Sunday, May 13, 2012

Pankkiiri-eliitti -diktatuurin viherfasistiset - malthusilaiset tyrannia-, eugeniikka- ja neofeodaalimenetelmät: Artikkelikooste Infowars -sivustolta

Seuraavan kuukauden - kahden ajan koostan ja kirjoitan korostetun intensiivisesti transatlanttisen pankkiiri-eliitti -diktatuurin viherfasistisiin - malthusilaisiin tyrannia-, eugeniikka- ja neofeodaalimenetelmiinsä liittyviä paljastuksia, varoituksia ja kritiikkejä sekä kehitän niiden ja omien pohdintojeni kautta moiselle korvaavaa neorenessanssillista ja aitohumaania uutta maailmankuvakäsitystä.

Tämä on hyvin tärkeää, koska transatlanttinen eliitti on eri kartelliosissaan edelleen hyvin vaarallisen päämäärätietoinen ja agendantekohihhuloitunut saattaakseen maailman väestön oligarkkisen periaatteen mukaisesti pankkiiri-eliitti -diktatuurin hallisemaan neofeodaaliseen maailmanhallituksen ikeeseen; mm. ensi kuussa Rio de Janeirossa järjestettävä Rio+20 -ilmastokonferenssi toimii näiden eliittitavoitteiden pystyttämiseksi erittäin tähdellisesti ja siksikin on ajankohtaista rähistä tästä vyyhdistä!

--> Tähän diktatuurikokonaisuuteen kuuluu siis mm.: Erittäin radikaali väestön vähennys globaalisti, eugeniikkaperiaatteiden mukaiset neofeodalisoivat väestönkontrollimenetelmät ja poliisivaltiollisten menetelmien epähumaani käyttö tukijärjestelmänä. Viherfasistiset ja malthusilaiset aivopesuun, vääriin ja harhauttaviin uhkakuviin (Etenkin ilmastonmuutoskuvitelman käyttö harhauttavasti ja vääristävästi) sekä ko. eliitin pyörittämiin valtaliittomanipulointeihin perustuvat menetelmät toimivat siinä moisen orjayhteiskunnan pakottajina ja ehdollistajina - Ihmiskunnan huijaamiseksi itsetuhoiseen uuteen pimeään aikaan ja ihmisyyden potentiaalin omatoimiseen mitätöintiin vastoin parempaa tietoa, jota on paljon tarjolla ja jota nyt siis tuon esille koosteissani ja pohdinnoissani.

Meidän tulee havaita tässä juuri se, kuinka ns. hyvinä samarialaisina, humaaneina edistäjinä ja maailman pelastajina esiintyvät tahot ovatkin ja ovat olleet jo kauankin kaikkea muuta kuin sitä; oligarkkiseen periaatteeseen ja imperiaaliseen alistamiseen (talous)uskonnollisella fanaattisuudella tukeutuvat ovat siinä sen sijaan ilmiselvimmin ihmiskunnan vastaisia vihollisia ja muut ns. hyväuskoiset hölmöt heidän vihollisteesien pyörityksessä ovat kuin surullisen hahmon ritareita toimimalla sekä itsensä että promotoimansa ja / tai johtamansa asian - kansan turmiolliseksi vääryydeksi.

Aloitan tämänlaisen aikalaisajatteluumme ja -toimintaamme pesiytyneen valuvian / syövän havainnollistamisen ja kritisoimiseni koostamalla yhteenvedon tämän kevään aikana Alex Jonesin Infowars -sivustolla ilmestyneistä aihetta käsittelevistä - sivuavista artikkeleista. Ko. sivusto onkin oivallinen paikka poimia ko. vyyhtiä ruodintaan heidän runsaan ja intensiivisen poliittisyhteiskunnallisen seurannan ansiosta. Otan artikkelit aikajärjestyksessä esille tämän alkutekstini lopussa uusimmasta vanhimpaan ylhäältä lukien ja poimin jokaisesta pari - kolme lainausta tähdentääkseni tarkalleen ja mahdollisimman havainnollisesti, millaisesta totalitaarisen yhteiskuntadiktatuurin rakentamisesta on kyse.

