Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Aineistoja LaRouche -liikkeen profiilin ja suosion etenemisestä maailmalla

Viime viikolla lupasin tuoda esille vielä kaksi muuta LaRouche -liikkeen virstanpylväsaineistoaan heidän maailmanparantamismissiossaan, mutta enpä ole valitettavasti ehtinyt paneutua niihin kunnolla ja en siksi ole vielä valmis julkaisemaan siihen liittyvää täällä blogissa. Lohdutukseksi otan tässä kuitenkin esille muutamia viime viikon ja tämän viikon alun aikana ilmenneitä edistysaskelia LaRouche -liikkeen profiilin ja suosion noususta globaalisti -->

Edelliseen LaRouche -aiheiseen kirjoitukseeni - LaRouche -liikkeen julkaisema NAWAPA XXI -käsikirja neorenessanssin rakentamiseksi fyysisen ekonomian periaatteiden mukaisesti - liittyen on tullut lisää selittäviä ja havainnollistavia aineistoja

--> NAWAPA XXI Overview: Section I: "Principal author of the just released special report, NAWAPA XXI, Michael Kirsch, continues his elaboration of the future-oriented NAWAPA policy, in this overview of Section I of the report. For the introduction video, click here.".

--> NAWAPA XXI Overview: Section II: "Principal author of the just released special report, NAWAPA XXI, Michael Kirsch, continues his elaboration of the future-oriented NAWAPA policy, in this overview of Section II of the report. For the introduction video, click here.".

--> The Economic System: NAWAPA XXI: "Today's discussion between Lyndon LaRouche and the national slate of LPAC endorsed candidates centers around the irreplacable role of NAWAPA in unifying the nation around a mission for the future. For more on the campaigns, see LaRouchePAC.com/campaigns.".

--> NAWAPA XXI: The Future Brought to You by the LaRouche National Slate: "The following is a statement by Washington State congressional candidate, Dave Christie.".

Glass-Steagall -lain promootio etenee Euroopassa

--> Glass Steagall Hits the Ground in Italy: "The following is a update regarding a popular initiative recently launched by the Lega Nord opposition party in Italy for the implementation of the Glass Steagall law.".

Lisäksi LaRouche -liikkeen kokonaisteesit muutenkin valtaavat alaa

--> “Roosevelt 2012 Collective” Founded in France: "French Presidential candidate Jacques Cheminade's intentions have been echoed in France, as a grouping of economists, politicians, and artists have put out a manifesto calling for a Franklin Roosevelt response to the crisis.".

-->Sky Shields Addresses Gathering of German LaRouche Movement: "Sky Shields, leader of the LPAC "Basement" Research Team, delivered this address, followed by Q&A, to a "cadre school" of younger activists with the LaRouche movement in Germany, held in multiple locations on March 24, 2012. He highlights two recent papers by Lyndon LaRouche, "The Principle of Metaphor", and "When is Real?".".

Myös Yhdysvalloissa mm. kaupungintalotapahtumissa LaRouche -liike tekee edistysaskelia

--> NJ Town Hall: Bringing Glaciers to the Deserts with Arctic Development and NAWAPA: "Congressional Candidate Diane Sare held a town hall March 24th, titled "Progress or Extinction: The Statesman and Citizen as Scientist." LPAC Basement Team member Cody Jones and Congressional Candidate Dave Christie (WA-9) were guest speakers at the event. Featured here is Dave Christie's presentation, "Bringing Glaciers to the Deserts with Arctic Development and NAWAPA.". ".

--> NJ Town Hall: The Economy of The Next 50 Years: "Congressional Candidate Diane Sare held a town hall March 24th, titled "Progress or Extinction: The Statesman and Citizen as Scientist." LPAC Basement Team member Cody Jones and Congressional Candidate Dave Christie (WA-9) were guest speakers at the event.".

--> NJ Town Hall: Glass-Steagall and Hamiltonian Credit as a Universal Policy: "Congressional Candidate Diane Sare held a town hall March 24th, titled "Progress or Extinction: The Statesman and Citizen as Scientist." LPAC Basement Team member Cody Jones and Congressional Candidate Dave Christie (WA-9) were guest speakers at the event. Featured here are Diane's introductory remarks.".

Maaliskuun 22. päivänä Lyndon LaRouche oli taas kerran Alex Jonesin radioshowssa, jonka linkki päättää tämän koosteen

--> Lyndon LaRouche on the Alex Jones Show · March 22, 2012: "Lyndon LaRouche was the guest on the Alex Jones show March 22nd, the focus of which was the imminent threat of an out-break of thermonuclear war.".

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