Sunday, March 18, 2012

Barack Obaman hallinnon luonteesta 2009 - 2012: The Obama Deception -dokumentti ja Lyndon LaRouchen webcast-huomiot huhtikuussa 2009

Edellisessä kirjoituksessani (Edustajainhuoneen Walter Jonesin ponsi Barack Obaman militaristista ulkopolitiikkaa vastaan: Obama viraltapanon ja maanpetossyytteen uhan alle) esille tuomaani Walter Jonesin Barack Obamaa vastaan nostamaansa ponsiin liittyen nyt on hyvä palata menneisyyteen tutkimaan sitä, miten oikeassa silloin oltiinkaan Barack Obaman suhteen osoitettaessa hänen presidenttiytensä tuhoisan epäkelvoksi jo kaiken hänen kautensa alun huumaisen messiaaksi maalaamisen keskellä.

Obaman hallintokauden lähestyessä nyt loppuaan onkin hyvä menneisyyden lähtökohta juuri Obaman virkaanastujaisvuosi 2009. Tässä tarkastelussa auttavat maaliskuussa 2009 julkaistu Alex Jonesin dokumentti The Obama Deception ja huhtikuussa 2009 Lyndon LaRouchen silloisessa webcastissään (President Obama's Narcissus Syndrome - April 11, 2009 Webcast) tekemänsä arviot Obamasta keisari Neron kaltaisena psykopaattina / narsistina.

Ensin mainittuun liittyen Alex Jonesin Infowars -mediassa onkin tuotu juuri äskettäin esille kirjoituksessa (10 Controversial Facts In The Obama Deception That Are Now Self-Evident) tuo The Obama Deception -dokumentti väitteineen ja havaintoineen nykyhetken tarkasteluvalossa. Siinä on poimittu 10 oleellisinta ko. dokumentin sisältöä, jotka nykyhetki on tuonut esille oikeina ja toteutuneina faktoina. Poimin kustakin 10 väitteestä otsikot tarkasteluun ja linkitetystä tekstistä voitte mennä lukemaan tarkemmat selostukset niihin liittyen.

Tuosta Lyndonin webcastistä poimin lainattavaksi joitakin keskeisiä Obamaan liittyviä seikkoja. Lyndonin silloisista puheista huomaamme, että hän ei suhtautunut vielä tuolloin niin jyrkän vastustavasti Obamaan kuin nykyään, vaan ennen kaikkea tähdensi eniten pahoina hänen taustavoiminaan häärineitä "avustajia" ja transatlanttista (Brittiläisen imperiumin) rahatalous- eli oligarkkieliittiä. Lisäksi Lyndon oli ilmeisesti vielä vuoden 2009 alussa odottavan toiveikas Obaman hallinnon saamiseen pois pahuuden kitaan vievältä raiteelta, mikä ei sittemmin toteutunut.

Yhtenä punaisena lankana tuossa webcastissä oli tuolloin Time -aikakauslehdessä julkaistu artikkeli, joka paljasti Obaman uunituoreen hallinnon joitakin kyseenalaisia piirteitä mm. ekonomian avustaja Larry Summersiin liittyen; ei ilmeisesti kuitenkaan niinkään hyvässä tarkoituksessa, vaan lähinnä pöyhkeilläkseen moisella jollain kieron juonilla tavalla...

LaRouche -liikkeen jyrkkä vaatimus Obaman viraltapanosta tuli kuitenkin kuvaan vasta myöhemmin; viimeistään vuoden 2009 loppuun mennessä. Lisäksi Alex Jonesin porukoihin verrattuna on huomattava se, kuinka LaRouche -liike suhtautui vielä vuonna 2009 epäluuloisesti heihin. Alex Jones oli myös Lyndonia ennemmin hyvin jyrkkä Obamaa kohtaan. Sen sijaan parin viime vuoden aikana ko. tahot ovat lähentyneet toisiaan ja Lyndon onkin ollut jo monta kertaa Alex Jonesin radioshowssa haastateltavana.