Tämä kooste tulee toimimaan yhtenä pohjana tuleville omille pohdinnoilleni, joissa kiinnitän huomiota moiselle vaihtoehtoisten ajattelu- ja toimintamallien promotoimiseen. Transatlanttisen eliitin ja kätyriensä pahuuden - kelvottomuuden kyseenalaistamiseni tulee nousemaan uudelle tasolle, koska viimeistään nyt on osattava erottaa jyvät akanoista todella hyvin siinä, mitkä agendat ja teot sekä ketkä niiden pyörittäjät ja promotoijat ovat eniten vaaraksi sekä ihmiskunnalle että planeetallemmekin. Ja on alettava ymmärtämään ihmiskunnan rooli ja potentiaali hyvyyteen, edistykseen ja yhteishyvään entistä paljon paremmin tällä planeetallamme sekä osana Universumiakin; me olemme oikeasti "eläviä avaruusolentoja" emmekä mitään "kaikesta maapallon ulkopuolisesta erillisiä robotteja".

Tulemme huomaamaan eliitin toiminnan kyseenalaistuksissa edelleen kärkevöityen mm. sen, kuinka oleellisen seinähullua on ollut ja on yhä tämän luhistuvan transatlanttisen eliittimanipuloidun talousjärjestelmän epätoivoiset pelastamis- ja pönkittämisyritykset, kun samalla sen varjossa ja hyvin pitkälti myös sen takia yhteiskuntiamme on uhkaamassa ennen näkemättömiä sosiaalisia megaongelmia ja näiden väärällä tavalla politisoitujen ympäristöongelmien sijaan myös oikeita ympäristöllisiä uhkia ja rapautumisia!

Tässä kokonaisuudessa meiltä piilotettu maailma ja oman itsemme rooli siinä on siis tavallaan ollut kaikkea muuta, kuin mitä valtamediassa, koulukirjoissa, yliopistojen luennoilla, julkisessa keskustelussa ja yleisessä mielipiteessä on siitä meille esitetty. Nyt on aika korjata käsityksiämme paremmin neorenessanssillista humaanin kehityksen uutta aamunkoittoa vastaaviksi!...

Alex Jonesin Infowars -sivustolta juttuja omine lainauspoimintoineni --->

Group That Admitted Manufacturing Global Warming Threat Still Pushes Same Hoax - May 10th, 2012: "The same secretive organization that admittedly manufactured the global warming threat in 1990 is still pushing the same hoax today, with the Club of Rome issuing an alarmist report predicting a catastrophic rise in temperatures that will decimate the planet.".

"Aside from the vested interests, ice core samples continually show how temperature rises precipitate CO2 release. In other words CO2, that evil life-giving gas that trees breathe and humans exhale, is not a primary driver of climate change.

Indeed, global warming alarmists are becoming increasingly desperate to see their “system of governance” implemented given the fact that the science is now proving them to be liars and frauds.".

The Ultimate Green Bombshell: New Study Finds Wind Farms Cause Actual Climate Change - April 30th, 2012: "Critics have previously cited industrial wind turbine farms as a massive blot on the landscape, as well as accusing them of causing environmental and economic damage. Reports of bird and bat mortality, local deforestation, as well as negative effects on peat bogs in the UK – have all been cited in relation to the operation of wind turbines. Economic concerns include homes located near wind turbines losing significant value with some homes being impossible to sell and abandoned by their owners. Above all of this, the fact still remains that wind farms, like solar farms, cannot produce any significant amount of power required to feed the minimum base-load to electrify a small city.".

International Scientific Order Needed To Facilitate “The Big Die Off”, Top UN Adviser Says - April 30th, 2012: "In 2004, emeritus professor of physics at California State University and American representative to the UN, Roger Dittmann, stated that all policies related to Agenda 21 should be pursued with the aim of worldwide population reduction and population control. “The Big Die Off,” the professor eagerly added, “has already begun.” ".

