Libyan civilians they said they were going to protect, they are, at the exact same time allowing their favored Arab allies to kill every unarmed protester they can with no words of condemnation or threat of retaliation.
Especially gruesome of these “approved” civilian massacres was US-backed Yemeni dictator Ali Abdullah Saleh ordering military snipers to fire into the heads of unarmed protesters gathered by the tens-of-thousands and killing over 50 of them, an act so barbaric his own powerful tribe called for his immediate removal, but with no condemnation from Western leaders."
"According to French author and Nostradamus scholar Jean-Charles de Fontbrune, in his 1983 book Nostradamus: Countdown To Apocalypse (page 287) the “King of Kings” Libyan leader Gaddafi is the man who will unite the Arab World against the West according to this prophecy and begin an apocalyptic Global War that will bring our whole World to the brink of collapse.
Most interesting to note about Fontbrune’s referring to Gaddafi as the “King of Kings” was that he did it in 1983, a full 25 year before August 29, 2008 when at a meeting of more than 200 African kings and traditional rulers he was, indeed, given that exact title."
"So dire has our World become that the cover of the American magazine Newsweek this week is titled “Apocalypse Now: Tsunamis, Earthquakes, Nuclear Meltdowns, Revolutions, Economies on the Brink. What the #@%! Is Next? [photo bottom left]
The answer to the question “What the #@%! Is Next”, should anyone care to know, was contained in that aforementioned Pentagon report that in 2004 concluded about the times we are now living in:
Welcome to World War III! It will be coming to a neighborhood near you much sooner than you think.".
LaRouche PAC: Medvedev Launches Public Criticism of Putin, Libya Crisis: The Dysfunctional Obama Presidency, Obama's Not Home, and Never Has Been; Impeachment Issue Rises, Humanitarian Catastrophe Unfolding in Bahrain; Regional Implications Beyond Proportion.
Muita viime viikonlopusta saakka ilmenneitä aiheeseen liittyviä juttuja runsaana sarjana -->
Mitä Libyan kapinalliset tavoittelevat?
The Unreported Facts About Libya
Russian Duma calls for immediate halt to violence in Libya — RT
HS: Israel uhkaa Gazaa uudella sodalla
PressTV - Germany pulls out of NATO operations
General Wesley Clark on 9/11 n Libya, Libya was already planned, Iran next..Obama Speech on Libya Taken From Bush Afghanistan
Israel teki ilmaiskuja Gazaan Ulkomaan uutiset
PressTV - Russia urges immediate Libya ceasefire
China Calls for Immediate Cease-Fire in Libya
Amerikkalaissotilaat poseeraavat hymyssä suin kuolleiden siviilien äärellä
RT: Kucinich: War is a swamp, Obama Libya action unconstitutional
IS: Hägglund haluaa Hornetit Libyaan Libyan kriisi
Obama Asks Saudi Arabia To Arm Libyan Civil War And Stage Fake Protests
Nigel Farage: EU has no legitimacy or consent to take military action
The Truth about the Kennedy Assassination & Obama Told by Gadaffi (MUST SEE)
RT: 'We'll see depleted uranium missiles thrown by Western aircraft on Libya' BP to start drilling off Libyan coast - Americas, World - The Independent
Hesari: Venäjän Putin haukkuu YK:n ja USA:n
RT: Naked Agression: 'Libya assault planned months ahead'
Libyan levottomuudet suunniteltu juttu Magneettimedia
Operaatio Libya Magneettimedia
RT: Airstrikes in Libya did not take place - Russian military.............................