Infowars -sivuston jutusta 10 Controversial Facts In The Obama Deception That Are Now Self-Evident ja The Obama Deception -dokumenttiin sisältyvät nykyään tosiksi osoittautuneet 10 faktaa --->

"1. President Obama is a puppet who is owned by the parasitic financial community.

2. President Obama is dedicated to the overthrow of America’s constitutional republic.

3. President Obama is a proponent of the fraudulent endless war on terror because he wants to use the global chaos to finalize the covert establishment of a global fascist government.

4. President Obama is the new face of imperialism in Africa, and militarizing the continent under the political cover of humanitarianism.

5. President Obama is motivated to help Israel attack Iran and start World War III.

6. President Obama is pursuing policies of de-industrialization and coercive population control against America, and other third-world countries.

7. President Obama is trying to disarm the American people with fear-mongering tactics, and using back-door tricks to get around public opinion and Congress.

8. President Obama is destroying self-sufficient and independent communities inside the United States to prevent active economic and political resistance against the criminally hijacked federal government, multinational corporations, and Agenda 21.

9. President Obama is impeding the economic recovery of the United States and advancing the financial oligarchy’s criminal plan to bankrupt the country totally and set up a military dictatorship.

10. President Obama is waging a total war against humanity for the benefit of his Satanic Globalist Overlords.".

Alex Jonesin loppusanat ko. dokumentissa - Ajankohtaisia myös tänään! --->

"In summation, Barack Obama is a Madison-Avenue created fad. All of the crazed Obama worship being pushed by the corporate media is scientifically designed to capture the public in a net of peer pressure mass euphoria. If the new world order can just distract the public for a few more years, the elite can finish constructing their police state control grid.

Barack Obama is the perfect Trojan Horse. He makes the people feel like they finally have a place at the table, even as he betrays them. Sadly, many Obama supporters can’t see what’s right in front of their faces because they’ve already invested their very identity in this artificially created cult movement. Throughout history, it has happened over and over again. People turn their intellect over to cult of personality mass movements, and it’s happening again.

The evidence presented in this film is documented fact. And those that ignore what history has taught us do so at the peril of us all. As frightening as the information in this film is, there are many things we can do to stop the globalist agenda dead in its tracks.

First, we expose the cult of Obama for what it is: a sad hoax. Next, realize that we are all being propagandized, 24/7. Investigate all information for yourself, be it political parties, the media, or this film. Be aware of the tricks that the elite use like the staging of false flag terror attacks and other crises.

Rediscover the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Promote a culture of true liberty. There is a reason why the internationalists are attempting to destroy the sovereignty of all 50 states. They know it is one of the biggest threats to their domination. The federal government has been completely hijacked by foreign interest, and more than 25 states have recognized this fact and are moving to block the New World Order at the state level by declaring their 10th Amendment powers.

But most important of all, there is a huge awakening taking place in the United States and across the world against the globalist agenda. Free people everywhere are joining together and saying no to corruption and tyranny, and no to world government.".

Lyndon LaRouchen huhtikuun 2009 webcast ja hänen huomioita Barack Obamasta Neron kaltaisena transatlanttisen pankkiirikartellin eli oligarkkieliitin kätyrinä - nukkena: President Obama's Narcissus Syndrome - April 11, 2009 Webcast; (lainaukset poimittu webcastin tekstiversiosta) --->

" ...we have to understand the President's limitations: that he seems very bright, he seems very capable, but a lot of matters which he deals with, he hasn't got a clue of what he's talking about. And that's one of the big problems. That's why he's so susceptible to misrepresentation and being misled by people close to him, especially among certain groups.",

" we've been warned by Time magazine, we have a special problem: President Obama is presently in the grip of a thoroughly evil cabal, a most frankly Satanic pack of inherently criminal lunatics, to be found in high places in any real important part of the world, since Adolf Hitler departed our planet, nearly 64 years ago. Now, if we're to save this republic of ours, and not only that, but the entirety of this planet, from a virtual dive to Hell, we must free this President from the lunatic grip of that pack of fascist-like scoundrels, which has now been identified for us, by Time magazine. This pack of scoundrels, identified by Time, has represented the cabal which is currently exerting control over the political will of President Obama.",