"For those who think that the entire population reduction-mantra is somehow the end result of rigorous scientific thinking, the calculated, incremental and synchronized move toward a brave new world should inform them about its true origins. It is not a bottom-up thing, somehow evolving naturally from the grass roots; it is a top-down scientific dictatorship rather, posing as grass roots, but carefully crafted to brainwash as large an audience as it can through the use of mass media, schooling systems and other available instruments of propaganda.".

Saxe-Coburg-Gotha: Syphilitic Sociopaths Behind The “Green” Deception - April 29th, 2012: "Products of centuries of intermarrying between families, the questionable art of breeding human livestock has been cultivated to its extreme by different royal houses of (mostly) German descent festering over the European continent for many a century. As a result, this unholy, age-old cesspool of interbreeding gave birth to the most malicious type of human imaginable: the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha chieftain."

"The same Saxe-Coburg-Gotha-backed UN that spearheaded Earth Hour, facilitated the creation of the Club of Rome- which was the elite’s environmental cloak behind which mass-eugenics was put into action. King of Spain, Juan Carlos- who has recently been caught shooting elephants on a 26,000 Euro safari paid for by the already greatly suffering Spanish people- is a decade-long and honorary member of the WWF- just like his friend prince Bernhard of the Netherlands who in the exact same year of the first Earth Day (1970) founded the 1001 Club- which was set up to create funds for the World Wildlife Fund. To get his hands on the natural resources of Africa, Bernhard set up a dummy corporation to stake out the grounds.".

"According to the website of the World Wildlife Fund (currently known as the World Wide Fund for Nature), the club aspired to “stop the degradation of the planet’s natural environment, and building a future in which humans live in harmony with nature.” Decoding the Orwellian cryptics, it simply means “to confiscate the planet’s natural resources and conduct eugenics in perfect impunity”. Members of this illustrious club? To name the most prominent: king Juan Carlos of Spain, the British and French branches of the Rothschild genealogy, David Rockefeller and two of his brothers, prince, the British Petroleum representative Eric Drake, a plethora of European dukes and princes, viscounts and lords, and (to end on a curious note) sheik Salem Bin Laden. A true convergence of criminals to be sure.".

"Their game was both simple and effective: loans were extended to third world nations with very reasonable interest rates attached on the condition that the loan sharks got to plant their teeth within their sovereign borders and suck out the natural resources- which made good the initial losses by tenfold.".

"After World War II the elite had figured out it would be wise to not simply invade nations the old-fashioned way, but do it by stealth in order to guarantee future success. Openly claiming to denounce the more crude manifestations of eugenics, members of the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha genealogy decided that “saving the earth” would be the new “kill the unfit” ".

Elite Eugenicists Call For Mass Depopulation, Drastic Reduction In Energy Consumption - April 27th, 2012: "The Royal Society is a 350 year old establishment outfit, leading members of which are manifestly obsessed with pushing a depopulation agenda. The group has also thrown its full weight behind the global warming movement, lending its absolute support for legislation aimed at reducing carbon emissions by 80%, a process that will devastate the global economy and drastically reduce living standards everywhere.".

"It is clear that this organisation and these people are immersed in the science of eugenics, and that they have continued the science under the guise of environmentalism. They hate humanity and any notion that their population study represents anything other than an establishment avocation of mass depopulation is farcical.

It is imperative that the media, places of education, government representatives and the wider public are made aware of these facts.

Alex Jones’ film End Game explains why the elite are obsessed with pushing eugenics and bizarre race hygiene philosophies. Click here for more clips.".

"The Royal Society has also conducted extensive research into geoengineering the planet to manipulate its climate, and continually lobbies the government to divert funding into the area. The UK government recently published a lengthy report on geoengineering, drawing heavily on Royal Society research. The report proposed methods including spraying sulphate aerosols into the stratosphere to mimic the cooling effect produced by volcanic eruptions, as well as placing mirrors in space to reflect the Sun’s rays away from the Earth, a technique known as Solar Radiation Management (SRM).".

"Populations in developed countries are declining and only in third world countries are they expanding dramatically. Industrialization itself levels out population trends .... Since radical environmentalists are pushing to de-industrialize the world in the face of the so called carbon threat, this will reverse the trend that naturally lowers the amount of children people have. If climate change fanatics are allowed to implement their policies, global population will continue to increase and overpopulation may become a real problem – another example of how the global warming hysterics are actually harming the long term environment of the earth by preventing overpopulated countries from developing and naturally lowering their birth levels. .... The real solution would be to pour funds into increasing the standards of living of the cripplingly poor third world, allowing those countries to industrialize, and seeing the population figures naturally level out.".

Rio+20: Why Africans (and the world) Should Fear European Elite’s Green Agenda - April 26th, 2012: "NeoLiberal and European progressives have long worked to portray their environmental politics as ‘utilitarian’, in other words, they claim to be advocating policies that provide “the greatest good for the greatest number of people”.

Their illusion of a future Utopia is based on global ‘green’ policies carefully constructed and groomed over the last 30 years, an ideology that hit its stride at the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil – and event led by UN and globalist operators Maurice Strong and Al Gore. Green tsars introduced global warming as their main binding cause which the progressive social democracies of the world could rally around in order for the global elite to expedite their new green agenda. The UN’s Agenda 21 initiative was also put into play at the same time, a UN program that is currently being rolled out not just in Africa, but also in Europe, North America, Australia and every other nation who is willing to comply.".

"As the UN’s Rio+20 Climate Summit approaches on June 20-22, 2012, the globalist green cabal have regrouped and re-spun previous incarnations of their binding international treaty – moving away from the failed Carbon trading model, and more overtly towards social engineering. In the process, elite academics and social engineers, led by Great Britain’s Royal Society, have been forced to fast-track the public unveiling of their eugenics-based case for a Global Government administrated green agenda.".

"It seems that Western elites are now blaming third world countries like Africa for their past environmental crimes – even though past ecological disasters have been almost exclusively carried out by European and American transnational corporations.".

New Big Brother Satellite to “Hunt Down” Carbon Criminals - April 23rd, 2012: "Indeed, this represents the ultimate goal of green fascism, where cutting edge technology is used to oversee a scientific dictatorship in which every facet of human behavior is restricted and controlled. This is the first step towards the ‘Planned-Opolis’ society imagined by climate alarmist group Forum for the Future as illustrated in the terrifying video below --> Megacities on the move - Planned-opolis.".

UN Seeks New Powers to Remake World at Rio Sustainability Summit - April 23rd, 2012: "The United Nations plans to use its upcoming UN Conference on “Sustainable Development” (UN CSD or Rio+20) in Rio de Janeiro to amass a vast array of unprecedented new powers and literally re-shape civilization, the global economy, and even peoples’ thoughts, according to official documents. All of it will be done in the name of transitioning toward a so-called “green economy.”

Among the new authorities being sought by the world body are global carbon taxes, wealth redistribution amounting to trillions of dollars per year, and a barrage of programs dealing with everything from poverty and education to health and resource allocation. Virtually no realm of human activity will be unaffected by the scheme, which analysts have described as a “mammoth exercise in global social engineering.” ".

"The global body estimates that its schemes just in the “green infrastructure” field will end up costing over $1 trillion per year. Of course, agriculture and industry need to be “greened” as well, according to the UN. .... However, the UN understands that there may be a limit to how much wealth governments can extract from their populations or divert from investors to be poured into “green” programs. So, to deal with that, the world might have to move toward an international currency that would allow global authorities to finance the schemes by printing money. .... SDRs are a proto-global currency managed by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) based on the value of a basket of major fiat currencies. The global government-promoting establishment and a wide array of national leaders have been demanding for years that SDRs be used as a world currency — eventually displacing the U.S. dollar’s status.".