"Barack Obama is the elected President of the United States, and I do not presently expect that aspect of our present situation should be changed.",

"The elimination of these factors, such as Larry Summers, and this crowd identified by Time magazine, must occur immediately, because if it does not occur, the following will be true: The situation we face, in the United States and worldwide, is comparable in many respects to Rome under the dictatorship of the Emperor Nero. The character of the President under these conditions is of that form. He is not really aware of what he's doing. He has no comprehension of many of the technical issues, such as economic issues which he's treating—none whatsoever. He has no clear understanding of strategic interest. He's an intelligent person, in other respects. But he has no competence in these areas, for which he is largely responsible as President.",

"According to the Time account, confirmed by sources close to the Obama White House, the President has been surrounded by a collection of 'behaviorist economists,' who have cultivated a cult-like following through the publication of such daffy economic tracts as Freakonomics, Nudge, Predictable Irrationality, The Wisdom of Crowds, and Animal Spirits. These economists include longtime Obama advisors Cass Sunstein, Richard Thaler, Dan Ariely, and Daniel Kahneman, to the exclusion of some of the more well-known and relatively competent economists, originally brought in to the Obama White House, but who have now been cast aside, in favor of the Pavlovian/Skinnerian kooks.",

"For these economists—these kooks—the key to economic behavior is the pursuit of pleasure and the avoidance of pain. Human will, especially human creativity, are purely secondary, and always lose out to the craven human impulses, according to these nuts. Unfortunately, the entire inner circle of White House economic advisors, from Larry Summers, to OMB director Peter Orszag, are full-fledged proponents of this insane doctrine of animal behaviorism.",

"Time revealed an even larger circle of White House economic gurus, who are all proponents of the Benthamite theories of bestial man. Orszag has been an unabashed behavioral geek.... His deputy, Jeff Liebman of Harvard, is a noted behavioral economist, as are White House economic advisor Austan Goolsbee of the University of Chicago, Assistant Treasury Secretary nominee Alan Krueger of Princeton, and several other key aides.",

"Time, with its own history of promotion of fascism and its virulent hatred of FDR, does not ignore the opportunities this collection of kooks surrounding the President offer, to destroy the Obama Presidency. 'Obama's efforts to change us,' Time gloated, 'carry a clear political risk. Republicans already portray him as a nanny-state scold, an elitist Big Brother lecturing us about inflating our tires and reading to our kids.",

"The President of the United States is acting like something worse than a fool. He should not be let out without a leash. He shouldn't be going running around the world, because he's going to make a mess of things. You've got to get him under control. We don't want to throw him out, because we don't want to create a new element of instability in the system." ja

"You see, his instincts are wrong! And his self-adulation, his manic, euphoric self-adulation, is the mentality of the worst kind of dictator. Don't let him get in a position where he has that kind of power. Keep him under constraint, the legal constraint within the American Presidential system, as it works. Keep him in that constraint. If you don't, you're creating a monster. You don't want a Frankenstein monster. You don't want a Narcissus in the Presidency, and he's a case of Narcissus, just like Nero. And the program is basically like that of Nero.

He's a danger to all humanity if you don't keep him under control. He's a danger to himself, as well as everybody else. So, you ain't persecuting him, when you're protecting him from himself.

Tässä on vielä vuoden 2009 lopusta oma kirjoitukseni pikanttina huomiona (Saatanaa puetaan hyvyyden messiaan valeasuun: Barack Obaman Nobel-palkitseminen), missä oli jo käynyt selväksi Obaman tuhoisa kätyriys transatlanttisen eliitin intressien palveluksessa ja siksi tuolloin tapahtunut Obaman Nobelin rauhanpalkinnolla seppelöiminen tuntuikin niin groteskilta ja läpinäkyvältä väärän messiaan voitelulta ja vittuiluna meitä "alammaisia" kohtaan.

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