"Instead of traditional indicators of human progress and well-being — economic growth, for example — the global body intends to roll out new measurements such as the “UN System Environmental-Economic Accounting” (SEEA). That way, the tremendous loss to be suffered around the world in material well-being can be camouflaged by claiming that life has improved using other measures – happiness, perhaps, or sustainability.".

Eco-Fascist: Track Climate Skeptics Burn Down Their Homes - April 21st, 2012 ja Climate Alarmist Calls For Burning Down Skeptics’ Homes - April 19th, 2012: "Writing for Forbes Magazine, climate change alarmist Steve Zwick calls for skeptics of man-made global warming to be tracked, hunted down and have their homes burned to the ground, yet another shocking illustration of how eco-fascism is rife within the environmentalist lobby.".

"In 2010, UK government-backed global warming alarmist group 10:10 produced an infomercial in which children who refused to lower their carbon emissions were slaughtered in an orgy of blood and guts.".

"The same year, ‘Gaia hypothesis’ creator James Lovelock asserted that “democracy must be put on hold” to combat global warming and that “a few people with authority” should be allowed to run the planet because people were too stupid to be allowed to steer their own destinies.".

"In 2006, an environmental magazine to which Al Gore and Bill Moyers had both granted interviews advocated that climate skeptics who are part of the “denial industry” be arrested and made to face Nuremberg-style war crimes trials.".

Agenda 21 Brainwashing: “Integrating Population Issues Into Environmental Mass Media Coverage” - April 17th, 2012: "As we know, the globalists have decided long ago that the environmental debate is no longer a debate- it has been decreed that the “discussion is over” and everyone should better realize that man is the prime cause for global warming on the planet earth, or of any other natural calamity. As long as it serves the double purpose of the elite: to abolish nation-states in favor of a great global government, and reduce the world population in the same breath.".

The Ultimate Euphemism: UN Calls Its Blueprint For Mass Death A “Virtuous Green Path” - April 16th, 2012: "During an ENESCO-conference in October 1977 held (bizarrely) in Soviet Russia, the Director-General of UNESCO, Amadou-Mahtar M’Bow, “paid tribute to the Soviet Union and to the spectacular results achieved since the October Revolution in all areas of economic, social and cultural life, particularly in education and science, and, more especially, in environmental education.”

You’re reading it right. Here the good Director-General is paying tribute to a then 60-year old regime responsible for murdering many millions of its own people in death camps and deliberate mass-scale starvation-operations. Yes, “environmental issues” were very high on the agenda of the USSR, very high indeed.".

"From the moment the Rockefeller funded family planning-machine was widely kicked off in the 1960s and 70s, numerous meetings have been held in the last couple of decades where various strategies were discussed to implement population-reduction on as large a scale as possible. The strategies in question were especially directed towards the third world as the globalists had virtual carte blanche in the impoverished developing countries. The famous 1994 population conference in Cairo outlined some of the proposed strategies to be implemented. Then Secretary-General of the UN, Boutros Boutros-Ghali in his opening statement on the International Conference on Population and Development, stated that:

“I am not exaggerating when I say that not only does the future of the human society depend on this Conference but also the efficacy of the economic order of the planet on which we live.” ".

"In short- a great part of the 1990s was occupied with a coordinated mobilization of mass media for propaganda purposes by the global elite, a test case so to speak, before implementing the same strategies worldwide in the first decades of the 21st century. The great global warming swindle then was put into action, arriving just in time as the environmental issue to attach the basic message to: there are too many of us- and our numbers should be reduced before the planet is destroyed. Because the warming is global, the response should be so as well. However eloquently the message may be presented by hopelessly compliant media outlets, it is the tyrant’s voice we discern amidst the chatter- and all with ears to hear should educate their neighbor in this all-out information war. Let’s not forget what the elite who have funded the UN from the moment of its very conception have always aspired. In the words of the aristocratic fiend Prince Philip:

“If I were reincarnated, I would wish to be returned to earth as a killer virus to lower human population levels.” ".

NASA 1986: Human Race Extinct “In A Few Decades” Due to Global Warming - April 13th, 2012: "An Associated Press report from 1986 has been dug out of the archives in which NASA predicts that global warming will cause the extinction of the human race “in a few decades,” proving once again that the same crowd now demanding carbon taxes be imposed to save the planet have been caught red-handed lying and exaggerating scientific data to justify their political crusade.".

"The 21st century version of Robert Watson, NASA’s James Hansen, will give a speech on Tuesday in which he will argue that carbon taxes, guaranteed to send already sky high energy prices skyrocketing further, need to be imposed immediately by a de facto global government in the name of saving mother earth.

Hansen’s other proposals are even more draconian. In 2010, he endorsed a book written by fellow alarmist Keith Farnish in which the author called for acts of sabotage and environmental terrorism in blowing up dams and demolishing cities in order to return the planet to the agrarian age.

“The only way to prevent global ecological collapse and thus ensure the survival of humanity is to rid the world of Industrial Civilization,” writes Farnish, adding that “people will die in huge numbers when civilization collapses”.".

"Before the idea of man-made global warming became the central vehicle of climate change fearmongering, the same people now pushing carbon taxes to mitigate rising temperatures were trumpeting the notion of global cooling as the biggest threat facing mankind.

In the 70′s, current White House science czar and
avowed eugenicist John P. Holdren was busy talking up the drastic threat of global cooling, warning that it would produce giant tidal waves and environmental devastation. .... Of course, Holdren and his ilk were spectacularly wrong with their doomsday predictions about global cooling, but almost entirely the same crowd are now telling us that global warming is a gargantuan threat and that only a carbon tax paid directly to their buddies who own the big carbon exchanges can stop it.".

Green Police? DHS Launches ‘Environmental Justice’ Units - April 11th, 2012: "In its Environmental Justice Strategy document, the DHS says the idea is to “include environmental justice practices in our larger mission efforts involving federal law enforcement and emergency response activities” and to incorporate environmental justice in “securing the homeland”.".

State Seizes Property Under ‘Green’ Zoning Laws, Terrorizes Man To Death - April 11th, 2012: "The shocking story of Andrew Wordes, who had his property seized and was terrorized to death by the city of Roswell, GA, for the crime of keeping chickens on his land, underscores how “green” zoning laws introduced in accordance with the United Nations’ Agenda 21 policy are responsible for a new wave of brutal neo-feudalism now sweeping the United States.".

"What is abundantly clear is the fact that Andrew Wordes was terrorized, harassed and abused to death by a predatory state whose plan all along was to seize the property under the justification of so-called ‘green’ zoning laws.

Check out Natural News’ infographic for a detailed summary of Andrew Wordes’ case.".

"The United Nations’ Agenda 21 project, which cities and states are now adhering to in places like California, where building detached family homes is now virtually illegal, dictates that authorities must adopt “sustainable development” policies at all costs.

Under the new system of eco-fascism that the elite are implementing through the vehicle of global warming hysteria, property rights are non-existent as people are forced into high density prison cities wherein any form of self-sufficiency whatsoever, down to the level of keeping chickens, is crushed under the iron fist of regulation, code enforcement, and authoritarian environmental despotism.".

California Declares War On Family Homes to ‘Save the Planet’ - April 10th, 2012: "The state of California has declared war on detached family homes, with laws passed to mitigate car use and carbon dioxide emissions now leading to policies that mandate up to 30 homes be built on a single acre of land, fulfilling the goal of climate change alarmists to pack people into densely populated prison cities.".

"This is all part of the United Nations’ Agenda 21 project which demands that member nations adopt “sustainable development” policies that are little more than a disguise for the reintroduction of neo-feudalism and only serve to reduce living standards and quality of life.".

"The true motivation behind this agenda was recently unveiled at the ‘Planet Under Pressure’ conference in London, during which climate change alarmists presented their blueprint for humans to be packed into denser cities (eco-gulags?) so that the rest of the planet can be surrendered to mother nature. It’s a similar idea to the nightmare ‘Planned-Opolis’ proposal put out by the Forum for the Future organization last year, in which human activity will be tightly regulated by a dictatorial technocracy in the name of saving the planet, with cars for personal use banned and only accessible to members of the elite.".

"The mindset of this gaggle of arrogant, scoffing elitists in their drive to micro-manage the human race, which they regard as a plague on the earth, was best encapsulated by the following quote from ‘Planet Under Pressure’ attendee and Yale University professor Karen Seto. --> “We certainly don’t want them (humans) strolling about the entire countryside. We want them to save land for nature by living closely [together],” Seto told MSNBC.".

Genocide-Endorsing Climate Alarmist Calls For Global Tax on Carbon Emissions - April 9th, 2012: "As we have exhaustively documented, now that global warming alarmists are clearly losing the scientific debate, they have resorted to trying to silence their ideological opponents by authoritarian decree, ludicrously equating skepticism with hate speech, while pursuing their agenda with the understanding that it will be enforced by tyrannical conquest, not by consent.".

Melinda Gates: Worrying About Population Control “Has Led To Much Suffering And Death” - April 7th, 2012: "Speaking of “code” at a 2006 gathering of top globalists devoted to the “family planning agenda” under the umbrella-name “Demographic Dynamics and Socio-Economic Development”, professor of Medical Demography at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, John Cleland, admitted to the fact that they should cease using coded language when communicating to the general public. The gathering was attended by the usual suspects. Representatives were present of the United Nations Population Fund, the International Planned Parenthood Foundation, the European Commission, the World Bank and, last but not least, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.".

"As Paul Joseph Watson wrote in his September 21 2010 article Global Tax Scam Shifts From Climate Change To Poverty the new guise under which the same old population control agenda is being pursued is now called “poverty reduction” as global warming has hit a bit of a snag along the way.

To people who cannot believe dear Melinda would ever engage in deceiving an audience, let alone execute an age-old population control agenda, I always recommend reading Henry Kissinger’s 1974
National Security Study Memorandum 200in which the fiend wrote:

“(…) economic and social progress resulting from population control will (…) contribute to the decline in fertility rates” and “we cannot wait for overall modernization and development to produce lower fertility rates (…)”.".

"In 2005 a professor at MIT, ferociously writing on a chalkboard, echoed the old eugenic oath. Telling her students that as future scientists they need not worry about the population growth in developed countries, but focus all the more on reducing the populations in developing ones, she continued by saying:

“(from 10 minutes, 10 seconds onward) The real trick is, in terms of trying to level off at someplace lower than that 9 billion, is to get the birthrates in the developing countries to drop as fast as we can. And that will determine the level at which humans will level off on earth.”

“As fast as we can”. This, at its core, is an admission of 21st century eugenics in action- and it is yet another example of the fact that eugenics has anything but died out. On the contrary: it has never been more alive.".

Professor Norgaard Urged Obama To Ignore Democracy, Public Opinion: "The climate change professor at the center of the scandal over her assertion that global warming skeptics were akin to racists and should be “treated” for having a psychiatric disorder wrote a letter in which she praised Barack Obama for hiring eugenicist John P. Holdren as his chief science advisor, while also urging Obama to ignore public opinion and disregard democracy in favor of enforcing draconian climate change mandates.".

"As the Watts Up With That blog documents, the University of Oregon has attempted to re-write history Soviet-style by amending the controversial terms used in Norgaard’s paper without so much as an editor’s note.

However, a damning letter written by Norgaard which appears on the Whitman College Magazine website has not yet been erased. In the letter, Norgaard praises Barack Obama for making an “excellent choice” in hiring John P. Holdren, whom she inaccurately describes as a “Nobel Peace Prize winner”.

As we have exhaustively documented, Holdren is an avowed eugenicist who in his 1977 book Ecoscience called for a “planetary regime” to carry out forced abortions and mandatory sterilization procedures, as well as drugging the water supply, in an effort to cull the human surplus.".

"The fact that there is a blatant effort on behalf of the academic establishment to distance itself from Norgaard, with information about her being deleted from University websites, illustrates how the climate change alarmist movement is none too keen on having Norgaard’s ideas receive too much public attention. Indeed, You Tube is now deleting videos that contain criticism of Norgaard in response to frivolous complaints.

This whole episode again underscores the fact that if you scratch beneath the surface of the rhetoric coming from global warming alarmists, you encounter some of the most offensive, despotic and downright dangerous ideology from people in positions of power that society has faced for decades.".

Climate Change Skepticism a Sickness That Must be “Treated,” Says Professor: "Professor Kari Norgaard, who is currently appearing at the ‘Planet Under Pressure’ conference in London, has presented a paper in which she argues that “cultural resistance” to accepting the premise that humans are responsible for climate change “must be recognized and treated” as an aberrant sociological behavior.".

"Norgaard equates skepticism of climate change alarmists – whose data is continually proven to be politicized, agenda driven and downright inaccurate – with racism, noting that overcoming such viewpoints poses a similar challenge “to racism or slavery in the U.S. South.” ".

"As Jurriaan Maessen documented yesterday, the ‘Planet Under Pressure’ confab at which Norgaard is appearing to push this insane drivel is nothing other than a strategy session for neo-eugenicists to hone their population control agenda.".

"Norgaard’s effort to equate climate skepticism with racism as a disorder that requires “treatment” also serves as a reminder of the story we covered earlier this month about the establishment’s efforts to push the pharmaceutical heart drug Propranolol as a “cure” for racist thoughts.".

Earth Summit 2012 Promoters Call For Implementation Of “Personal Carbon Quotas”: "An organization calling itself “The Regeneration Project” calls for governments and NGO’s to create “personal carbon quotas, essentially making carbon a new form of currency for Individuals.” ".

"In addition the group suggests “expanding the mandate of the UN Security Council to include environmental issues and security issues related to the environment” as well as “an International Court for the Environment (ICE) to settle disputes related to the environment and international environmental law.”

A global carbon policy, in other words, enforced by global carbon cops. Furthermore, the group advocates implementation of population stabilization policies at the earth summit to be held in Rio in June of this year.".

"This is quite a set of proposals issued by the group that would raise our eyebrows if the group was not co-sponsored by the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) and the World Bank. We have come to expect such things from these organizations. It was the World Bank which back in 1984 suggested (page eight) that “drastic steps” will be necessary if developing nations do not comply with their population control directives.".

You Tube Now Banning Videos Critical of Global Warming Alarmism: "The video, which can be viewed above via, contains a clip from Infowars Nightly News in which Alex Jones gives Professor Norgaard the coveted ‘Skeksy Award’, which is reserved for only the most ardent promoters of tyranny and authoritarianism ---> Professor Wants to Drug Climate Skeptics.".

Infowars -videoita:

Death Loving Sociopathic Professor Calls for Global ‘Genocide’ to Save Earth - April 25th, 2012,

Say Hello to Your New Master: Environmental Dictatorship - April 24th, 2012

Agenda 21 Green Kiss of Death - April 13th, 2012.

Omia aiheeseen liittyviä kirjoituksiani viimeisen vuoden ajalta:

Maapallon väestön liikakasvukuvitelma globalistieliitin propaganda-aseena maailmanherruusagendoilleen: Tausta-aineistoa - Osa 1

Maapallon väestön liikakasvukuvitelma globalistieliitin propaganda-aseena maailmanherruusagendoilleen: Tausta-aineistoa - Osa 2

Maapallon väestön liikakasvukuvitelma globalistieliitin propaganda-aseena maailmanherruusagendoilleen: Tausta-aineistoa - Osa 3.

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